Doomfists dominating in literally every game. What's going on?

I’ve noticed this in QP and I haaaaate every second of it.

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It’s her job to make sure he’s caught off-guard.

But, no, she’s not doing too well right now. The nerfs completely broke her because of all the bugs it added. They should’ve just reverted the hack speed buff.

It’s her job to make sure he’s caught off-guard.

She never does her job particularity well :stuck_out_tongue: An infiltrator that announces her location never is particular good at catching people off guard, I think.


He was never a bad hero. Past all the inconsistencies, he was a great hero. He was too great so Blizzard nerfed him and indirectly introduced even more inconsistencies and bugs.

Now that he’s playable, people are starting to realize how good he is.


People are still bouncing off, sliding off, and sticking to walls without taking damage. That isn’t a fix. There is a bug with uppercut as well where you hit someone and they don’t pop up sometimes.

Your reply is basically “They fixed a bug that wasn’t actually a bug just an ability hitbox being smaller than character models so all of the bugs are fixed except every bug.”

People bouncing off walls is intended though. They simplified rocket punch’s pin mechanic so that it should pin within a 45 degree angle, but outside of that angle they will slide. That’s intended. Most examples shown are punches that break the 45 degree rule. They will also slide off if the wall is shorter than them, that’s intended as well.

If you have gifs of someone bouncing off within 45 degrees, then please show. The only instance of this happening to my knowledge is when someone is punched into an exact corner between 2 walls, which does technically break the 45 degree rule but they said it’ll be fixed anyway. A blue post addressed the wall slides in the Doomfist bug thread and just about all of the examples shown broke the 45 degree rule.

There are a GAZZILION of Bugs Plaguing Doomfist - #74 by TomPowers

For the rest of the scenarios, like where an enemy is impacted into a wall (at a shallower angle of 45 degrees) and they don’t pin, that is working as intended. A lot of linked clips look to be generally right on the line of 45 degrees. Players will also slide up and over shorter obstacles. This is the same 45 degree check and therefore won’t pin for the same reasons.

Overall wall slides have indeed been fixed and are more consistant than ever before, but you have to be aware of corners and angles that won’t land a pin.

he is a really easy hero to counter really.
just pick brig mcree and hog and protect your squishys
df is trash against cc

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Bout time DF leveled more than some railings…

Because doomfist is really, really strong, he just has a really high skill floor. I’ve been seeing people destroy with him in FFA for a few months. I honestly hate the guy, because he once again one shots, or combos you for what is basically a oneshot, and I’m really tired of oneshot deaths.

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He was quite frankly. Hand Cannon took a long time to regenerate, Slam didn’t do ANY damage when grounded (Typically only freaking 11-13 since he would need air time but they didn’t introduce the slide until later. WHICH IS NOTHING! Your aim would have to carry you through your combos. You needed HEADSHOTS to fix the damage disparity!) Which fed into the issue of enemies escaping with low health but you couldn’t finish them BECAUSE the few projectiles and the spread of the weapon.

He needed the buffs to be in a suitable place. I still think he needs just a couple of tiny buffs…as he’ll pretty much drop off the face of the earth (As he’s harder to run without em being prominent. You know how many people ACTUALLY know what to do with a Doomfist? Or what he does?) once the Meta isn’t helping him as heavily as it is now (THINK about it. Zarya, Brigitte, Reinhardt, etc. These are just SOME of the people who help him immensely.)

He is actually less worse than Hanzo if you know how to counterpick

It was enough time for you to be out of combat. You shouldn’t be using your hand cannon as your primary or secondary way of dealing damage. Most of that should come from RP and environmental kills.

As it shouldn’t. You shouldn’t use slam for it’s damage. You should use it to knock enemies up and make them lose control of their hero while in the air. Same thing with Uppercut.

It still does? I’m not sure what this means. Aim should have to carry anyone through any combo.

Not sure what you’re talking about here. Doomfist’s spread was fine. It was at the same angle it is now and still has 6 pellets beacause it has such a great cone.

I don’t see how this was an issue for him. He was incredibly dominant when he was first released. Are you forgetting that?


20 characters…

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Your main damage ability is RP. Since it’s on such a low cooldown, it should be your primary way of dealing damage.

I don’t know what else to say here. Your comment leads to no insight on what I’m supposed to respond to.

That’s completely wrong.

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His hand cannon makes up most of his damage.

How, what?

That doesn’t make a lot of sense when RP does 250 damage if you use it correctly.

Handcannon is his primary weapon; you should be using it in all of his combos and to finish people off. Slam+handcannon+uppercut+handcannon is his primary attack in most situations. Rocket punch usually should be saved for mobility and escaping in most encounters, it’s an instant 25 meters when you jump punch.

Rocket punch does 250 damage but you have to charge it completely and actually land it on someone without them dodging, and by extent they have to hit a wall. The hitbox got buffed recently but it’s still nothing like it was before it got nerfed, it’s still fairly easy to dodge. Doomfist is usually dead or gets CC’d into oblivion before that complete sequence of events happens against any decent players. You should use rocket punch to help initiate a slam uppercut combo and to escape right after killing someone.

Just watch people like Chipsa or Brandito - they pull stuff off like this and do not use rocket punch as their primary means to kill, they use it mostly for mobility and stunning.


I try to play him every once in a while because he can be absolutely devastating but I’m having quite a bit of trouble with him. I’m having huge tracking/visibility issues with him in that I usually can’t find the targets for my abilities.

Often times when I go to Rocket Punch, it won’t connect or will zoom right past them. I’m not sure if there is a trick with him or not or if it’s a bug.

He can be super fun and rewarding to play, though. I sometimes imagine that this is what it feels like to play Street Fighter outside of 2D.