DPS Q times are the reason the game is dying, lets face it

But that’s the point - tanks shouldn’t be able to be dueled, other than by other tank.


The way I see it Tanks need to be designed on a way that DPS players like to play.

And living forever during a duel, isn’t a priority for DPS players.

For instance, a Reinhardt with a 2000hp barrier, all the damage/mobility buffs from BlizConn, but only 400hp+armor.

Bring in the all dps mode. Lets goooo!

In all honesty being forced to play maps I do not like is the number one reason why I choose to not play. Often I do not want to play HLC, Paris, or other 2 CP maps. Sometimes I only want to play in the arena style King of the Hill Maps. Not having the choice here where in every other FPS game I do have a choice is a huge disadvantage to Overwatch

and dps q times are so bad because playing anything but dps is no fun all pain


Not really, considering there’s a ton more Support players than Tank players.

Also if you play Ana+ Baptiste, or Zenyatta+Moira. You’re fine for most ELOs.

The problem with Tanks is that if you play two “fun tanks”, I.e. Ball/Zarya/Hammond/Roadhog

You’re almost certainly going to lose.


This game has been “”“dying”"" since late 2016.

If DPS are quitting because of queue times then it’s a problem that will fix itself; enough DPS leave, queue times get better.

What I’m worried about is when OW2 releases, I reckon PVE will appeal more to Support and Tank players than DPS players as DPS players are more interested in the competitive aspect of the game, which will make DPS queue times even worse.

Not to mention, OW2PVP will probably appeal more towards new players in existing FPS games. So you’d get a higher ratio of DPS players with your new players.

maybe if people ate food they wouldn’t starve

Solved easiest by reducing the required number of tanks by 50% and increasing the available dps slots by 33%.

You can also eliminate problems associated with double shield, etc and make tanks more survivable and less offensive across the board.

1-3-2 wins

The pass thing is the literal dumbest thing they could have done, because everyone who wants to play dps will just get them. Then since everyone has the pass, queue time go back to normal length.

Except that has a giant number of side effects that would need to be solved.

Personally, having a Roadhog for a Tank, while the enemy team has 3x snipers, would kinda ruin the game.

Not to mention, even if you had a Rein for a Tank, 1-3-2 saw a huge upsurge in Sombra usage. Just hack the one Tank and it’s GG.

you forgot the part where they already tried that and pretty much nobody liked it.

I’ve been using my passes a lot lately and it’s definitely faster than not using the pass.

Still not fast or as fast as it says it will be, but 3-4 minutes shorter than a passless queue.

Given that roughly two thirds of the playerbase seems to prefer to play DPS, and the fact that they have to wait the longest to play by far, this seems to make sense to me

sadly, this is just one of the many severe problems 222 inflicted upon the game

in essence this is true - if everyone is in the vip queue, there is essentially no vip queue

there was nothing to fix - at least in terms of the game per se

GOATS was only ever a real problem in OWL, where it was impacting ticket sales.

Sadly, the 222 “solution” was inflicted upon all of us, not just OWL, which is the only place a solution was needed

not at all

Long dps queue times are due to the 222 infesting the game

the excessive queue times were not a thing until we were inflicted with 222


People queue DPS more than other roles in an FPS. Players are surprised and wonder why that is.

News at 11.

GOATS was a symptom of a much bigger problem - extreme synergy caused by very specific and unresolvable combinations of heroes meant other heroes were not played. Those synergies were felt in all levels of play, especially on PC (note: you did not experience PC play). 222 resolved this and made sure other heroes got played. Please tell me why you think this is not true?

Why do you think OWL is the sole motivation of the overwatch devs implementing 222 when it is only part of their long term multi-stream revenue monetization scheme for their game?

It’s because of design of the game - it’s designed to avoid stalemates, by making damaging side win. And which role specifically designed around damage and kills? That’s right.

If game actually has balance between offense and defense, at some point it results in stalemate. So, why play role, that is designed to be losing by default?


I rather wait 10 to 15 minutes to play dps knowing I am going to get tanks and healers in my game , than than have 5 other people pick dps in my game and have no tanks and healers to back me up.

GOATS was neither a problem nor a symptom of a problem, except in OWL

There was nothing to resolve

Synergy is something that has always been available in the game, and the more successful teams tend to make use of such synergies, given that overall team output exceeds the sum of the whole without

there is always a meta or three…some in vogue, some going away, some beginning to be seen

as such, there are always characters who see more play and characters who will see less play

this isnt a problem, it simply is

as a clarification, I have played both PCand Console versions of the game

albeit I dont see that as relevant in any way with the coversation at hand

222 resolved nothing that I would consider to be problems, but did add many severe problems to the game, including but not limited to excessive dps wait times

I admire your level of patience

However, many players consider even 5 minutes to be an excessive wait. Still other would call a 1-2 minute wait excessive

I personally don’t see it as a good thing that the wait to play a game is longer than the playtime

Players queue to play, not to wait

I have heard the 5 dps story so very many times in threads like this, as if each retelling of this story makes it more true

The devs, who have the game usage data, have declared that 5 dps was and is relatively uncommon in role-less queue games

In my own role-less queue games, I see 4 or more dps in roughly one match in every twelve, and when I do it is never a problem…its simply one more type of team to work with

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There’s a custom setting that allows you to enforce roles at the character select screen. They could have just made that the default.