Dva is a throw pick now


Isn’t it always the same tho? They always start something with a harsh buff or nerf.

What I’ll say is that the Def Matrix Nerf will stay there or if even will just get slightly decreased. But I actually think the Nerf was very overdue.

What I’m not so sure about is the Armor Nerf I’m just not sure what will happen! Might actually be amazing!

Seems like the Game will reward more Skill and positioning rather than Goats :wink:

The armor nerf was a terrible idea. Nerfing DM was questionable but it doesn’t seem to be too problematic on PTR.


Does this mean i’m going to be reported for gamethrowing while trying to make this new D.Va work?

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Developer Comments: This change allows D.Va’s enemies to try to play around her Defense Matrix by increasing its downtime between uses.

So like, forcing DVA to use her matrix cuz it lasted 2 seconds was too hard for people.
Well, time to instalock dps:D


she can probably work if you have 2 really good healers, but not sure the vaule you will get will be worth it as her strength was in being kind of independent. may as well go rein/zar.

every time when there is a nerf, some ppl will start coming out and educating others how others played the hero wrong…

of course you just need to dm at the RIGHT moment when there is a zarya grav, hanzo dragon, mei ult, etc… who cares about dm cooldown, right?


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No more DM flicking against Widow, Hanzo and Tracer sure does sound like a problem to me.

I can’t wait to hide behind Reinhardts shield until I have to push RMB to delete an ultimate.

It feels like Defense Matrix 1.0 all over again.


Seeing as this was a mistake, I wouldn’t say it, but…

If you’re play D.Va as DPS, then yeah, you should switch lol.

Can’t wait to hear oh can we have Zarya and not Dva again.
I really missed that. /s


rein zarya is that boring to play, i might as well just buy hanzos gold weapon and instalock him.

Already get told “Hurp der Mercy is terrible go Ana” every single game, not going to stand having the same thing happen if i pick D.Va

Also, it wasn’t about 50% winrate. It was because she has been in every single meta.

it already happens this patch

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Everyone: OMG D.Va is so bad now/Oh she desrved it!

Me: Cries in Orisa


now im pretty sure there is no brain in overwatch’s developer’s team.


If you can’t see that it was too strong fine! Record all your Gameplay and upload it to YouTube so you can remember! :joy::rofl::joy:

Heck do you even care about Game Balance? Do you watch Overwatch Pros? A Nerf was already predicted by many Streamers and YouTubers.

Well if it actually goes to live servers, I won’t play tanks at all. Add the armor nerf to that, dps all the way.


im gonna leave the blizzard ecosystem so they cant use my computer to viewbot views for owl with bnet launcher

i dont play dva as dps. but since her front line ability is gone you can peel and kill out of position squishies better with a dps and without feeding 750hp of ult charge

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I’m sorry but you don’t even have enough time on Dva.
If you don’t care about game balance - better stop trolling.
If you think DM was too strong, better start watching those youtube guides on how to bait DM.