Dva dva dva every match

Can i play against anything else but this toxic frustrating hero??? Pls!

As a support every game is literally play brig or lose to a dva flying into your backline and killing you without you being able to do anything about it

Cant play ana as she eats all your shots and nade and sleep

Cant play kiri as she eats all your shots and suzu

Cant play zen as she eats all your shots

Cant play lifeweaver as she eats all your dmg and can chase you onto petal

Cant play bap as she eats all your dmg and can outlast /kill your lamp with no effort

Cant play mercy as she can chase you round the map constantly stopping your passive from starting

Cant play illari as she eats your ult, eats your shots and can dive you and your pylon

Can play lucio but lucio aint doing anything to her with his kit but run away

It’s literally brig. Brig is the only answer. I can constantly boop her back with whip to proc my inspire, shield her bomb, if she dives i have a shield to tank the damage, can bash away if im threatened. But its ONLY brig. And if every game is dva every game HAS to be brig


If you are getting bullied by tanks in this patch it’s a skill issue.


Tanks are broken wdym lol

Tank mains just cry for no reason


Yeah that’s why no-one is playing tank.
(Except me, but that’s just because I’m an unhinged masochist)


The current top tier meta is: Ball, Tracer, Genji, Zen, Lucio.

Now that doesn’t mean you should play that in gold or anything, but that’s the meta.

D.Va is also good as one of the four dive tanks which I argue are all good right now as tanks go. So play Ball, D.Va, Winston, or Doom… Or there’s also Sigma and Ram who are pretty dang good too.

But tanks in general feel like poo even the good ones. The biggest reason you run those particular tanks are frankly dive tanks can get out fast. You literally run away. That’s actually why Ball is meta is you can’t kill him. And that’s why Sigma is one of the best non-dive tanks is all his mitigation.

Now again, you clearly are missing some things because Zen and Lucio are literally the high tier support meta. So, you absolutely CAN play those heroes.


Matrix has a limited duration and a cooldown before it can be activated again

Matrix has a limited duration and a cooldown before it can be activated again

Matrix has a limited duration and a cooldown before it can be activated again
Zen has an infinite range pinpoint accurate primary fire with no damage falloff.

Matrix has a limited duration and a cooldown before it can be activated again

Matrix has a limited duration and a cooldown before it can be activated again
Bap has three health bars

Boosters have a cooldown

Matrix has a limited duration and a cooldown before it can be activated again

Like I said, the only thing that makes tanks any good this season is the person sitting behind the keyboard/holding the controller.


If swankyorc was masters, as they claim, they would know how to bait out DM, just like people playing mei when they want to ult.


There is no baiting dm when she is killing you. I dont have time to wait 3 secs for dm to run out before she kills me

Baiting is useless anyway when there is no punishment for misuse of dm. If she had a 6 sec cd between uses i can bait it then punish. She has no punish between uses. I can bait it, she can use it, then drop it, then i use my ability and she can use it immediately again to eat it. Baiting does nothing when there is no actual downtime

When you bait a Zarya bubble or doom block there is a long cd associated with that bait where you know they cannot use it again. DM is literally risk free as there is no actual risk to misusing it

‘Oops i accidentally pressed dm because i thought ana was going to sleep, oh well. I’ll just drop it and then it will be immediately available for when she does use it’


D.Va is absolutely overtuned right now for two reasons:

  1. Her crit box is extremely hard to hit with the bullet/projectile size increase. You’d think it’d be easier, but it’s harder. The area around her crit box picks up the projectile before her crit box does. Try it in the practice range. You have to hit dead center now.

  2. A much larger percentage of her own bullets/missiles are hitting targets at close range, even skinny ones like Mercy/Widow.

She does a ton of damage now and is harder to kill.

Not in this case.


Go zen and mei/bastion and Dva or any tank cannot play the game.


To be fair, there’s a reason why they had to nerf the HP of tanks in non-role-lock content. Tanks ARE objectively more powerful, there’s just one of them.

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Wish that were true, but D.Va is unconcerned with discord. And she always has and still does counter Bastion. Mei can’t do enough damage to hurt her anymore.

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Zen literally is a snack to a dva lol. What is zen going to do when a 750hp mech flies at him with micro missiles blasting him up?

Stand there and pew pew into her matrix? Lol cute.


Moira over here like


Moira cant do anything to a 750hp mech with armor lol. You might not be immediately dead but she will literally just dive after you when boosters are back since they are shorter cd than fade.

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It’s 725hp actually, and the trick is to stay out of dvas range and pepper her with orbs before she can dive you, you can’t exactly miss her. Having a sustained damage hitscan buddy also helps.


Lol stay out or range of the dive tank who has all the initiative

Great advice. I’ll remember that when she dives me. I should have stayed out of range

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Dude if you don’t have good positioning you really shouldn’t be playing zen.



You have range advantage… Use it.


Yes there is. :weary: Even people in Plat/Diamond understand how to bait it out. Are you telling me that you, a Master’s player, has gone this long without facing D.Va so you don’t know how to do this?

How to disqualify yourself in 1 sentence lol. Yes there is, she has shorter duration and has a cooldown between uses because that is the tradeoff of a critbox being super easy to hit, right in the middle of her character model.