D.Va in a wedding dress skin

Snow-white mech with fine frills and lace, and little hearts blast with the bullets, and Baby D.Va is dressed in a wedding dress.

Then do some voice lines like “I am married to winning” and ult is “blow up for love” and we’re good to go.


Go away king dva you already got what you wanted


Something like that at all?


I am a Mercy fan, actually. Just serving up some variety out of boredom.


Careful, you might break the internet. :smirk:


Add a wedding’d Mech and we got a deal.

Well, here is everyone else.


I think I might be the only one who wants Mercy to be married to a guy. xD


Mercy is holding hands with Pharah, far away from Genji.
Your comment shall have my like.

On the topic, yeah, I dunno. Why not, I guess.

I wonder if Married D.Va could possibly be more insane than Single D.Va. It’s possible, but then, the gal is full of surprises, most of which explode.

Can we use it as an excuse to get D.Mon in the game as her partner? Cause I’d be 100% down for that.


Is sombra trying to upskirt d.va?

Wedding Dress D.Va and Tuxedo D.Mon as a couple?

Can we have a nuclear explosion at the end of a match where the two are on the same team?


You’re not.
And hey I’m not opposed to that idea either. I mean I prefer Pharah or Brigitte but okay.

Just not Genji.
Absolutely most definitely not Genji.

I mean the girl is eighteen years old, she’s still literally a teen.
Marriage in my eyes is something that comes later in life when you’re kind of an adult or something. (I’m told that those exist, adults. Technically I’ve been one for a while but I still can’t confirm.)

So I picture a married D.Va as a thirty-year-old Overwatch officer, a veteran, a mecha pilot trainer, with some serious battle scars and lots of legendary stories that rookies keep telling each other in bars and locker rooms.


I’d love Winston to get that skin. Refined a.f Winston with a bouquet as his weapon (maybe even have it fire streams of confetti instead of electric).

I was actually hoping for Widowmaker with a bride skin since she was a bride before she made herself a widow. :thinking:


Unfortunately, Goku Space and Lucie Pohl made Gency “official,” commissioned a highly skilled DeviantArtist to draw a couples pic and sold autographed copies together at a convention.

Don’t shoot the messenger!

It’s possible to marry in a highly spectacular and unusual way. I knew this girl who wasn’t a very nice person, but her parents were very nice, they met, spent one night together, and have been happily together ever since.

It does happen, just not often. And this IS fantasy.

A giant gorilla in a wedding dress? O_o

Okay, but let’s leave her husband’s decomposing body out of this. Widowmaker probably thinks otherwise, sadly.

Lawful Good: I wish everyone will be happy, find partners and get bride/groom skins because everyone deserves happiness in their lives!

Lawful Neutral: If you must, then give Widowmaker the bride skin because it makes sense canonically to depict the part of her lore that shaped her identity.

True Neutral: Give Roadhog a bride skin. Just do it.


I was replying to that image posted.

He is not in a wedding dress…

Sorry, got confused.

That would roughly be me. :smiley: Marriage for everybody! Except active Talon members, cause Doomfist and Widowmaker etc would make terrible parents.