DVA is useless now

When developers decided to nerf her they only looked at OWL, not at regular game. As a result now D.va can be played ONLY in Goats, where she will be protected by Rein and Zarya she will be healed by 3 support. In any other setups she in a sec.

Brig was the impetus for GOATs. No other healer offers the AoE sustain for melee-range tank stacking comps that she does with Inspire and her Ult, which charges fairly quickly… As well as her armor pack, boops, and stun which allows her to set up kills for her team (and made Reinhardt borderline unplayable for a time).

GOATs is the result of a situation, not necessarily one hero in particular. Brig was just the latest one added, which created the situation that made GOATs as strong/viable as it became. It was initially run with a Moira in place of a Zenyatta, as well…

Before then, people were running Quad Tank as a niche comp in some situations.

The sustain went through the roof, and Zarya’s damage output is redunkulous when she’s charged up and you have pro-level tracking.

High Sustain, Tons of HP/Armor, Lots of Damage Denial/Prevention, and Brig countering Dive Tanks and Flanker to varying degrees. If GOATs didn’t figure it out, some team in the OWL would have - and everyone would have copied it, anyways… It was just too good - especially with Pre-Nerf Brigitte.

They gave her a “junker” skin for a reason. She’s trash now :confused:

F in the replies since i doubt blizzard will ever buff her back to being useful

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Nope. She’s a “situational pick” now!
She is not “underpowered”, only useful in certain scenarios!

How dare people want to play a hero in more than just .1 percent of comps when necessary!!!

(hopefully the devs care when her pick and win rate continue to bottom out)

The nerf should have been ok, but it has brought this bug from at least February out to the forefront. All the nerfs have made this bug actually gamebreaking for D.va if it wasn’t for the bug, these nerfs might still see D.va in a decent place. Or alternatively, without the nerfs, this bug wouldn’t be so crippling.

DM literally breaks entirely if a part of it clips a wall. If you’ve ever tried to fly up to a McCree on the highground to eat his high-noon, seen the deletion flash effect, heard the deletion sound effect, and heard the “I think your clock’s off” voiceline but STILL had your mercy die to his ult, this is why. Your DM probably touched the edge of the floor he was on, and the game decided to delete DM instead of deleting his bullet.

Blizz, plz fix.


Fact people played comp in a fresh season and this would heavily influence any one playing D.Va nevermind actual mains results is an actual disgrace.

Be like if widowmakers scope didn’t line up with your crosshair.

To my knowledge it still isn’t fixed.

But it’s just D.Va though so its fine.

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One of the best ultimates. Gave her micro missiles for better range.

Feel for players with regards to defense matrix. It’s been changed up a lot. I was kind of a fan of the first live version with cool down. The next version was pretty good. When the 2 second cool down was added, that made it much more difficult to defend the team or wait for an ultimate to eat. The smaller Matrix adds to the difficulty.

Still, overall, a really good kit.

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Was this not fixed on the last PTR patch?

I wasn’t aware of the bug back then so I didn’t test it.

Some may disagree in this thread, but I agree.
Dva still has a unique and solid kit.

To be honest, I was afraid she would become F-tier because her stats were dropping at a fast rate, but that doesn’t seems to be the case. She’s currently not in a unhealthy/bad spot.

Incorrect but im sick of this argument.

Can you not spread misinformation.

She has a game breaking bug in design as of now and is currently recovering from blatent overnerfs.

All im saying on the matter.

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The ability to team kill the opponent with self-destruct (very difficult but with team work, timing, and practice it’s not impossible). The ability to cancel an ultimate. Eating popular projectile ultimates, I’m glad they added that contribution to the feed. The value of those abilities can’t be underrated. Plus, shotgun machine-guns without reload. Micro-missiles. Platforming mobility. It’s a great kit.

Seriously no.
It’s one of the worst in terms of killing potential, and its zoning potential is widely overestimated.
Some of the best ultimates are Graviton Surge, EMP, Nanoboost, Earthshatter, Transcendance. Self-Destruct pales next to those.

Her pickrate is still dropping in GM. Her winrate has wild variations due to her low pickrate too.
In Master she’s the worst tank, and the worst off-tank in Diamond.


That’s why you combo ultimate. Self destruct combined with Graviton Surge, EMP, Earthshatter is pretty decent.

Then every ult becomes “one of the best.”
Plenty of ults can be combined to those and statistically they yield better results than SD.


This is true. With team work, every ultimate becomes “one of the best”. Should have articulated it’s one of the best within the tank group. Still, I stand by thinking SD is one of the best ultimates. AOE, with good teamwork, launch angle, in an open space; you can win a team fight and objective while sub tanking. Its a fantastic contribution adding to DVa’s kit.

Other heroes can combo and destroy the team too – they contribute in different ways.

When there’s Earthshatter and Graviton Surge in the list ? That would barely make it 3rd out of 7. No merit in that.
But it isn’t even at that spot. Primal Rage is better at zoning since you have more control on the enemy, and it also gets more kills. That would be 4th out of 7.
This leaves us with Supercharger, Minefield and Whole Hog.
Whole Hog gets more kills and deals more damage (5000 damage max), but it can’t be comboed and it’s not that great at zoning because of the recoil limiting the range. I’d put that one last.
Supercharger is definitely ahead though, as damage boost is very powerful, so a 50% team-wide damage boost is even more. I’d say it’s above Primal Rage.
Minefield has no stats, it’s good at zoning and comboes kinda well, it also works wonders with Hammond’s kit. It’s hard to judge it though without stats.
Which gives us:

  1. Graviton Surge
  2. Earthshatter
  3. Supercharger
  4. Primal Rage
  5. Self-Destruct
  6. Whole Hog

Off-rankings: Minefield

You mean off-tanking ? Cause when D.Va uses Self-Destruct, she isn’t tanking. She’s not a tank out of her mech.
Besides, nearly every ult can win a team fight and objective, and most of them do it waaaaaaay better, waaaaaay more often than SD.


Useless is a strong word for a hero that has an above average pickrate and balanced winrate.

But sure, aside from that “little” detail she’s totally right down there with Sym and Bastion at the bottom right? :roll_eyes:

Self-destruct is a B-C tier ult. It’s not the best tank ult. It’s not even the best off-tank ult. Depending on who you talk to, it’s not even the best dive tank ult


I don’t know.
I think it’s pretty good ultimate for what it offers.

  • Second life.
  • Zoning an area.
  • Potential multi kill.

I would personally ranks it more like a A-tier/B-tier ultimate due to its potential.

I’m not saying it’s bad, I’m saying it’s not the best. It’s perfectly plenty good. But that’s not what that person was arguing.