DPS Moira tweak idea

I can tell, however you aren’t the sole proprietor of the hero, let others enjoy and discuss about it at peace, no one is attacking you for stating their opinion and wanting to read ideas, this has nothing to do with you

Actually this thread has EVERYTHING to do with me if it will affect MY hero. You can’t sit here and tell me a suggested change to Moira has nothing to do with me when she is my favourite hero.

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affect Moira in the least and also


feet on the ground please

I stupidly neglected to mention one thing. Just as resource fills on its own when not healing, it would decay toward zero when doing neither healing nor damage.

Ok explain to me in this scenario, because this has happened to me so many times

you’re on the point alone, you’re attacking in OT and there is 3 people on the point, 2 are half and you killed them, and now they leaves you with enemy mercy, but suddenly you can’t kill her because you didn’t heal as you have nobody to heal and you’re full HP.

You lose because of THIS mechanic.

I’m pretty sure the whole point is to lose resource, not necessarily to actually heal anybody but either way, it’s not like you don’t have a dmg orb and/or coalescence

10 seconds CD and you don’t have coalescence 100% of the time it’s an ultimate that takes time to charge.

And no, their point is to HEAL people, they already mentioned it to me in the thread when I discussed it earlier with them.

So you have to heal after a certain amount of time attacking otherwise you cannot attack anymore.

this is your answer…

That isn’t the answer though because I won’t be able to do anything for x amount of time if it’s just me on the point therefore I’d die.

Have you ever had 0 resource meter as Moira before? and had to wait to be able to do 1 tiny spray? that is essentially that and Mercy would just heal again afterwards as she has passive self healing.

That is how the right click would work if this were to happen, therefore you’d be at a loss either way if you had nobody to heal as it would take too long to charge enough for you to be able to kill the person.

That is pretty ironic given that you did the same to me. It is pretty pathetic that you cannot just own up to it. You were trying to insult him and he caught on, that is not a victim complex. You need to get over it, fam.

I honestly don’t even know what you’re talking about or who you are but if I did something similar is because you most likely deserved it, now can we stay on topic?

so what you’re saying is that currently you can hold a point on your own?

Well, any hero can get a few kills and save the point alone… but preventing someone from being able to do damage just isn’t right. Every hero can do damage by the way consistently without restrictions (aside reloading) and you don’t even need to pick up ammo packs in this game like you do in TF2 etc

you see, I agree with that, that’s why I’ve been saying that preventing Moira from dealing damage is a cooky idea and why I want for the subject to develop further, how could we prevent DPS moira?

Like I said they would be really OP but…

The first is a rune knight using a two handed sword in which they can imbue the weapon with a different element that uses either their HP or MP as a resource and it lowers their damage. Tho the buffs change attacks and abilities[including ult].

The second one would be really hard to put into Overwatch but a shapeshifter.

Oh! I wasn’t expecting any of that lol I mean I’m looking for ideas on Moira specifically

however I’m pretty sure those concepts could be translated to Overwatch somehow, however always keep in mind that OW kits tend to be more on the simpler side of things, for example, you could say that Winston’s ult is that of a shapeshifter where not only does his method of dealing damage changes but also his abilities

I think that what you’re looking for is a game with more depth to it than OW, for example in League of legends there are several shapeshifters with various skills that resemble more that type of ideas

The MP would be the attack power, and the HP for healing?

I don’t know if they would put another healer into the game that is melee after what happened with Brigitte, but I like the thought of holding a 2h sword being a warrior.

I’m not talking about Moira just new heroes in general lol. Moira as a hero is pretty fine to me

Using HP as a resource would cut their max HP for instance a rune might cost 25HP so instead of 200 their total HP would drop to 175 until the duration of the rune ends.

League is not Overwatch tho, just wanted to spice up the game a little.

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It is not surprising that you cannot keep facts straight. Who I am and who he is are irrelevant. You are the one derailing the thread. Stop making it about us. I called you out because you were talking smack. Don’t do that, please.

ok, good night

does anyone wants to come forth with more ideas to prevent DPS Moira?

Report them :wink: because Jeff said anyone not performing their role correctly will be severely punished.