Dva in 6v6 sucks

You can make dva irrelevant in 5v5 by going all beam/mele heroes. At least you have another tank to play around in 6v6 so counters don’t hit nearly as hard.

“the dust settling” also means adjustments to tank balance. They went too far with tank nerfs imo.

My prediction (and all my predictions have been right for OW2 so far :sunglasses:): 6v6 will come back, open queue will be replaced with 5v5. 5v5 will eventually die out because so few tank players play it. It will become the new OQ that nobody cares about or takes seriously.

I believe the vast majority of 5v5 supporters are dps/support mains but very few actually want to tank for it, cause the reality is it’s just a counter swap fiesta where tank skill means very little. It’s more about how often you counter the other tank and how good your supports are.

D.Va has never sucked and unfortunately she’s still good even in this gimped 6v6 context.

That’s because you’re playing DVA as a frontliner.
Her “job” in Overwatch 1 was primarily as a peel for her backline. Or to dive alongside a secondary tank.

You can’t play her in 6v6 like you do in 5v5. She was (originally) designed as a way to keep your backline safe from flanks. She still does that job amazingly in 6v6 currently and was in my opinion, the highest skill cap tank in Overwatch 1, and now will be again in a 6v6 format.

Her job isn’t damage, he job is defending the damage or aiding in keeping a dive tank alive.


Again I’ve played every iteration of Dva since launch so I very much remember how she was played but the point is it’s way less fun compared to solo tank and there’s no way I’d be playing this over 5v5


What did you expect, double Kaiju? Dva’s changes are fine, and just require you to adjust your play to compensate. She isn’t solo tanking any more, and doesn’t get to harvest kills, and rightly so.


I wont lie, i didnt even notice the nerf for 6v6 to D.va. guess that just makes me a natural

Yeah it’s just old Dva. She was indeed peel + DM and some burst damage with missiles. Winton’s dive buddy. This is my favorite Dva to play. Just the zoomy bodyguard who could take you down, but that’s not her job.

Mhm. I have barely queued tank for these reasons. The only downside of 6v6 is the other tank being uncooperative. It gets frustrating since the teamwork really matters. Or getting a Hog one-trick who insists on staying Hog despite 0 value :laughing: but that’s more of a negative experience thing.

I thought about it and wonder if some of it’s because the “bugged” knockback immunity on boosters was removed.

I personally can sometimes take or leave the tank passive knockback resist, but when I gap close… I want to gap close.

That said, I’ve only played one 6v6 game as D.Va (and I hard stomped)

As a console player, the devs just don’t care. Neither do the other players. Christ, I play on console and I barely care. Then again… That’s probably because I just bought FF XIII-3…

but this is not some ow1 reins dream fatasy buff of 55o hp 350 armour 85 swing dmg etc, , there you they have taken power by ritually sacirficing another tank, suck blood magic powers dont last long and will always fade away, nor or they satisifying to feel.

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :joy:

they sacirficed the other tank head on the overwatch logo its not 2 , its the other tanks torso bleeding.

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The DM change was very jarring tbh. She’s been too strong for too long imo.

moth meta should be made totally official for the week.

it was the best.

i wouldnt mind if even throwing in all the ow2 heroes in that except for mooga , sigma brig.

funnily two are ow1.

i generally dont mind brig normally but she might totally rekt those beautiful beings cherishing what was their last glory days.

5v5 rq is cooked beyong repair.

Like i totally like the mechanics getting more indepth and stuff but outside that everything is falling off.

And dont worry im not some marvels fanboy, the thing is outside a few heroes they dont get it either.

today i did feel like playing either its like vacant somewhere.

i spent the whole day playing every version of unreal from unreal 1 to 2 to all uts including even the alpha unreleased sacrificed for fortnite UT4.

Outside like they get it really well, even in the unfinished ones like ut4 the concept of everuthing being strong balanced and skill expressionm, skill expression doesnt mean mechanical difficulty always it can be apm, predicition, you should see the junkrat and sombra kits they were cooking absolute bliss.

anyway but the og one ut 99 followed by ut 2k4 they were next level, ut 99 is still populated enough to have decent fun matches probably helped by recent amazon shows,

But still that game is so solid even with epic closingi t, that gun feel those movements like u enjoy it , its not high skill tech like quake was, but like consistent one.

proper impact freedom , like team play is important but not always the goal and people can actually play the way they want.

and here we are talking stuff like hero bans when rq itself was horrible ,

and every weapong feeling and packing a punch ,

like the tp tech there being like old sombra, though funnily ut4 alpha has current sombra tp, but its kinda well done , its not get out card but more like a long blink but depending the enmy could plan do a aggro blink and snipe u or rocket u.

and after playing ut 99 rivals feels like a clunkfest and even overwatch starts to feel somewhat slow unless im on tracer.

anyway its a situation were u the devs need to understand the essence of what people want and give it.

I will probably spend more time in ow2 tommorow if that abandonware ut 4 alpha doesnt reel me in, the community there is strong ut4ever and utuu etc

But the og community is going bonker with ut 99 and it definitely rules to this day.

they had pretty much done most of hero shooter kits by ut 2k04 itself. it just was more in weapons and items .

Dva Matrix should be 2.5 sec duration, not 2 seconds. 2.25 duration minimum.

its just you being used to her being a litteral god by herself

now she is like in ow1 but stronger, gotta play with your team now !

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To be fair Dva is completely busted right now in 5v5, I feel like it should be way easier to balance her for the 6v6 format as she was originally designed to be played alongside other tanks.

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Crazy how much player experience differs. I’ve been having a blast on D.Va! Haven’t lost even a single game on her yet!

Most bronze take I have ever seen, including but not limited to winston doing no damage :rofl:

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Counterpoint being that playing against raidboss tanks who can kill you with zero chance of outplaying them is cancerous for every other role.


Years later, and people still don’t understand that the entire reason 5v5 was created was because no one was queuing for tank. And people are still like, “Who cares if you don’t like playing tanks anymore?”

Yeah, no. This test is going to flop because people won’t play tanks. DPS end up as the clear winners of this patch, with support being kind of nerfed and tanks being giga-nerfed in weird ways (Sigma got almost 0 changes, Reinhardt’s shield was buffed a ton for some strange reason, but JQ and Doomfist are absolutely slaughtered with awful changes.)

If 6v6 is going to work, the fundamental problem that needs to be solved is “How can we get people to queue for tank?” And blaming tank players for not enjoying it isn’t it.


It’s beyond me how people just act as if tanks will flock back because of 6v6. Equal distribution of roles with tanks being the biggest problem for queue times is precisely why 5v5 became a thing in the first place.

The answer certainly isn’t to nerf them to death

If they want separate balancing with nerfs across the board in 6v6 then why would I ever queue for anything but 5v5