Doomfist STILL Needs Changes BTW

Hitscan aren’t his only counters. That and doom as a hero is just garbage. Everything he does is a sacrifice of himself but he doesn’t do anything fast enough to avoid getting killed. So he either comes up with a 1-1 trade or makes ur team down a player


I think these are good changes, but as you know it’s Doomfist so they won’t change him for the greater good of the hero. The next time you see Doomfist in the patch notes will be a nerf and a highlight intro fix to compensate.


Punch needs to be a oneshot though, its all his power. You cant buff slam uppercut and remove oneshot on punch. It is going to make doom FAR worse than he is rn.

He needs an indepth rework keeping his oneshot but not too highdamage on tanks. Slam needs to have travel time again, to be able to not be helpless against literally every hero.

That’s the POINT. He needs a POWERSHIFT.

No… he won’t…

Slam has… travel time…

Are you trolling right now?

You know I one trick doomfist, I wouldn’t be trying to MAKE my ONLY HERO worse…

No no I mean back when Slam used to function a bit like shatter, current slam instantly registers the damage and smol stun while old slam had a travel time when it impacted, slam needs the travel time combined with a lingering slam effect that lasts for like 1.5s

Punch is all that doom has, you nerf punch to not be a oneshot you now have a fast hero, thats it nothing more, a fast useless 0 dmg 0 threat hero. Slam uppercut is too predictable and too rare to actually be able to get value.


His combo is so garbage, hence the buffs…

Literally no doom main other than punch bots are going around using punch as his main kill ability.

Combo is MEANT to be his main part but it’s so slow and unreliable now.

Tightened spread and faster recovery time would fix this issue, but also remove the OHK and make punch better for mobility.

Faster charge up time means faster escapes after combos, and it also means faster rollouts.

Doom would be 10x better this way.

No matter how many buffs you give slam uppercut if thats his only threat , its going to be too niche too predictable and too bad.

He needs the oneshot but with less dmg so it doesnt destroy tanks but kills the squishies. probably with 1s chargeup time or ur recommendation 0.9s

If he keeps one shot he’ll never get his combo’s buff, it’s the whole thing holding back his other abilities.

Plus it’ll still do 175 with a .9 charge up. You can still follow up on it with a shot if you have it and kill the person.

Punch needs to have 175 damage at the least so that uppercut follow up kills the targets instantly unless they get their butt filled with zarya bubbles.

Yeah i agree with you I thought the damage would be like 150

The only Doomfist change I want to see:

Doomfist has been removed from the game

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But no.

If thats the case get rid of cree, ashe, widow, brig, sigma, ball, sombra, etc etc.

All characters that are 10x more cancer than doomfist.

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Until they remove the glitch spots you can stall CDs on Doomfist instead of just banning their usage from pro play he will never be balanced. Just remove him or fix the bugs.


As if his stall spots matter?

You know rollout doomfist is like… the worst playstyle for doom right?

It’s literally only good on very rare occasions or against low elo players who have the awareness of a brick wall.

I agree.

Fix all his bugs that ruin the hero and make his abilities out right not work. Glad we’re on the same page :slight_smile:

(Btw doom techs aren’t bugs, they’re techs that add on to the hero just like mercy jump and all her stuff)

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I never understood why people hate this specifically about him. Most ranks that even find Doom as a problem never have a Doom fist who actually does this.

98% of Doom players can’t even reliably get in stall spots. Not to mention once you do it is the most telegraphed and easy to counter engages in the game.

If the punch does not OHK someone people will never use it offensively as there is to much risk for no reward.
It would only be ever used for mobility and interrupts.

I have always thought they should change his ult so he does not disappear as it makes him way more punishable for bad engages and less likely to escape when cc’d.

That is indeed the point. Even then, still does 175 damage. One follow up shot will kill someone.


His ult is already garbage why do you want to make it worse??? You’re literally trying to remove the ONE THING it’s good for, which is escaping…

I can accept other people’s views, but you just suggested to literally gut the character.

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Ok Let’s see what Doomfist really gets:

0.15 sec less recovery
0.5 sec less charge time on punch

And less rng I guess.

In comparison to lose 75 damage on his punch.

Seems like a big nerf to me and Idk if you are trolling if you think doom needs a nerf

Not a nerf at all though.

I one trick doom I don’t want my hero to be terrible.

It’s not about RNG, it will literally make it better for hitting headshots and outputting more damage during combo’s.

His combo gets better, his punch is now better for mobility, and still does 175 damage.

A follow up shot after a 200 hp target hits a will kill them anyway.

Touching slam is a no go. You can’t make it 20 meter cause that’s too strong, but any less would be pointless as far as range goes. So this is a good change for his combo in making it less clunky and more reliable.

At what point do all of these start being considered spam? xD
