D.Va is playable, but still weak enough to be neither balanced nor fun in modern Overwatch

You seem the type of person to enjoy doublebarrier in that case.

DM hasn’t been a problem since they gut it’s distance by 33% though.

In fact it has been anything but. Not even having 1 second cooldown back made defence matrix a good option to barriers.


Then remove missiles, restore fusion cannon power and give her another tanking ability like shielding health of some sort. The point is she needs major buffs.


Actually no, she was fairly easy to stun and kill even before she was nerfed,
now it’s just easier, which I love, because if you give a character the ability to press E and eat any ult for free, you should probably nerf them in some other way.

QQ Moar, maybe try again and come back for OW2: Electric Boogaloo

Defense matrix should work on rock.


You mean like a shield? I like that you’re so ignorant you don’t even know that DM is on right click. Clearly you’ve never played her or you’d know that proactive deletion is much more skill intensive than shields. Anyways, don’t worry I’m not coming back for OW2 at this rate, since they cater for losers like you.

Like barriers? Which can block and render 68% ingame ultimates useless for free at the press of a button and can be sustained for longer period?

Sounds to me like you’re making a big deal out of an ability that might have a small chance to eat 4 ultis out of 30, on the princible that the ultimate disappears and becomes useless rather than just gets blocked and is still useless.

The ultimate which gets blocked is still just as useless as the ultimate that gets eaten, it’s only a minor technicality. But only Orisa barrier nerf really comes close to the impact of defence matrix distance nerf .


By “has been a problem” I meant that DM has historically been a problem, and that fixing it has itself caused other problems, in this case Dva being really bad.

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Yeah, whoops. My point being at the click of a button. You sure showed me.

That’s great to hear! Maybe once butthurt fanboys who cry salt everytime their favorite hero gets nerfed are all gone, OW2 might actually be less of a pain to balance this time around.

I think you are ignoring it or downplaying it tbh.

Beyblade was triple tank lol.

Shields do that better and have for a long time now.

But absolutely annihlates all the dps to the point you had to stack non dps to even have a chance

Again you missed the point why would I use the ultimate combo when its best for my opponents thats just me using my ultimate wastefully. Why would I not wait until you use your mobility option to ult you?

Didn’t stop it from absolute wrecking the entire game at the time and being a huge reason tnaks were picked in additon to Bionade being busted. Nano visor is still ok now but tbh thepower drop is more due to simply more things existing than any thing. I Things like new tanks that answer it better (Sigma) way way better targets Genji, Buffed McCree, Ashe/Bob, ect. But still on its own it still has a pretty high celling of what it can do. Its just that others can do it faster and more efficiently now.

The main reason for that is entierly in the dps balance not tank balance.

And that didn’t work out that well without Ana’s broken nade. Which was the real issue at the time.

So winning the objective is useless? Nano literally is the I have more stats than you so I can dominate you ultimate. How is that not the main point of Ana that you are working towards even currently? And that was done much better by Reaper and from way more safety by soilder.

Only because those matchups were never actually 1 vs 1 but the D.va was getting heals from Ana the whole time. But it is super easy to think it was all her fault.

The third paragraph is true though and we agree here.

The boop change is one of the worst changes of all time. I don’t say that because of d.va btw. I care far far more about that when I play dps then I do tank.

And I also think you are not accurately asses mobility if you are making this argument. Because spoiler alert it isn’t easy to keep that tesla cannon in range all of the time even with leap because both heroes can move. You don’t have to have mobility options to simply press turn around and get away from a hero that used there mobility option already. Especially when said hero has a debuff for there own move speed (d.va) while firing. Literally walking as Bastion is faster than shooting d.va. Its not hard to outrange her gun when you don’t have to do anything different and you move faster than her.


I really don’t see it. It’s like 50% Dva mains, with the rest being comments about other characters and a few saying that she was indeed OP. Didn’t see anyone who irrationally wanted her nerfed into the ground. I see more in this thread than I did when she was actually OP.

Edit: more per thread

Beyblade died in S2, triple tank entrenched itself in S3.

It absolutely wasn’t. We know this from early S4, prior to the Ana and 76 nerfs. The two dominant pro comps of the era were Selfless (Rein/Hog/Tracer/76/Ana/Lucio), and Rogue(Winston/Genji/Tracer/76/Zen/Lucio). 3DPS without nanovisor was competitive, if not good, against a comp that did have nanovisor.

People used to joke that Selfless’ 76 player, Dafran, would sandbag by ulting because being unable to hit headshots in visor is a massive drawback and his aim was good enough.

Meanwhile, in Korea, Lunatic Hai ran 2/2/2 Ana dive without 76. It wasn’t until 2/2/2 Zen dive was standardized that 76 found his way back into the meta.

Widow was from buffs, but 76 finding his way back in was a meta evolution with no actual changes to balance.

You could actually do it without nade. Nade was too valuable to be used for just that alone.

Again, why waste nano when you can do it through other means?

Because it really isn’t all that fight changing relative to nade or sleep, at least until the health boost was added, and then it was used as a prophylactic rez on q but better. It wasn’t a wincon when used as such.

Reaper wasn’t relevant during triple tank. You’re literally confusing your metas. Meanwhile firing from safety on 76 isn’t exactly a clear advantage, since that means your enemies have cover too, and he’s worse at rushing cover in visor.

Chasing down isolated DPS would frequently break LoS, and Dva just wasn’t that high of a priority compared to maintaining safe positioning and supporting the other tanks with sleep and nade. You typically could count on your Dva returning with 100hp or so.

FWIW I think self slows should be unconditionally deleted from the game for every character, but otherwise, that is my point, boops are supposed to do that. For a lot of characters that’s their counterplay to being rushed. It would be pointless if it did nothing.

I feel like Zarya is D.Va’s biggest problem. I know she isn’t technically meta anymore but she is still so common and she really limits what D.Va can do.

D.Va just suffers from everything that’s meta today, yes she might be “balanced” but she’s not “balanced” to today’s standards. Tanks shouldn’t be restricted to 1 sort of play/meta. D.Va wasn’t back then, so why is she now?

I fear that the Devs are to scared to buff D.Va agian to where she is strong because you know, D.Va was played in pretty much every meta for 2+ years for a good reason, not because she was strong, because of her kit. Her Kit is now out-dated because they devs seem to add characters like: Hammond/Sigma to the game to compete with her. D.Va needs stronger everything if they are going to keep adding competiton to D.Va.

D.Va needs buffs, she really does, buffs that are actually meaningful, like armor buffs and a spread decrease.


Kinetic Grasp removal would help D.Va significantly. Defense Matrix is the only thign D.Va is picked for, but when a character comes along that has the exact same ability + MUCH MORE, then how do you expect D.Va to compete with that?

Removing KG would do nothing for D.Va. The best ability to compete with DM is his barrier, as it can contest high ground safely (unlike D.Va who has to put herself in the fire) and offers his team flexible peel.

KG serves as self-peel most of the time. Removing abilities for the sake of it without offering anything in return isn’t a good idea either.


And removing sigma barrier would do nothing to end doubleshield, it would only cement the worst type of doubleshield: rein orisa. That’s real cancer due to the extra shielding.


Sigma has the most survivability out of all the tanks (and characters) in this whole game.

Idk why anybody would choose dva the ulti feed bot instead of the most difficult character to kill in this whole game. When they bring remarkably similar utilities, with sigma having none of the downsides. Just not in a rush to run at enemies and feed.

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