Dva in 6v6 sucks

Cause they put no thought into actually balancing 6v6, its a balance issue not a format issue

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“oh no im not a mecha god with 5 gorillion hp that does turbo damage… i actually have to play my role and be smart eeeeerrrggghghghh! why can dps kill me when i turbo at them and position like a toddler! dude gosh 6v6 so bad.” is what i read.


This is how they act in every thread, just don’t respond and move on.

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The difference being that I have infact played Dva during original 6v6 and all throughout overwatch’s history.

Simply comparing this to 5v5 isn’t even close, 5v5 solo tank just plays far better.

I want nothing to do with nerfed tanks in 6v6. Put words in my mouth all you want but this sucks compared to solo tank.


I haven’t played that much 6v6 yet, but I had a very good game as D.Va just a bit earlier. Went 35-3.

D.Va was weak at the end of OW1 and she’s weak in this version of 6v6 too.

Also, we need to talk about the Steadfast passive. Before we knew OW2 was 5v5 back in 2021, it was announced that this passive would be applied to all Tanks and everyone thought that would be a great idea - with the assumption it would apply to 6v6 Tanks.

This seems like a no-brainer. Not sure why they moved it back to just Reinhardt.


exactly, you want to play an over powered character and youre salty that your misplays can be punished way harder now. Solo gigabuffed tanks ruin this game. gg

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Dva has an entirely different playstyle in 2-2-2. She basically just pockets the Reinhardt or Winston. It’s pretty easy to see why they might prefer… Not doing that.


Aside from me being a jerk tho, i do think its a bit brazen to say 6v6 bad because of the tuning of a character you like on the first day of a new experimental mode. 6v6 feels so insanely better that if the mode go’s away i simply wont play this game at all.


Did they keep armor the same?

Where it does -7 or 50% for lower instances of damage

It’s always the low post people here with the saltiest takes

What role because there’s no way you’re out here playing tank thinking that

Yeah it’s the same

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Sorry im not a forum gooner. play all roles. gg.

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Ikr it’s terrible. You have to do everything with a nerfed tank all alone unless my arithmetic is wrong.

No you don’t get to have 2 raid bosses. You get to have as much power as the rest of us

This does sound amazing. Sign me up. Give my main 150 hps and 3 charges of escape. Why should the power of the role I play be dilluted between two people. Do Genji players not want 40 damage shuriken instead of hoping they get a tracer to harass the backline with. Make OW 3v3. Imagine the speed of the Q times.

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Absolute cope, this guy takes the maximum resources possible and still manages to feed

no one cares, go play dps litte guy

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:clown_face: very much not worth wasting more time.


yeah we wanted the weak tanks to be even weaker -blizzard ai

the game is so much fun when dva is bad, huge w overwatch team :+1:

D.va does no damage on who?

go play widow vs urself little brandon