Dream Patch Notes?

His uppercut works through solid objects. Kinda like Mario lol

I gotta see this lmfao. I have never seen this in my life.

There, I fixed it


And dey say, fist guy is ded

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You know where you have to go



All of these changes seem fair. The Brig inspire indicator. Been asking for that nearly as long as golden glove.


Mercy, rework of Staff, and a few QoL changes.

Staff - (Keep in mind, for the x seconds, that’s up for interpretation, i don’t know a exactly good number for that.)

  • Heals regularly 50 hp/s, but heal gets boosted (55 or 60) for x seconds if switched to another target, but after that, it will stay at a consistent 50 hp/s if she does not switch, this can’t happen more than 2-3 seconds (to prevent spam).
  • Damage Boost scales the same way, beginning DB it will start at 25%, but over time (x seconds) if left on the target for too long, it will power down to 15-20%, however, the scaling resets when switching targets after x seconds, not being used for x seconds, or using Resurrect.
  • Weapon switching delay reduced.
  • UI changes to reflect Juggling changes.

Note: The Juggling changes will be nullified in Valkyrie.

Comments: These changes are aimed at making her more of a jugglar healer and encourage that playstyle more than pocketing. These changes should discourage pocketing, but reward juggling heals and reward being mindful of when to use your Damage Boost. The healing changes will also help her out with her issue with healing Tanks.

Even if these changes wouldn’t go live, i would like to see if it would be possible with a Experimental Card and make it balanced.

Dreap Patch Notes?

  • The missing foosteps bug fixed for good. I’d love to be able to trust the sounds in the game again, they have been broken for ages (hey, who doesn’t love not hearing a reaperdude teleporting immediately next to them :clown_face: )

  • Alternative exit to Château wharf spawn. Whoever designed that spot should go and slam a door on their fingers as penance.

-Ana : biotic grenade duration 3 seconds (intead 4) OR Area of effect 3 meters (instead 4)
-Ashe : Area of effect : 4 meter radius (instead 5)
-Brigitte : Nothing to say, even if I think ‘revert the last patch’ is good too.
-Echo : focusing beam : Range up to 18 (instead 16)
-Genji : defect (1.5 meter of area) ; Damage increased to 30, secondary fire decreased to 0.65. Ultimate more cost when you use it
-Hanzo : Storm arrow damage nerf to 65 instead 70
-Moira : Fade : escape from graviton surge and graviton flux (I don’t remember if Moira can escape or not)
-Orisa : Shield : increased to 700 (instead 600)
-Reaper : New abilities : smoke grenage (area of effect : 4 meter radius. Duration 4 seconds). Wrath form : escape from graviton surge and graviton flux
-Sigma : Shield increased to 800
-Soldier : New abilities : when he dies, using his pistol to make damage (12 bullets, 5 meters, 60 damage
-Symmetra : I don’t know. She’s fine but I accept any rework (but not to go in heal)
-Zenyatta : orb of harmony : 40 heal per second

I want them to reduce the brawl potential of Orisa and bring back the bunker potential. She currently has no identity at all

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Engineering is a lot deeper than “painting”.


  • Paris is the only map
  • When a support character says “no,” all enemies within a 75 meter radius are slept.


  • Max exo boot distance increased to 999 meters
  • Exo boots ignores the skybox


  • Both “and dey say” and “I find your” voicelines can be heard from anywhere on the map


  • Transcendence movement speed increased to 999 m/s
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I would hate the game if res was removed.

Disabled people asking for healing when their dead or are missing like only 1 hp. That would be pretty nice.

nothing extreme , enough to soften a target up similarly to Winston when mercy and him did the same damage/healing in dive meta but since ball has more burst damage and other pieces of his kit that are more powerful like mobility and ult I’d say like 15-25dps for 2-3 seconds

I’d have it be platform specific for opt-in crossplay.

So there would be 3 options.

1 with the specific consoles (PS4, XBone, Switch, PS5, Series X etc)

1 to opt in for PC

1 to opt-in to all.

As for balancing stuff like the turrets you could just shift more power into Torb’s base kit over his turret. These things can be ironed out over time like 222 has been.

a patch that would fix qeue times and also rework reaper.

Orisa - Protective Barrier health has been increased to 700
Mercy - Resurrect channeling time reduced to 1.25
Widowmaker - Infra-Sight is no longer disabled upon death
Symmetra - Reverted back to Symmetra 2.0
Moira - Cleansing Fade and CC Fade are live. Also has been reverted back to the patch she was released in
Mei - Ammo increased to 200. The time required to freeze enemies has been reduced to 1.75 seconds

Widowmaker is removed from the game.

  • Developer comment
    “This was a long time coming”





All stun mechanics

Developer comment: We want our game to not be a moba anymore.