DPS Queue is a joke

Yeah because playing dps with 5 other random dps players against a team that has a tank duo and a support duo is so much fun.

Open Q is where fun goes to die after 3 games or so.


Yeah … basically never happens. You get 5-6 DPS comps maybe every 8-9 matches. Most of the time you actually get 2-2-2 comps in openQ too.

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I think that’s rank dependent. Gold/Plat games are mostly just dps deathmatches with people playing as if it’s QP classic.

If you want to play DPS, role Q is far more consistent and enjoyable in my opinion.


I am gold/plat and I play openQ only and ~70% of my matches people pick 2-2-2

RoleQ is a giant **** show as DPS. You constantly have tanks and healer who only play that role because they refuse to wait 10min+ as DPS and they suck … usually I am wondering if they are really that bad or if they are throwing on purpose.


So you believe that in open queue people play supp/tank because they want to and in role queue dps play tank/supp to skip the line.

LoL makes sense :clown_face:

Why should the majority of the tank/supp playerbase go to open queue when their role queue waiting time is way lower there.


No, almost no one wants to play tank/healer. Players have maps they like more and maps they like less and many are willing to flex on maps they don’t like … like me on KOTH maps.

The wide majority of the tank and healer player base are DPS plays without patience.


Paladins is dps centric to an absurd degree. To the point where it isn’t fun to play anything else because healers can’t keep anyone up through a passive 75% healing reduction.

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What’s funny is that console players might actually end up with the fastest dps queue times in the game with crossplay…or MUCH slower. Depends on how many dps there truly are.

But support and tank? Insta fill I bet.

Ouch. That was ugly.

But also preventable.

Winston’s Mercy was boosting for no reason…then stops doing anything, right as Winston enters the fray.
Winston sticks his face into the path of everyone’s DPS flying down the pipe.
Winston never activated his shield…maybe thinking he had heals on him, but didn’t notice the lack of it.
Mercy starts to heal Winston (after he takes a metric crap ton of damage), but it was too late.

No shield, even when it was available.
No heals, even when it was available.

Poor Winston is strong, but he can’t stop an entire enemy team’s DPS with his face.

That just looked like a few bad moves, regardless of player level. Doesn’t look like a tank issue, beyond failing to use shield.

Guys got a fix: play tank and support.
Also blizzard HAS TO release more tank and support heroes, there’s a total of 32 current heroes and there are 8 Tanks, 7 Supports and 17 DPS. What’s the new hero? Another DPS.

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Im pretty sure i heard at some point, RQ is implemented to stay.

I’m pretty sure we aren’t having the same experience. In open Q I normally get 1 hog or ball and one Lucio or mercy and 3 dps. I play whatever is needed. Half way through people just start doing whatever they want.

This is why I play with friends. Proper comps get played and you don’t have your tanks raging and switching to Torb or soldier because there’s ‘no healing’. So far my experience of Open Q is it’s a cesspool of disorganized chaos.

EU servers btw

Role Queue is a joke


so that’s usage not preference

i cant name any game where tanks are actually popular, OW is similar to every thing else in this regard

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Fair enough, but in the spirit of being fair, making tanks miserable to play doesn’t help. Which OW and Paladins both do a pretty good job of.

Clarification: People want to shoot stuff without the responsibility of being a space maker or keeping others alive.

They want the primary responsibility of ensuring the other team dies.


I have no idea what a space maker is or if indeed it is the stated responsibility. is such wizardry within the laws of physics ?

The primary job of a tank is to create space for their team to act on. Such as pushing through a choke so their team is no longer in a funnel of damage.