Doomfist mains we gotta stick together

Weird because the Doomfists I get jump in and feed the enemy team then blame everyone else on their team for it :upside_down_face:


yeah that’s the issue with qp sometimes sadly and it really put me off when I first started playing. I don’t blame you for not enjoying going up against him but it does get to the point where it’s frustrating of just hearing “Doom op wtf nerf everything” and just hearing people flaming you for picking a hero.

I see where others come from when they complain about how annoing he can get, but I really don’t care what someone thinks if they just refuse to do anything about him killing your backline or if they just say he’s a broken hero for brain dead people and just complain about how he is op etc.

But it also gets annoying when you get flamed for just picking a hero either hearing “ah yikes guys, we have a thrower”. Or just other complaints seconds after you pick him about the hero being braindead or too hard for you to play.

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he has the same playstyle as reaper… ur telling me reaper has a metric ton of learning too.
u either drop in combo or punch and leave. or go all in. only 3 ways to use him. saying he is dodgeable is a joke. u think i can move midair while in a stunned state.
he’s only in an average state cuz u need a meta where he isn’t good. if we go forced 2-2-2 where he’s good at. he’s gonna bully everything.
you play him like a bot and can still win. the stuff u do with him, u cant get away with it when using other characters. it’s a joke.

Roadhog is an legit counter to Doomfist. His shotgun works great against him since Doomfist Tank size hit box. Hog player too.


they said they changed him from tank to dps cuz in there shorts, when he was brought up. they said he could level skyscrapers. so they wanted to convey that into 1 shot punches. they did it for the lore cuz the devs are stupid.

old hog is a legit counter. when i hook and shoot doomfist point blank, it does about half damage. its pretty stupid to be honest. especially if u have good support on the enemy team.

Some of this comes from the fact that certain people (namely main tanks and supports) can’t really switch to counter him. Since these people are often his targets, it can lead to frustrating situations.

Some of it also comes from the frustrating nature of the way in which he gets kills.

I can see where that would be annoying. I enjoy having a good Doomfist on my team, because I know how much work they can do. Conversely, a bad Doomfist is almost entirely useless.

I never flame people. I don’t like that aspect of the game. However, with private profiles being as common as they are, there’s always a moment of worry when someone picks Doomfist since you don’t know which type of Doomfist you’re getting. The same goes for Widowmakers and several other feast or famine heroes.

I’m always happy when it turn out our Doomfist is a beast, but I’m never really shocked when they end up being a feeder.

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Best comedy of the year material :joy:

Can’t wait for the sequel when Soldier switches to Doom. Misses a rp against a Genji caught in a Junkrat trap, gets melted by a web of Sym turrets, gets hooked into illios well after melting his cooldowns and wastes a nanoboost thinking he can 1v1 BOB.

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just learn to counter omegalul

Doomfist is gonna get RoadHog’ged once again, once the forum nerf herders scream in unison.

Have fun while you can

Red Team Doomfist is OPAF no-skill ez-mode and needs to be NERFED.!!!

Blue Team Doomfist is a feeder, please report for throwing. :rage:


As a Sombra main, I understand the pain and frustration of having people cry and moan about wanting your hero nerfed.

Not gonna hear a peep from me anymore. I don’t think Doomfist is that much of a problem anymore. If anyone wants him nerfed, they should rally for his bugs to be fixed first so he can work as intended fully. :stuck_out_tongue:


Literally none of these are “guaranteed”.

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It’s either a one shot or a combo, it can’t be both. People claiming it is doesn’t mean it’s correct.

His punch? Against squishies that IS a one shot.

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It’s actually Brig, Mercy, Symm, Torb, Hanzo, Widow and Junk mains but Doom is a close 8th place (tied with Sombra)


Only one shot combo doomfist has is Rocket Punch into a wall. Doomfist is the only character in the game that has to have this to be successful. Every other “1 shot combo” can be done on the characters own terms and isnt limited to positioning. Not to mention at any time a possible bug could completely eradicate it.

Every other one shot combo he has that you and others mentioned have counter play, more so than ever now.


They only aren’t guaranteed if they make a silly mistake or get saved by a teammate. The exception is Hog, because of headshot RNG.

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Sounds like every doomfist on the enemy team is OP and uncounterable but then every Doomfist on your team are somehow throwing and needs to swap.


Whether he’s UP/OP, his bugs, his pickrate/winrate, whatever, it doesn’t excuse or change the fact he’s just frustrating to play against.

Mass Rez mercy was weak and pretty UP/niche, yet was reworked for being unhealthy for the game. Same logic applies here.

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Stick togetha pals!