Dragoon skin was NECESSARY for Mercy

My major complaint about this skin is how much skin it shows. I would’ve liked her to wear pants instead…
Otherwise I really like it.

Someone posted a picture of black recolour, oooh boy, THAT looked HELLA COOL.

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I absolutely love this skin! It’s such a different take on her and is not all pretty and sparkly, which I love!

I think the colour sceme is fantastic, green is one of my favourite colours!

The only thing that bothers me is that weird chin thing she has. It would look 100x better if they’d remove that little ching thing.

Otherwise, solid 9/10., my second favourite skin of hers!


The dragons on Game of Thrones look badass. This doesn’t. Making it black would’ve been a step up

you got too much dip on ya chip

She doesnt look edgy at all… it looks like shes wearing fancy dress

I mean ill still buy it but just a pointless skin

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It’s not ugly. Those people are just disappointed because it’s not cute enough or not dark enough. Their opinion is biased. I don’t even play Mercy, but I’d get this one probably.

see my point on this post here. “not dark enough” lul.

I just think her green color and her helmet look ridiculous.

Because black is more intimidating for a dragon. Not some cartoon magic dragon that she looks like now.

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Good on you for thinking that but I don’t, I really do not like the skin, just because of personal preference and it’s not my cup of tea.

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Well, with “dark” I think of different things than just the colour scheme. More like a necromancer kind of thing.

I just thought the black and red recolour looks cooler than the magical dragon cartoon green. I still really like the skin (except for exposed skin part)

Well well well, a proper skin for my fantasy/creatures set.

They finally went and did it, made a Mercy skin… I really don’t care for. I’ll buy it because I have all of Mercy’s stuff, but I’ll probably use it once or twice, and never have it see the light of day again. This makes me sad.


He said they like doing both light and dark skins, and that there was a cool skin coming. He didn’t say that the one coming would be a dark skin.

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Well I for one, love it.


I don’t think it’s an ugly skin, it just looks ridiculous, like some green dinosaur Halloween costume a kid would wear.


That is why i love it.

She looks like some kind of dragoness queen and i’m here for it.

Like, she do not care.


you forgot the un to necessary :sob:
as an idea its amazing but it look so off something doesn’t look right … :worried:

I like that it teeters along the lines of being masculine, so it might entice more male mercy players than there are currently

Welp. Originally it was going to be a Dragoon skin and not Dragon (Which are different from each other)
Also the only problem is the helmet.

It was obvious they weren’t gonna go purple dragoon because that’d be stepping too much on Final Fantasy’s toes.

I actually think with the addition of a face shield, this skin would be awesome. It’s ok but I’m just not really into how this helm frames her face, and the chin piece seems “beardy?” to me :sweat_smile:

The rest of it is quite nice, I don’t hate it

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