What if we just take away Repair Pack in its current form (point and press “e” healing at 30m away with three charges), and rebuild it from scratch? Turn it into something that better fits her identity and range (and hopefully make it more interesting as well)
I’m not an expert or anything, but I recently tried to come up with a very rough rework idea myself. I’ll try to roughly sum it up here:
A short-ranged, throwable pack with no lock-on. Can be thrown at/picked up by teammates for healing and/or armor (which scales in amount and duration depending on target’s max HP). Can alternatively be used by Brigitte herself as a small, basic self-heal outside of fights (in case her HP is low and she needs to proc Inspire). Just a regular ability with one charge on a cooldown.
EDIT: Edited to be less… rambling. Oof.
My full ramblings can be found here: My take on a Brigitte (Repair Pack) rework idea