'DPS Powercreep' just shows how much forum viewers will believe anything

I’m being sniped because I’m in a bad position? It’s the powercreep! Reaper can two shot me just like he could day 1 of public beta? The powercreep oh god! The meta isn’t 3+ tanks and no DPS? The enemies have DPS??? Oh god no the powercreep!

Who’s this boogieman of the powercreep? The main healers in the game (Ana, Bap, Moira) can usually outheal DPS’s damage. And secondary healers (Lucio, Zen, Brig, Mercy) can usually provide enough utility/damage to scare away the DPS. In addition most of the time there’s a shield to protect peoples. There is two lines of defense that DPS need to cross. Of course they have high damage, how unfun would it be to just have two unkillable teams fight against eachother because healers heal too much, and DPS can’t kill anything. You are playing a shooter, and you can say all you wan’t “I-it’s a moba shooter!” But Josh Noh (and likely the rest of the devs have this to say.)

[From; Todays devs response to powercreep is Heartbreaking]

This idea of the powercreep just feels like a sorry defense for Supports (mostly) and Tanks to blame why the game is no longer fun for them. Spoiler, this game can’t be played forever. The idea of DPS Powercreep is similar to me hearing about Alex Jones seriously say that the government is controlling our weather. It’s just lunacy.

You are playing a shooter, in the end. If DPS lose their ability to kill fast and frequently then the game will stop being fun. If anything, I think certain healers need their damage nerfed down. Baptiste had higher DPS than Soldier, I believe. Or it was atleast extremely close. Why would you play Soldier when Bap does higher DPS and can protect himself more frequently? ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯


By that argument, why has the DPS role always had so many more people queuing than the others? Why did QP(C) and/or lower ranks of Comp have so much trouble getting the other roles pre-222?

Do they all have some sort of crippling fear of playing stronger heroes with shorter queue times and bonus coins/boxes?


Is it really hard to understand???

Think about who plays this game, predominantly, probably kids or young adults. They wanna play DPS because it’s more fun to them, also consider how many pro players ACTUALLY exist. Compared to the entire player population, it’s a very small number. So when you take those into account, the remaining player base is where you’d get your Tank and Support population, there isn’t enough people playing these roles to really reflect how powerful they actually are.

Nobody wants to baby sit teens or young adults, I sure don’t, that’s why I play Ashe and not Ana. Which further adds to the problem


First I want to say that I don’t like people emphasis things with all caps. If someone is reading your quote, their going to read it all or at least most of it. The caps are almost never necessary.

To the point though, people don’t play tanks or support because they don’t feel powerful and that perception is all that matters.

That’s the heart of why dps players would rather sit in queue for 30 minutes than play a five minute game of tanks. Its also why tanks keep saying how helpless they feel.

Perception is everything and what matters is how tanks feel to play not play against.

Most people want to feel powerful even if the character actually isn’t.

Snipers got power crept with added mobility. Reaper got power crept with massive buffs to the utility of his cooldowns and passive. Power creep isn’t just about damage numbers you know.


People get tricked into thinking power creep is ridiculous on the DPS end because of how popular/necessary burst damage is atm. They’re not willing to admit that burst, group sustain like Moira and Bap are what caused burst damage to be so powerful to begin with.

Now that they’ve nerfed Moira and Bap’s heals, I’m thinking they might look at burst damage down the line. That, or it might not even be necessary to look at burst damage, since there’s less sustain, more sustained DPS might come back into the meta.


Sombra fixed this for you.

And this…

Everyone knows its Sombra.

Then they nerf Sombra, whom is entirely shooter based.

The logic is undeniable.

because the game was, and still is marketed as a shooter.

and shooters tend to attract people who want to shoot things.

you really couldn’t figure that out?

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Why would they? The dps roster isn’t balanced and most of the characters are just weaker versions of others.
The problem with burst is how consistent it became overtime making it more useful than sustain. Why would you waist 3 second killing something when you can do it in 1?

