D.Va is playable, but still weak enough to be neither balanced nor fun in modern Overwatch

Monkey’s ridiculous Shield is definitely part of it.

You don’t give a Dive tank a 700hp 360-degree shield and a Shield tank (Orisa) a 600hp 180-degree shield.

I know the cooldowns are different, but the versatility of Winston’s bubble wins every time–and most times a fight is won in the first few seconds.

As for D.Va, she suffers from the same problem that most tanks suffer from, their SHOOTING in a First Person SHOOTER feels underwhelming. It’s tickly and short and inaccurate.

The more they reduce her spread, the more effective she’ll feel. Reduce it a shade (maybe 20%) and adjust her HP/armor ratio (we’re talking maybe 50 more armor and 50 less HP) and she’ll be fine. New missiles feel more responsive, Matrix is in a good spot, and flight is nice.

Just make her shooting feel better and do something to stop her getting shredded. Maybe let her re-mech as soon as she’s fired ult–there’ll still be a small period of vulnerability.


Also the fact that she has literally the largest ‘head’ hitbox that renders her 600 hp pool worthless (Hog at least can heal himself) and tapping matrix consumes 1/4 of the total energy bar.

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Reverting her old armor is the way to go, HOWEVER, they should then remove 100HP off of her mech as a tradeoff - so it’s 400 armor + 100 HP, just like in Season 1.

Or they can tweak/remove her critbox that’s the size of the Sun.

D.Va and Winston melt like butter right now. And Brig’s E armor is gone… Hear us out, Blizz pls :weary:

Maybe we can just make it so DM can eat beams. Zarya has a large clip size so she will survived.

Or maybe those weren’t actually problems with the first place. Maybe the problems that people kept forcing to be D.va were never actually d.va’s fault in the first place. There are clear differences in when it comes to blaming certain heroes over others but somehow its never the other heroes getting the flack.


I didn’t know she was weak, I destroyed people with dva before the buff

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What rank? Gold?

Against who? A team that picked hitscan and pharah and didn’t do doubleshield and didn’t use any beam heroes or melee heroes?

She was a “problem” in triple tank, a meta she was blamed for since season 3 but was never the cause of. She ate nerf after nerf in the hopes that people wouldn’t pick a third tank instead of a DPS. None of this prevented people from picking three tanks. All they achieved was to make tanking less and less fun unless you triple down on it and play three of them. Eventually they banned triple tank, but nerfed her again just as a final kick in the face. Now that triple tank is gone, the tank category is broken because they haven’t reverted tanks back to their power levels before the need to discourage triple tank. So now the only playable tanks in double tank is shields. Rein, Sigma, Orisa, Zarya. These are the only viable tanks now and the only fun lineups unless you’re lucky and pull off a D.Va Hog miracle. Honestly the most fun comp but highly likely to lead to losing.

If we want 2-2-2 to work, if we want tanks to actually be balanced, turning offtanks into maintanks is the only option. The other option, turning main tanks into offtanks, has ruined the game. Making shield tanks into offtanks means permanent double barrier and offtanks being replaced by shield tanks.


Havn’t been playing much, just did my placements and placed plat for tank. Highest was high diamond.

Triple tank didn’t exist before Ana. Nobody had the burst healing output, nor the ability to cancel healing, before her.

But Ana was untouchable. D.Va on the other had, could be blamed neatly as a scapegoat. Once she was disposed of, every other tank went under the knife.


The entire game is literally designed around chokes in which barriers are necessary.

Matrix should have no cooldown and just be a tight resource. Hell, make it half the bar, but get rid of the stupid cooldown

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I have some possible ways:

  • Buff her armor to 300/300
  • Decrease her spread
  • New passive: “Bullet-proof” - D.Va takes 10% less damage on her crit-box.

IMO she needs a rework. She was great at launch and a bit after that but with 2-2-2 and the kit of the new heroes she just doesnt feel right. Not only some new heroes have an ult/ability that goes through her DM (some like doom and hammond have a complete kit that goes through her DM) there’s been more and more heroes with abilities that counter her ult.

If you think about it at launch Mei wall, Rein shield and a Lucio ult were the most reliable ways to stop a Dva. You could counter plays these by stunning or sleeping one hero. Nowadays you have 3 shields, Mei wall, Symm’s ult, Baptiste’s Lantern and Lucio’s ult and im skipping people like Hog who have abilities that can counter her ult but not save teammates.

I dont think D.va will ever be Meta again just for the fact that her kit feels old. Yes her DM can eat ults but so can Sigma’s grasps which can also give him shield armour on top of the shield he has. Even her baby Dva form has it’s fair share of problem like staggering. The only way for her to be any close to Meta would be to boost up her DPS by a lot or make her ult go through shields (which I doubt they’ll do since she’ll deff be a must a pick). With all of this I just think a Rework would be the easier route.


I wish she was the least picked tank in QP, too. I groan when I see one on my team. She’s going to hoover up all the healing, feed like crazy, and not accomplish all that much.

Giving her a better HP:armour ratio sounds good to me.

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I think D.va would do a lot better if Dive was meta, and in particular DoubleBarrier was more vulnerable to Dive.

[✅] Expanded DoubleBarrier fixes

Only thing I wish was that D.Va’s damage output was stronger, I play her when we need a tank sometimes since in truth I suck at most of the other tank characters more than I suck at D.Va. I end up pressing that LMB as if the harder I pressed the more damage it would do, even though I know it won’t do anything for how much damage I can do to keep people off the point.

Shooting as D.Va is like Shooting as Reaper only standing on the other side of the map. Even close up D.Va’s primary fire is weak, I know she is a tank and they are meant to help by making people waste resources, but her damage is terrible to the point that it doesn’t contribute much to winning the game.

You are better off just hiding in spawn as D.Va and waiting for Self-Destruct honestly with her damage this bad.

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This is the most infuriating one. Do they think we don’t notice?


??? She was the worst hero in the game rivalling only Zenyatta


Not only is it clear they did this on purpose, the comment about “regretting” D.Va eating ults shows they fundamentally had no understanding that value is exchangeable and equivalent. A barrier deletes ults. The gimmicky way that DM does it does not make it fundamentally problematic. The important thing is the total damage blocked. That is the measure of value for tanking abilities that directly absorb damage. Everything else is just subjective.

The blindness they clearly had to this reality, that barriers and DM are exactly the same thing but done differently, directly led to Double Barrier. It could not have existed if they had treated D.Va right instead of going out of their way to delete her. And Double Barrier will never go away without reversing course on this and allowing D.Va to be as effective as barrier tanks, which is what objective balancing would look like.

Catering to hatred is how we got here, not balance.

All the people still pretending D.Va is being picked in OWL are clearly not watching it, as every single game is Sigma Orisa. Once in a while we get Rein Sigma, or Rein Orisa. But D.Va? Never.


It doesn’t matter what they give her if all her health is burst down the second she isn’t behind 10 layers of cover.