Despite shield nerfs, it’s back.
Am I playing an FPS where I play against people or am I just shooting into a wall? The latter feels more prevalent with this meta.
Its more of BECAUSE of the shield nerf, if you ask me. When shields were made weaker, it kinda forced double shield in a way.
Double Shield was more powerful before the Shield nerfs. It was the revelation that you could alternate Sigma and Orisa shields that brought along the advent of the double shield.
Double shield is strong because they never nerfed the abilities that made it so strong and force mirrors, specifically Halt, Fortify, and Grasp. I think they should buff barriers and nerf the abilities.
Remember people thinkinh that double shield was strong because of doomfist was op then they nerfed doomfist and everybody kept playing double shield and they nerfed double shield tyhen everybody stopped playing oduble shield then people started to play double shield again but not doomfist cause he is trash?
double shield is also a solution to hitscan buffs.
Dive Isnt viable, hitscans are strong, what are people suposed to do? the only thing to do to not die immediatly is stack shields
The game is just working less and less as it goes on. It now feels less like an FPS shooter and more along the lines of MMORPG’s or MOBA’s due to how reliant every hero is on their abilities. If a hero has better abilities objectively speaking, it’s played more and other heroes are seen as niche or throw picks.
Junkrat is an amazing example of this. Aiming is really a choice on junkrat instead of a requirement. His abilities are simple and easy to use but give a lot of value. His ultimate is punishable, but hard to do so, and gives value no matter what.
Doomfist Mei and Reaper nerfs forced double shield now once again.
New double shield ain’t because of shields anymore. They’re very breakable. It’s due to Orisa’s insane synergy with Sigma, her halt being broken when combo-ed with any AOE ability and Sigma being a broken hero too
What? Doomfist, Mei and Reaper excelled in double shield because their playstyle involved simply bypassing barriers and fighting the enemy at close range
Grass is always greener on the other side, folks.
Weaken shields, then the very next week the forums will be full of
“GAHHHHHHH why so many windows/hanzo’s in every match???”
Shields are NOT that bad, you just shoot them and they go away. Everyone is so focused on “I want to get picks!” Then eliminate their advantage. The shield is an advantage… destroy it… THEN focus on picks.
It was never gone. The shield revamp patch made double shield stronger, not weaker.
No it was not. Orisa’s Fortify buff had to be reverted and then nerfed some more, so did Steadfast.
People need to understand that double shield doesn’t work because of shields, but because those shield heroes will brawl your brains out with 750 HP worth of HP and a crapton of damage and CC.
Don’t think bunker when thinking of double shield. Think GOATS with better range.
A lot of this.
Yes it was, but it was also less value.
Think of it this way. Okay, using some made up numbers as an example since the up time varies a lot on rank. But this should give an idea of how it works. Lets say a tank could keep up their shield roughly 80% of the time. That means the 2nd shield was only adding about 20%. So, non-shield tanks were competing against that 20% up time value. Then you change it so a shield tank can only keep their shield up, say 40%. Sure, the totals up time is the same as one tank before and shields are much weaker. But off tanks are now competing against the value of 40% up time. It makes that second shield more valuable.
This is the other issue.
If you nerf hit scan (particularly Ashe & McCree) you bring in other heroes that devalue double shields. For example, Echo and Pharah can get around and lot of shields. They take angles that shield tanks can’t really stop. At the same time, if there is less danger of instantly dying without a shield the value of a shield goes down. If their effectiveness and value both go down you could see double shields drop in use. Likely becoming a situational strategy.
I wouldn’t go that far. His projectiles are slow and avoidable. He needs to lead his targets and anticipate them to get real value. At least when dealing with enemies that pay attention. I know people like to meme on him. But he is pretty easy to punish and his value is easy to shut down.