Dva is impossible to play without getting countered

Did I call this or what :man_shrugging:


Asking your dps to switch is actually difficult.

i can imagine… i use to really love to play dva when there was a 2nd tank but yea its all on her now so if countered best just go back to the hero select screen. thats 5v5 tho

The problem is you can’t anymore. Basically the only way to beat Zarya after her buffs is just throw everything including the kitchen sink at her. Burn both bubbles and focus her hard. The bubbles last too long now.

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D.Va is pretty cracked right now if she’s not countered. Her DM is so strong that you’re basically throwing trying to use anything else. Her rockets having higher damage means she can just dive and delete squishies.


Dva is a hardcounter that also get hardcountered. Xdd

Why the enemy zwap to zarya to hardcounter dva? Because she eat almost alll dmg of ow

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If you’re playing a map with high ground, you can avoid the beam characters pretty easily. However, if it’s a flat stage…you might have to swap. You can still outplay if you feel the dps swapped to beams, without knowing how to actually play the heroes. You can play around a bad Zarya, Symm, and Echo.

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Bruh, Dva counters Echo

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So D.Va players asking for that is ‘not wanting any weaknesses’ but when Cass players cry every day that they can’t keep their half a second ttk at widow’s range, it’s ok

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I kill one person as D.Va and it’s “dva so busted” in chat followed by their entire team switching to counters.

She isn’t. She can deal with her counters better than many tanks. It’s just that in 5v5 the road to W is paved with rocks that are colored countering

Have you even played Cass or are you too brainrotted to realise that it takes 5 headshots at 30m to kill a 250 health target

He was broken but it wasn’t the damage falloff making him broken

You Clearly have never played doomfist, widowmaker, phara, winston, reinhardt, or lw, they are all getting more countered and they have less way around it. Please stop complaining when there are more countered heroes

Not gonna feel bad for Dva who would otherwise be laying waste to the entire backline without consequence, so I say…beam up baby.


I genuinely don’t understand. I played dva the day before the patch and it was Zarya swapper after Zarya swapper with some Syms sprinkled in there. Then I play after the patch and it’s nothing but Reinhardt. Frankly, I am glad because they made Zarya bubbles really annoying now. They last so long but I just want to shoot :angry:

But yea dva should not have to run away… the only way they can make 5v5 work is if they make hard counters non existent.

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Having dps that know what’s up make a world of a difference


“Tank is impossible to play without getting countered”

Fixed it

To me it sounds like you don’t know how to win a game without counters, which is really quite sad. Did you know it’s possible to win against dva without going beams :exploding_head:

No it’s actually more like they swap even when they’re winning and you’re not doing much. I watched the enemy tank jump off the map and swap to Zarya at the start of the match. Most players don’t care about playing the hero they want and exclusively play counters and meta.

Keep in mind this also happens constantly in unranked. I watched Samito check someone’s profile before the match started in quickplay so that he could counter swap their main.

We have literally been asking for beams to not be an ez mode brainless hard counter for all of ow2. This has nothing to do with recent buffs and wanting to add more buffs to make her broken. The recent buffs wouldn’t have even been necessary if they didn’t make the armor change. That change screwed dva over so badly that even the devs took notice.

People who play dva understand that she is not some unstoppable force that can only be defeated with beam characters. Dva does not have the same oppressive power that Roadhog does. Roadhog is one of the only heroes I think needs to have a hard counter because hook is extremely oppressive and there is no way to shut him down unless you debuff and focus fire him. You want to ignore him but if you do, your whole backline dies. Current Mauga is actually somewhat manageable (so far anyways), which I didn’t think would happen. Otherwise he would be included in that.

If they balanced every tank to not have hard counters then I would not complain. Real tank mains do not enjoy counterwatch and understand that heroes can have weaknesses other than a hard counter.


I disagree. On DVa they will go Zarya. But often the rest of the team doesn’t switch to beams, or they go moira. Sometimes you might get Mei, but not often a symm. And going too many beams makes the other team very weak to long range heroes so they can be countered.

On the other hand, hog gets hard countered by the entire enemy team in any game he does well. The last game I just finished every single member of the other team switched to a hog counter. It is very common for there to be at least 3 hog counters after the first fight, and this will go up to 5 after the 3rd fight if the hog team is winning.

DVa rarely faces a team of 5 counters. It’s pretty normal for Hog to do so.

Also, the reason people feel they have to go Zarya and beams is because matrix is pretty much a broken ability. They made it longer now and so it is more broken against non-beams. You face an ability that absorbs so many types of damage and which is up way too much and what exactly do you expect people to do?

The solution is not to make DVa resistant to beams but rather to balance matrix in a way that it is not so oppressive to the non-beam heroes, then give DVa something to help against beams.