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Firstly, support queues are usually as long as DPS queues, atleast in my rank. Sometimes longer. Secondly, because DPS is more fun than Support. If this was back before 2/2/2, why would you play Soldier and not Bap? But, if your playing bap you’re required to spend most time healing, meanwhile soldiers entire job is to deal damage. The reason baps insane DPS is crazy is because it’s on a hero who’s job is to heal. If he was meant to be a DPS it’d be fine.

Yes, the added mobility of Widow’s hook being nerfed… ‘added mobility.’ Also, reaper is still pretty bad. Power creep isn’t real. It’s an excuse for low elo players to pretend reaper is good.

Sombra isn’t shooter based, what? Why would sombra be shooter based when she can barely do any damage? She’s utility, always has been. The logic is very deniable.

I just want to point out that sustained damage became worse because of healers being too powerful. You can’t react to a widow headshot, but it takes quite a long time for any other character to kill at all, which gives a lot of reaction time. An ana can outheal most damage, which is ridiculous.

Burst damage is meant to be in the game, sustain is meant to be in the game. But when healers who revert any progress made in an instant come in, why would you ever pick the slow-but-steady option? It’s more safe to pick the unreliable option, because if it works out it really works out.

I didn’t recall the reason of the tank (me) being melted down this quickly comparing with… like Season 7 (Mercy meta)?
Sincerely, what happened?

Widow (and to a lesser extent and for different reasons Hanzo) have been complained about since day 1 due to their one shots and oversized impact on a game.

Reaper (and Mei/Pharah) too because they counter an entire role and/or the tank class have virtually no response. Kinda like pre Moira days in flanker v support.

Haven’t seen anyone complain about the enemy selecting Damage :thinking: If anything changes brought about to ensure a mix of all roles is probably more popular among Tank/Supports due to these being incredibly dependent on each other as well as Damage…

Why Supports and Tanks? Power creep isn’t exactly a new concept… If anything the response should make you happy as they’re less interested in an individuals power, rather that in some circumstances the sum is far greater than its parts (ie Pharmercy).

Sure, I agree, sustain is too strong.

DPS sustain, that is.

Heroes like Doomfist that are all-in-one package, doing their own damage, healing themselves, and having flawless escape. Attach a support to that and it’s basically unkillable one-shot machine.

There’s nothing unreliable about burst damage anymore. Spamzo is ez as bricks, so are Doomfist and Reaper, and they’re all painfully low-teamwork.

In the past, if a DPS pulled literal cosmic waves of unstoppable damage, then they were burdened with weaknesses that justified the damage, like Bastion.

But Bastion got powercrept away, because why play turbodamage DPS with weaknesses, when you can pick The Spamzo Without Flaw?

But burst DPS main narrative likes to only blame tank/supports for this and demand heal nerfs and ONLY healing nerfs. But when you are the ones with overloaded kits and overtuned sustain, you never bait an eye for some reason.

Dive tanks are made of snot and paper and you wonder why sniper players have it easy.

Doomfist stacks shields until he’s 400 hp and then gets 2 kills every fight by headbutting the keyboard and you wonder why Soldier gets no play.

It’s a game where tanks and supports have to work together to survive, while DPS get to do whatever they want and every time they encounter a problem - Blizzard will solve it for them with massive nerfs.


You never answered why you’d choose sustain dps over burst when they around the same consistency. Whenever I say dps as a role isn’t balanced, No one ever addresses it. You guys just completely ignore the point and talk about how other roles affect dps.

When hanzo is consistent then soldier is pointless. Address that problem. When widowmaker has more impact than ash for the same accuracy then ashe is pointless. When doomfist can get kills reliably them genji is pointless.

Dps are competing with each other but none of you guys notice why some are better than others. You just whine for nerfs to other roles then complain about your queue times or double off tanks while the same dps remain at the top.

Finally , widowmaker, hanzo and doomfist make all other dps irrelevant. You are wasting your time playing other characters as long as they exist.

You guys want more variety in dps roster but you don’t want to nerf the ones that make the others irrelevant.

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The real problem is there are so many more DPS players than the other two roles so your odds of getting bad or mediocre ones is drastically higher