Double d.Vas damage against Barriers

Your funny, very funny.

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is it possible that as a result of you liking Dva due to your name and her being your most played hero, you might be biased toward the hero and want her to be good into literally every comp and in every situation as well as being able to 1v6? So that current Dva, though very strong, is not enough for you?

Just a thought/possibility.

To be fair, is a strong pick right now.

But to the OP, please no to this change. The last thing we need is more barrier busting. Majority of shields except reins already are borderline paper today.


So your okay with ANY other tank being a strong pick for the SUITED META but when D.Va is meta she needs a nerf.

Green wants D.Va to be nerfed.

ā€œto be fairā€ idc, i know D.VA is strong u dont have to tell me.


While I wouldnā€™t mind a DM Change like this, it would be broken. Like really really broken. Imagine her getting her ult twice every teamfight almost.

So a buff lile that would have to come with an ult charge nerf at the same time. This would then basically netnerf her especially for lower ranks because if you screw up your matrixes you will take forever to build those bombs.

Dva low key is in a fine spot
yea a matrix buff wouldnā€™t hurt but she as is in a good spot

Iā€™m gold and Iā€™ve havenā€™t seen a Dva do anything significant within a month or so.


Nah, Iā€™d rather she get a buff to D.Matrix so she can try to compete with Good Actually-Tanking-Tanks such as Zarya, Rein, Orisa, etc.

I am also in Gold and I havenā€™t seen Dva do anything significant in about three years. Iā€™ve seen Winston be more regularly effective.

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Dva players and their weird ideasā€¦

I play DVA and no thanks.

Sheā€™s in a great spot right now, but if I had to buff her, Iā€™d buff defence matrix e.g. 3 second duration, 1.5 second cooldown

yeah, Dva is oppressive to play against.

Well-designed tanks are in general Winston, Rein, Zarya and with caveats Dva. When overbuffed, DM is very oppressive and her damage is very high.

Also you realize that balancing and liking a hero can be unrelated? Or you want Dva to be strong because you like her? You could also, you knowā€¦ play the hero you like without stressing over the hero HAVING to be meta. Tons of Mercy, Soldier, Widow mains around and none are as vocal and constantly feel the need to cry like Dva players.

Also, the meta is not ā€œjust suited for Dvaā€. She enables it because supports that donā€™t synergize with Dva well (for example Baptiste) got small nerfs, and tanks that competed with Dva (e.g. Hog) also generally got nerfed. She became a meta enabler by being one of the heroes with the richest kit atm.

What if explosives in general did double damage against shields?

? Dva is literally meta now, people donā€™t use her on ladder because you canā€™t literally just run in headfirst, and people arenā€™t good at her.

Why are we tryna buff Dva, can we buff actually weak tanks instead?

So the only real metric we have is a picrate for a hundred or two of players that are notoriously bad at understanding game balance (playing dive into release Brig, sleeping on Moira, Orisa, Ashe for years etc). Got it.

2-4x times lower in pickrate than first 2 depending on the rank, with lower winrates across the board. And we all know D.Va is the fan-favorite tank by a landslide, she is bound to have an inflated pickrate.

If thatā€™s ā€œreally strongā€, what is 4x times higher picrate and 3% higher winrate is?

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That is a cool feature but is very strong right now, maybe take away some of this remech damage and do that

Double damage against everythingā€¦ or at least a longer range

Barriers already suck, donā€™t make them worse.

So let me see if I got this straightā€¦ Because Dva is ā€œonlyā€ picked more than 61,5% of her tank peers, she must be buffed?

Let me flip the question then, how high Dvaā€™s rates must be for you to consider her ā€œbalancedā€? Are you going straight for the top pick? Or will second suffice?

Yeah good luck convincing anyone with that argument. I shanā€™t bother.