Doomfist's fist should not one shot: a thought

you can’t tell the validity of an argument because you dont play any characters that cant do anything against him. he is NOT even CLOSE to being as hard as genji since genji requires actual mechanical skill and doomfist requires NONE, WHATSOVEVER. if you are suggesting that there should be extensive teamwork to stop ONE hero then you are suggesting that he is overpowered. If the case is that you play sombra based on your pfp then you also have no say in an argument like this.

Doomfist takes no mechanical skill whatsoever? Are you high?


doesnt have to aim, just mashes buttons and points in the general direction of others.

Ooohhhh! Another call out. I wonder if this one will actually be brave enough to take on the challenge.

He does

And runs out of CD due to mediocre gameplay making him a free kill

And miss everyone since he didnt aimed

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Yeah, literally all of those are wrong.

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Because you play a hero that’s hard countered by him, doesn’t mean he needs a nerf. It means you need to swap. End of discussion.
And no, I play Sombra, Lucio, Junkrat, Roadhog, Mccree, Hanzo, Widow, or any of the heroes that have high counterplay against him, because they either soft counter, or hard counter the guy.
I don’t play Ana to hardcounter because she gets demolished due to her lack of mobility or reliable cc.
You have to be a really good Ana to deal with a really good Doomfist, because the fight’s an uphill battle for anyone without reliable movesets.
As for not having to aim, you are incredibly high. I’ve played Doomfist when he hit the PTR- THEN he didn’t have to aim, but when he got nerfed you had to be so on point with your fist, that it missed when someone was still in your charge line, but jumped slightly to the left. He got his bug fixes, but still has to aim that fist, and his ‘fingernails of Doom’.

You are blatantly proving my point of ‘I don’t want to switch, please nerf him’, and it’s incredibly agitating to see.

Personally, I kinda like where doomfist is right now. It’s super fun outplaying him. If you position smartly and have good movement you can make his life very difficult. The only time you’re really unable to do anything is if you get caught out in a bad position.

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wow, you actually have to hit on point to ONE SHOT someone! sounds incredibly difficult compared to any other hero! It doesn’t mean anyone needs to swap, it means he is too oppressive to play against and ruins games. Just like junkrat, mercy, roadhog, tracer, and genji all have.

You know what’s Oppressive? Being forced to swap because the hero is either to buggy or can’t compete with others on the roster. (Mercy 2.0 for all other supports other than Zen).
You know what else is oppressive? Having good threads with constructive feedback buried underneath posts that just whine.
You know what else is oppressive? Nothing. Nothing else is oppressive to me: Because I do swap, and I don’t care about playing against, with, or as Doomfist- because I know the character is hard to master (yes, as hard as Genji), his shotgun hand does take skill to aim, and it does take a large amount of skill to balance your abilities (like Genji).

So here’s my answer for you, personally:
Swap. There are plenty of heroes (and more to come) that counter him into submission (IE to swap to a better hero). If you can’t handle that concept, then it’s best you don’t play a game like Overwatch.

Ana is honestly one of the best options against Doomfist. If you can’t make it work play brigitte. Sure her heal’s are less than ana’s but an alive support heals 100% more of the time than a dead one.

you can sleep him, and ive gotten a lot better at that, but his stun cancels your dart, and his other two abilities distort your movement and his hitbox enough to make it extremely hard to sleep him, especially during uppercut

You’re kidding, right? You’re telling me the time where he is locked in the same trajectory as you and same speed with a giant Hitbox makes him harder to hit…? Wut?

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take a page from your own book and play her before you criticize it

his hitbox gets messed up with your movement, it isnt all identical

I have, and Uppercut is the easiest sleep dart ever.

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30 minutes of ana isnt any actual experience, sorry! if he has already hit you with his slam and uppercut then there isnt even time for sleep dart to go off before he kills you.

But 4 minutes on Doomfist is? Good to know.

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according to what stat? now youre just talking nonsense

Well, many people barely play Doomfist and have pro opinions because they’re gods, but then you see they only have 4ish minutes on him. I’ve at least played her more than a couple games, and I’ve landed darts more often when uppercutted. I’ve also been hit by darts more often when I Uppercut. It’s easy, especially if you start the dart as soon as you get hit with Uppercut, as Doomfist has slight animation delay and Uppercut doesn’t actually stun or cancel abilities.