tossing armor packs from the backline is not her thing maybe bring back her 250hp and make her healing low over all.
and no i don’t want brig meta i just want her to be good at what she’s made for.
tossing armor packs from the backline is not her thing maybe bring back her 250hp and make her healing low over all.
and no i don’t want brig meta i just want her to be good at what she’s made for.
Seems like that’s not her thing anymore
That hasnt been her thing since her rework, which was a little over a year ago at this point.
The only way you’ll get frontline Brig back is if you take away Repair Pack entirely.
well what brig is made for makes her the best second support option with 1/100th the effort, so no
just rework her into a new hero
Brig was a mistake. Her kit was only made to counter dive they had 0 thought about the other effects of it. They were so focused on forcing a change to the meta they didn’t care to think about how busted and unhealthy her kit would be for the game.
Brig will be like sombra,doom,sym,mei, and bastion. They will all always be slightly under powered because anytime they get some strength they make the games miserable because they mostly have a lot of strong cc or they have high damage output with good survivability. Sym is just someone who for some reason is not aloud to be good and it’s unknown why.
Look if they made her more like zen (idky they made her like a combo of lucio and a main healer) she would actually be fine.
I wish she had more of a play style that allowed her to jump in front of people quickly to save individual team mates. (Also wish her personal shield had slightly curved sides to protect from explosions that feel like they kill her through her shield.)
Zen does 300dps, Lucio has speed, brigs main utility would be bash and that’s not enough to get value out of with low healing, you’d need much stronger utility for brig to have low healing
Dude you are literally playing Zarya, a character who received tons of buffs and now has no counterplay and destroys the game…
the heroes you mentioned are 10x times healthier than Zarya’s current iteration
Brig is still capable of being a front line healer, you just can’t assume that you’re not going to die if you don’t use your shield now that she has 200hp
Aside from whipshot, you have to be within her melee range to trigger inspire which means you need to use your tanks & play corners to be able to get that far forward. You can’t do that by yourself anymore.
You shouldn’t be sitting in the backline near Ana unless you’re expecting your Ana to get dove & you’re peeling for her
You can play her as a off tank, just play behind Rein anyone walks in on him stun.
What are all of these “buffs” she has gotten. In the time I have played I remember her energy decay getting a minor buff, her grav getting nerfed in duration and area of effect and her right click got nerfed in damage and ammo as well as lasers getting nerfed. So I am not seeing her massive amount of buffs when she’s really gotten more nerfs.
She counters people by predicting when they will use burst damage and keeping her main tank or healers alive with ability management. She is the slowest tank with an easy to hit hit box. Ya she has the ability to do a lot of damage but she is much healthier than hero’s who can one shot you across the map which she is actually hard countered by along with a lot of the other members of the roster.
Just calm down and learn to counter her.
The hp needs to come back and from there I’d say also give some inspire healing back but reduce the amount of armor on rally.
I think that would be more balanced.
Her intent was anti dive.
When the released her she was strong enough to be a frontline.
Which was the entire issue.
Just because they released her broken and a front liner doesn’t mean that’s what she’s supposed to be.
Blizzard LITERALLY reworked her to not be able to do this. What makes you think that they decided to change her like this over the course of MaNy changes?
YOU think that’s her role.
The people that createD her disagree.
I find that the people who play Brig aggressively on the front line tend to forget about the healing role until they realize their team has died around them.
Seems like I am not the only one wandering, how to play her right now. Front line is no longer a thing for her and her healing sucks from the backline…
So…make her back to OP again, then?
You play her the same way you played her the past year, as a backline peel support?
Her whipshot is 20m and procs Inspire for 6 seconds in a 20m radius AoE. It has a 4 second cooldown.
Her repair backs are 30m range.
You can sit in the backline/middle of your team comp and proc inspire from range while packing anyone who needs it, and have strong anti-dive peel through 2 forms of CC and your healing.
She’s just not stronger than other anti-dive supports right now (Mercy and Lucio) except in niche situations. Before she was 100% better than both Mercy and Lucio. They will probs rework her and are keeping her this way for a bit so she doesn’t go back to ruining the game like she was before the nerf.
What if we just take away Repair Pack in its current form (point and press “e” healing at 30m away with three charges), and rebuild it from scratch? Turn it into something that better fits her identity and range (and hopefully make it more interesting as well)
I’m not an expert or anything, but I recently tried to come up with a very rough rework idea myself. I’ll try to roughly sum it up here:
A short-ranged, throwable pack with no lock-on. Can be thrown at/picked up by teammates for healing and/or armor (which scales in amount and duration depending on target’s max HP). Can alternatively be used by Brigitte herself as a small, basic self-heal outside of fights (in case her HP is low and she needs to proc Inspire). Just a regular ability with one charge on a cooldown.
EDIT: Edited to be less… rambling. Oof.
My full ramblings can be found here: My take on a Brigitte (Repair Pack) rework idea
I agree. She should be like Zen. Low healing, but a ton of power in other places. Right now, Brig pumps out heals at levels near Mercy
Actually its because they were demeed anti-watchability heroes that counter Flashy Heroes and thats a sin. Thats it.
Its the same e-sports agenda behind the removal of Mass Rezz and TP/SG.
Sym cant be an usable dps hero for ladder because she is shackled by her OWL only potential aka team TP to the point memes. She is ‘‘good’’ in OWL so she is overall fine for Blizz, even if she requires insane amounts of coordination unrequired for even Sombra just to function.
Couple that with the fact that OW has an skeleton crew and they cant get Sym an actual dps rework and not the hackjob that is 3.0.