DPS Queue is a joke

The queue and matchmaker based around it is a joke. They need to burn the patent and start over.

Completely agreed. By far, the easiest and fastest way to play as a DPS is to play “Classic Mode” on Arcade.

The queue times are only a result of bad game design. The fact that there are twice as many DPS than Tanks and Supports combined, and the fact that the easiest role to play solo queue and carry with is DPS, and the fact that the majority of people find dealing damage and getting teamkills with ults is way more fun than shielding or healing your team will inevitably lead to the majority of the player base wanting to play DPS.


Games of DPS chicken.

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The DPS chicken at the start of a game was a god damn problem.


It will get better with crossplay, and then 5v5. You just need to be patient. Should be easy enough for a dps main in 2021.

Depends on how many Tanks / Supports stay for 5v5.


I stay!
On Echo :wink:

no it wasn’t. The weak willed were happy to “fill” roles . While the alphas picked what they were good at. Anyway it wasn’t a problem. That was more a problem of mentality and brain washing

So you have a game, which people are ment to find fun, and you set it up that people end up playing what they don’t enjoy.

Tell me again how that is a good design?

It was a problem, good thing we can see how many people prefer openQ Vs roleQ.

I mean you have openQ, you have the game you want.


I never wanted to fill roles I was forced to or we’d lose.


So the real problem was people were brainwashed to think that they had to play 222 to win

the way you solve that is by proper education

No? It’s just that we often didn’t have a healer?


That was statistically extremely rare

Yeah that’s just rubbish, don’t try to deny my experiences thank you very much.


No one who makes that claim has ever posted 10 replays

Yeah duh, maybe because role q came out in 2019, Ofc I cant find replays from way back then :skull:


Open Q is available now …

I’ve tried qing for it and I waited for an hour and a half. I eventually gave up. Horrid mode and q times show it.


No that’s just your region