Dream Patch Notes?

you see that’s where you lost every overwatch player who knows the playstyle of mercy

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taking away her res would strip away most of her identity and just make her a heal bot

my dream patch note would be one where they nerf Genji, Tracer, Widowmaker, Doomfist and Hanzo to tier F.

  • Movement acceleration added

  • A slew of balance changes so the more consistent aim due to acceleration doesn’t make certain heroes overpowered

  • Destructible railings removed

  • Mystery DM moved out of regular DM rotation, now just another arcade mode like mirrored DM and hero gauntlet

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Damn son :slight_smile: I like your style.

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So maybe 60 HPS and giving angelic protection a heal over time? What kind of numbers would it be if that were the case?

You could also tweak the numbers, lower cooldown, higher range, longer knockback resistance etc.

Winston is smarter than effie. She made Orisa off of someone else’s work. She gave Orisa a new paint job basically.

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Maybe 60 HPS and angelic protection heals for Mercy’s passive (20 HPS) for 3 seconds to add up to 60 healing?

That way if she’s healing someone with it it would be 80 HPS for three seconds so it could also act as a Cooldown to temporarily boost her healing output which all other main healers have.

Doing that and removing rez could eliminate pocket sniper Mercy entirely tbh

I’m calling the polis

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I like that idea, my first few iterations of Angelic Protection were mainly just healing boosts to upwards of 80 anyway, but they seemed to weak and we kinda need a targeted cleanse too, the only targeted on is on Zarya right now.

Would we want to add that 20 HPS to just the target or maybe everyone around the target too? Maybe 3 meters? Just throwing that out there.

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For the tank and support categories to be split into subcategories.

Sym and Sombra to be moved into the off-support/utility category. Sym giving a Crossfade ability that allows her to swap between an offense/support abilities, with Turrets and her teleporter being good examples. Sombra being able to play the supportive role whilst invisible, whilst being the same when visible.

Bastion, Mei, and Doomfist to be moved into the off-tank/bruiser category. All three being buffed 100hp and Doomfist receiving a 100 cap increase on his passive.

With moving these 5 heroes out of the damage roster, it allows for more people to play those roles, lessen queue times, and gives viability to those heroes which they would’ve never gotten on their own.

Shield tanks being reverted from to their OG state since now only one shield can exist at a time. The same with Brigitte before 2-2-2 was implemented and with Moira/Baptiste. This will make all main healers on par with Ana in heal potential.

Mercy being reworked to combine 1.0 and 2.0, so her ult is a single targle rez and her E is Valkyrie. Valk now last 6 seconds with a Pharah Jump Jet on startup, heals 75 on the main beam and 25 on branching, damage boost by 40% and 20% respectively. This makes it possible to balance Rez since now you can adjust the ult charge required if it is either too strong or too weak of an ult.

This is more of a dream Experimental card tbh, but it’ll be great if it becomes an actual thing.

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That could be interesting :eyes:


  • Sigma


  • If both Hyperspheres collide with the same target directly, the damage of the second hit is increased to 65 (For 120 total)

Experimental Barrier

  • Recall cooldown lowered to 0.5s


Personal Barrier / Projected Barrier

  • Now reduces knockback by 50%
  • Barriers no longer ‘pierce’ objects and shields



Ice block

  • Now restores 30 ammo per second during use



  • Now displays an icon over hacked targets indicating the time remaining on the Hack (Also applies to EMP)


  • Movement bonus increased to +75%


Photon Projector

  • Hitting an enemy with a fully charged Secondary Fire directly will now grant level 2 for Primary Fire.


  • When Teleporter is deployed, a 5s cooldown begins. When Teleporter is destroyed, an additional 5s is added to whatever cooldown remains. (Example: Symmetra’s teleporter is destroyed with 2s remaining on cooldown. Cooldown is now 7s)

Sentry turrets

  • Symmetra can now see enemies being targeted by her turrets through walls


Venom mine

  • Cooldown lowered to 10s




  • Added indicator to show how many allies are affected by Inspire (Excluding Brigitte) and how long until the last applied Inspire expires.


  • Adjusted hitbox to better protect Brigitte



  • No longer disconnects beam
  • Increases damage boost to 35%

New ability: Angelic Wind (Bound to reload)

  • When Mercy has her Caduceus Staff equipped, she may cast a small cloud of biotic energy that cleanses negative status effects (Such as Anti-heal and Discord) from allies in a small area.
  • Cooldown: 10s
  • During Valkyrie, this ability will also cleanse Mercy and leaves behind a cloud for a few seconds that renders allies that remain inside immunity to negative status effects for its duration. (NOTE: This cloud is affected by gravity and will slowly fall from Mercy’s position if she is in the air.)



  • When 4 or more allies are inside the beam, HPS is increased to 160.
  • When 4 or more enemies are inside the beam, DPS is increased to 80.

I could probably think up a couple more if I wanted and I’m being very hopeful with the Sigma, Symmetra, Mercy and Moira changes but these are my patch notes so what I say goes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Biotic grenade effect durations reduced to 3 seconds from 4

No longer gains ultimate charge while Bob is active

Hack is committed when locked onto a character and will go on the full cooldown if cancelled.

Energy decay rate reverted to prebuff rate.

Dragonblade cost has increased by 20% (or more)
Shurikens: Damage has increased from 28 to 30
(to distribute his blade power on his kit)

Max arrow damage has been decreased from 125 to 110
Arrow projectile speed increased from 110 to 125

Flashbang CD has been decreased from 10 sec. to 8 sec

I’m curious what would the DOT be?

  • removed Herobrine.

“Overwatch 2 is here! Say hello to the new heroes who are joining the cast including Mauga!”

As a Sigma main, id like to see some buffs for my dude, he’s just so…eh right now. He doesn’t need all these buffs but i think some of these could work.

Experimental barrier:
Recall cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds
Barrier regen rate increased from 80hps to 100 hps

Kinetic grasp:
Cooldown reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds
Kinetic grasp is now manually cancel-able without needing to use another ability, canceling grasp before the animation finishes however would give you no temp shields.

Sigma himself:
Shield health increased from 100 to 200, now 500hp total.

Can now sell cosmetic items that you previously bought for credits.
Can earn comp points in quickplay.
d.vas defense matrix lasts for 3 seconds longer.
Mercy does 60 hps.
bastion is removed/ bastion does 2.5 damage per second and he can only heal a generous 3.6 health per second.