Doomfist's fist should not one shot: a thought

doomfist is easy?

hahaha. u fools are getting worse every day.


flflflflflflflflflfl44444444 tttt. yhujrfk, wjwkw7 sidnm1aaaa

So isnā€™t Doomfist. People tend to forget that he needs to charge rocket punch for 3 seconds and you need to hit a wall to die.


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I think this is him, and surprisingly he has no playtime on Doomfistā€¦


Yeah ,they have one-shot primaries.

Also ,DF doesnā€™t have two one-shot abilities (unless weā€™re counting ultimates as abilities.)

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What about if you play him then? lets see is hes that easy


And you skipped all other parts of the text except that one joke.

What about if we just stop posting here? lets leave the dude crying over Doomfist alone, might be for the best


I always thought it should just do a flat 170 damage for a fully charged hit and the wall impact mechanic scrapped. When they updated his punch hitbox, they said the punch was supposed to be for supplemental damage, and having it one shot such a large number of the cast seems to go against that. It just feels cheap, and so many times you either slide off of walls or hit a tiny bump in the ground that the game considers a wall.

His power lies in the uppercut combo, so having an inconsistent and cheap one shot as ā€˜supplemental damageā€™ is just unnecessary.


Ok this is my last post in this pathetic thread, you clearly appear to be around 12 years old who acts even younger, insults other players that try to argue with you, and you just either laugh or say nonsense.

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So happy opinions of the moniority are generally ignored. Otherwise every hero would be nerfed into the ground with terrible opinions such as this.



you came out the gate too strong but overall not a bad attempt

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Actually, itā€™s the minority still, as if you go to every Doomfist complain thread from the past two months, more than half the people responding would be telling you that heā€™s not overpowered and that heā€™s fine. Iā€™m pretty sure less than 50% is a minority.

Good b8 tho. I fell for it good. Reported and moving on.


A punch known for leveling skyscrapers should barely scratch people? k.

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So not only do you ignorantly thing your main is fine based soley on the fact that you play him, but you also believe that the 51% should control the 49%? What kind of government do you believe in? One that doesnā€™t care about all of its citizens? Pathetic.

Oh Boi, we have a philisopher over here! Guys get this man a medal! He figured out how to fix every government in the world! Pander to every single person! Take things that people say and twist them to meet your agenda! Perfect!

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Oh gosh, he said ā€œbehooveā€ and ā€œaforementionedā€ as if what heā€™s saying actually means things! Big words people donā€™t normally know means Iā€™m smart right?

PS. Behoove means that it is the duty or responsibility to do something, not to understand or acknowledge something. The more you know. :wink:

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Going against isnā€™t playing as.
I find that heā€™s ridiculously easy to counter and predict, whilst your opinion differs.
Iā€™ve played as him (and heā€™s very hard to master- bout as hard as Genji is in terms of raw consistency) for a veryā€¦veryā€¦very extended amount of time, and Iā€™ve played against him just as much. Everything in this game has a counter, even DFā€™s supposed ā€˜one-shot kill abilityā€™.
And with the buffs to Mccree and Orisa- alongside Pharahā€™s buff and TORBā€™S, you have absolutely no solid ground to plant your argument in, other than 'I donā€™t want to switch, heā€™s overpowered and has ā€˜3 cc abilities and a one-shotā€™.
And; to me (someone whoā€™s played against, as, and with him), it just looks like someone just complains without trying any alternative route to deal with him.

Wait till the new PTR update hits live, and then come back again. If your opinion is the same, but my point is proven (via gameplay experience), then there is no further discussion to be had here.