D.Va is playable, but still weak enough to be neither balanced nor fun in modern Overwatch

She’s gone from “does too much” to “does nothing, but takes the player doing a lot to be not downright harmful to the team”. And now that amount of effort to “not actively harm your team” has gone down a tiny bit, but it still feels like a 5v6 where you’re contributing nothing despite massive effort a lot of the time. Modern overwatch is BeamMeleeBoopWatch. Having stripped her DM down over and over till it made doubleshield the only viable comp, having removed her knockback resistance, having intentionally designed every single new ult and new hero to bypass DM, we’re left with an obsolete tank in an ecosystem where you don’t CHOOSE to counter her, you have to go out of your way NOT to counter her. By default, she is hard countered. Small adjustments to DM and overdue adjustments to her self slow will never fix that. Even reverting DM wouldn’t really help her.

The only thing that will work now is tuning down the intentional weakness baked into her kit to compensate for strengths she no longer has. There is literally NOT A SINGLE OTHER TANK IN THIS GAME that can be bypassed entirely by choosing different damage types. NOT A SINGLE ONE works this way. Except D.Va. That this problem has not been dealt with is weird to me. Now the complicated way to fix this is to grant her another tanking ability. The simpler, and best solution in my opinion, is to give her back the one she used to have: D.Va needs a mech made of metal instead of paper.

Give her back armour. Can we get an experimental card with more armour? I personally think fully reverting her to 200HP and 400 Armour as she used to have is fully justified. Maintank D.Va is something the tank category sorely needs back. But at the very least, 50, 100 extra armour. Anything to make her slightly more tanky without messing with DM which isn’t where the real problem lies (not that 1 second cooldown is not appreciated, she should never have had a less responsive tanking ability than Sigma).


They should just up her fire rate by 10% and it will be a decent hero.


I get wanting your main to be playable but this just brings back all the problems she used to cause. The fact that the devs saturated the game with beams and melee to counter DM doesn’t make it any easier for the likes of Zen. Not that I haven’t said it a trillion times but yeah there’s no way forward without some new ability.


the problem is the powercreep…

she still cannot compete even with this insane buffs they gave her…

winston dies pretty fast, her matrix is not enough to save reinhardt from massive burst damage and orisas shield is just a huge joke…

there is nothing dva can do when people run over sigma…

unless you are an OWL player ofc… because thats the only thing this devs care about now.


The problem is that redeployable barriers are overtuned with too much free value and basically no scope to punish them, even when they’re broken.

I think the problem is the health pools.

Damage is too efficient while damage mitigation continues to be reduced.


Disagree. All the same problems that D.Va had with DM being very reactive exist with Sigma and Rein.

Difference is D.Va has way more downtime than they do on DM than they have their barriers.

Rein is barely punished if you break his barrier, worse still he has the HP to be able to dump resources in to get aggressive and be really effective. Sigma meanwhile presses shift while he grabs cover and hides for a couple of seconds to recharge and he’s good to go again.

In either case they also have ample warning their shield is about to break so they can completely ignore the cooldown before it’ll recharge. You have little excuse to actually let it break at all.


Barriers are a necessity in today’s game age. I appreciate the audio and visual cues associated with them

I’m curious. Wouldn’t it be so interesting if dva had visual cues on her dm? Does it even last long enough for visual cues to be worth it?

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No. Thats the only thing thats protecting the team from all the spamm damage thrown around. Unility is worthless if your team dies. Its not that barriers are to strong. No. Damage is to stong because without a shield you will be send to spawn every minute.


I don’t think barriers are, or should be, necessary. I’ve played enough “bad composition” matches without them to know I actually prefer playing that way.

Barriers make the game very static and concentrated into big team fights. Take them away and play gets more spread out, and there’s much more value in the neutral game.

Barriers are exactly what allow everyone to stand in one place and spam damage mindlessly from safety.

Again wrong. Turn down the damage because we could have room for utility then and not just raw protection. Damage powercreep lead us were we are right now. Making tanks even worse will not healp the game at all.

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When you get a ‘bad composition’ on both sides, with no barriers. What do you do? Throw your arms up and despair that there are no barriers and ignore the game like it never happened?

Or do you just play on, just differently?

Have you noticed that there is no spam damage, because everyone has to spread to use cover and map geometry properly? Because neither side has the comfort of barriers to enable them to do that?



there was a time i could play dva with reinhardt without any problems…

the problem is the powercreep…


“but still weak enough to be neither balanced nor fun in modern overwatch”

You can thank CC creep and shieldmeta for that. It ruined Overwatch in general.

D.va if anything is OP right now. It’s just that toe man is more OP than her.

And in any case she was meta for 2+ years. Let other off-tank shine.

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If you think Dva is OP I have bad news for you… you might just be bad because she is “meh” at best right now.


As long as you’re not running into Rein with Sigma or Zarya, you’ll do okay.

There’s a clear common denominator there.

She is the least picked tank in every rank above gold.


OWL is just running Zarya with the Winston now, cause bubble > matrix.