Double Trouble in QP

They just don’t respect the players time when they pull this crap. Multiple of the same heroes is a failed concept.


I legitimately do not want to play overwatch with this double trouble thing.

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It’s so aggravating that they keep doing this!

well, which one did you guys like best. the quickerplay one or this double one.

ill admit i did like the fast quickerplay one

you can answer “none” either lol

the 24-hour event is both a curse and a blessing.
damn Sombra

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Came here to post something similar. I don’t understand why we don’t utilize the experimental card for these kinds of situations. Some people just would rather play standard quickplay, and not have to deal with something extra like this. It’s unfortunate we don’t have that option right now.


I don’t get why they are even considering this idea. Game balance is hard enough assuming one of each character. Allowing duplicates will make it far worse.

Most days I don’t have time for anything beyond a few quick play games and now I can’t even do that without being forced into this experiment.

Overall season 9 has been a huge letdown. I’ve been playing this game since open beta and never have I considered quitting until this season. First tanking is made way less fun. Then you pull that back a little only to buff a tank that didn’t need buffing and now it’s just Magua all day, every day.

Please devs, reconsider how you are reshaping this game. I’m all for keeping the game fresh and trying to attract more players, but not at the cost of alienating those of us are already here.

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Another forced nonsnese killed gameplay. When it will be turned off? It is already after weekend (monday) and it is still killing game. There should be option to play normal balanced game. Geez. Another awesome decision of non-playing-games-Blizzard-businessmen.
Every time You do such anti players decision I will not buy any pack/ battlepass. More decisions like this, more money you lose. Here is my vote, with my wallet. Maybe You will get this straight.

Having a blast with double-trouble… it’s no-limits slightly scaled back. I’d like to see it return as a permanent Arcade mode.

This mode sucks… There is zero gameplay.
This is the worst experiment ever.
Double Moria in Silver in QP with no teamwork is horrible.

Id rather you make this a competitive mode, because there people would try. This is not fun at all.


They don’t want to be proven wrong

This just seems like such a fantastically bad idea - both the basic premise and forcing everyone to participate.

Really seems to hammer home that Activision-Blizzard isn’t likely to ever learn from its mistakes.


OW devs will do literally anything before they even try out a 6v6 arcade/experimental, it’s wild how stubborn they are.

Devs: Tons of people are longing for a 6v6 experience, lets NOT try that
Devs: Literally nobody wants unlimited hero pic, LETS DO IT


As long as it never returns as an actual qp mode I’m fine. It sucks, I never want to be forced to play this ever again

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I agree that this game mode becomes a nightmare when you are getting farmed by clones of the same character, leaving no choice but to switch (e.g., Widow vs. 2x Sombra’s). We just experimented with 2x Mauga’s in Open QP and steamrolled everyone we went against, simply because using overdrive in tandem is crazy-broken.

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Seriously man. It’s absolutely terrible to play and not fun in the slightest. I’ve been forcing us to play Competitive just to have a somewhat decent experience where I’m not forced to deal with this garbage.


Seconded. Get rid of that mode or put it separate please. OG OW flex role here, and this double role only means double cancers every game. Why would you even think of this as fun, is this from the intern? Seriously tho, at least make it separate so we can try once, see how it’s bad, and return to the real fun.
Now I have to play comp or mystery heroes (also not that fun for me), so it seems the best is to put down OW until this is gone…
PS: Damn sombra stop hacking my game

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Horizon Forbidden West is out for PC on Thursday. Can’t wait! Gotta be better than this mess.

They should drop leaver penalty during their stupid hacked events. Shouldn’t make ppl stay in games against 2 sombras or 2 moiras. These comps are just dumb and not what ppl expect to play against.

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Yeah, this sucks.

I do not want to jump into this game when I have a free hour between the rest of my life, only to find that it’s a completely different game and I can’t play the game I actually want to play.

This is extremely annoying. I had picked up the game for the first time in a while, was playing fairly regularly for a few weeks after quitting for a few seasons. This kind of thing, forcing me to test the game and not letting me play QP matches, just makes me want to go back to not playing.

Blizzard turning from a game company to a data collection company is incredibly frustrating. You guys don’t need more data. You have made this game for 8 years. If you literally need to force the entire playerbase into tests to have a clue of how to continue developing the game, you should not be in the game making business. You collect more and more data, and rely on that data over actual creative vision more and more, and yet your games just keep getting worse.

Maybe if you were remotely capable of using all this data to actually do something good, it would be worth it. You can’t do that. History has proven that you can’t. I’m sorry, you just aren’t good at this. So stop making me participate in beta testing. Some of us have actual jobs, that require we get things done at a minimum standard of quality, and when we get home from those jobs, we’d like to play the game instead of test it for you.

It’s like a parody of a terrible game studio. “Oh, no one plays the test modes or the arcade modes. I know, let’s force them to and remove the normal modes so they have no choice! Problem solved.” Incredible, really.