You can do more than both enemy DPS combined, in both kills and damage, and still have no impact on the outcome of a game.
because you arent getting the right kills. its about moment to moment gameplay not just raw numbers.
You can do the same on tank and Support yet still lose, this isnt a DPS only problem.
DPS have a ton more impact on most ranks than they make out to have, always have always will
Play dps in OQ to feel true irrelevance
Individually, no matter your role, your impact is 20%.
As a team, the impact is 100%.
It’s not a problem of role, but of cooperation.
Justifications based on, my role is useless, the other two are op but not mine, each role saying that, is a refusal to assume its impact of 20% and to reject its personal responsibility on others.
I wish you could tell that to the meatheads asking why I had lowest dmg and elims with Pharah.
They conveniently ignore my specialty - punting Hogs into pits and punishing enemy Widows until they swap off.
The number of support lives that are saved this way is uncountable. Only support mains understand this.
Aren’t getting the right kills…This right here explains why
Truly appalling how the game has been released for this long and the overwhelming playerbase still has no idea how the game works, regurgitating prevalent misconceptions like “you gotta get the right kills”, “your damage didn’t lead to kills”, as if they’re playing assassin’s creed or dota.
That’s the thing splash damage heroes shouldn’t be the lowest… Missing still does damage…
Stop playing the game like it’s a deathmatch and play like a team and DPS becomes more relevant.
You’re there to finish kills, not 1v1 the entire enemy team while your team dies because they’re missing their “main character syndrome” DPS teammate who’s off on his 17th flank of killing the other DPS who isn’t the problem right now.
Eeeh … kind of but not really.
It depends on who is not doing their job. If one of your DPS or Supports is not doing their job, you can still win. If your Tank is getting rolled in every team fight, its GGs.
Doesn’t matter that you kill 2 every team fight as DPS or even 3, you will lose that match.
Support still gets to heal people so they get more value than DPS when “kills don’t matter”, thats the point.
the correct word is cosmetic, like the skins ppl waste money on. if u say its useless they get mad
The problem with this statement is that in OW2 tanks can often be insanely team dependant, if a DPS or support also isnt doing their job the tank cannot do theirs but instead of the supports/dps accepting responsibility it gets put on the tank.
Thats why most tank diffs arent a thing on OW2, theyre team diffs
Exactly. A good DPS enables their tanks to push forward by finishing off whatever they started advancing forward onto.
So many times I see “why tank jump in 1v5” rather than “why didn’t we push with the tank”.
Personally ive found that nowadays a lot of players just dont know how to play with a tank that presses W. Theyre to used to sitting back afk and waiting for something to happen so often times as a tank youre punished for tryinf to be proactive
That is true. You wanna play strong dps: Play Bap/Ana.
Oh they absolutely can. You are talking about 2-3 team mates failures, I am talking about one.
The role that is most affected by ONE single team mate’s failure is DPS. Because everyone can do damage, but a DPS can’t do 2x damage. A Supported tank will out do a DPS every single time. That doesn’t happen the other way around.
Most of the time Tank diffs are not actually Tank diffs but not because of the team failing, its because people just like to blame the tank by default lol.
So many tank players coping, incredible
A DPS’s job isn’t just abour damage. Its about securing kills which DPS are good at.
They blame the tank by default because its one player and instead of admiting theyre the problem they just blame the one tank.
Just like DPS players coping. Things never change.
Sure, that doesn’t diminish anything I’ve said. Again anyone can do this. Good luck trying to “heal” people with Sym, Junk, Echo … well you get the drill.
Tanks can also secure kills but 1 DPS can’t “cover” for the other DPS doing 2x the damage or doing 2x the kills.
Sure but again, that doesn’t diminish the fact that when the Tank fails, DPS can’t do anything. Barely breathe.
If 1 DPS fails, an aggro Supp + decent Tank can pick up the slack.
And this is what im talking about when a tank fails because of DPS/Support mistakes it isnt the fault of them… no… the tank gets the blame… i get a Mercy Moira backline vs the other tank and Ana Juno so im instantly put st a disadvantage but it becomes MY fault.
And in most ranks DPS are MORE than capable of carryinf tanks. DPS just dont want to admit it.
Up to like Masters its generally the team with better DPS that win games.