Doomfist mains we gotta stick together

I recently found out we are the most frowned upon, most toxic receiving, most insulted, most rage inducing mains in the whole game!

I honestly thought it was just me getting flammed but the more Doom clips i watch the more i realize it is everywhere!

The excuses when getting outplayed, the rage you recieve if your team loses (even when you are doing your job) the throwers once they see youve chose Doomfist. Just everything

We gotta start sticking together, even if we see another one on the opposite team.


maybe its not excuses. maybe the hero you are playing is not fun to play against and you (the doomfist player) dont need to put much effort in and can get essentially a free kill using one shot combos that are obnoxious? Have you ever thought of that?


Time Stamp 14:31


Yikes, maybe you need to educate yourself but this hero takes a metric ton of learning to do well as him. I understand doomfist can be unfun to play against but currently he’s in a pretty average state, he also has 40+ known bugs, many of which happen every game and deny him kills. Also everything doomfist does is dodgable, even his left click is a projectile.


Something here doesn’t quite seem right but I can’t figure out what…


People say its a one shot as its kinda impossible to get away from it as you are juggled and it happens veeeery quickly.
The uppercut nerf doens’t even matter most the time.

Most the times I’ve been killed by Doom are complete cheese.


My only issue with Doomfist are the deaths I have against that just feel like complete memes.

Roof-skating across half the map, slamming, uppercutting, and sneezing is enough to obliterate most of the cast. Does this take skill? I guess so. It still feels like a meme, though.

I admit my bias as a Zen main, though. I will never like Doomfists. Even so, I’d rather face a hundred Tracers and Genjis than a single Doomfist. They’re actually fun to fight against, even though the odds are still in their favor. I like counters, but obnoxiously hard counters strike me as unhealthy.

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well someone at blizz hq thought it would be a good addition to the game to introduce a hero that is basicly a fat genji with a oneshot ability and cc on every ability so no wonder people get toxic against doomfist players


His “one shot combos” are literally able to be dodged at every turn. I mean, you can even ignore his uppercut now.


Oh people said so you say? Must be true then!

I see a Doomfist, I leave in QP, simple as that. I’m not going to bother trying to play against a hero that in its current form is broken as F and not particularly fun to play against.

You need a coordinated team of 3-4 heroes to counter one hero. Not sure in what world that is considered balanced but it’s not in my world.


Teach me, senpai.

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20 hours and going up. I have an alt account called Baby fist and that placed 2600 (i didnt even know what i was doing half the time) AND ADD TO THAT baby fist was the account i used to learn doomfist so I was pretty trash at time now its at 2800 with 16 hours on it and I have like 4 I think on my main. I talk from what I know I hate the character for having an actual low skill ceiling not denying he has a higher one compared to some but he is an easy characters

yeah sure I believe the 40+ bugs lmao
I dont even see the wall slide that much to begin with.
and yeah sure he is projectile but there is something called having a few brain cells you know? (i am prokectile main so he is easy to hit all his stuff with)

Something tells me you know nothing about Doomfist and are one of the reasons he is now an incredibly inconsistent character lol


Ah… I remember being a Mercy main in moth meta… good times…


CC is the most hated thing in this game and Doomfist has three abilities that have CC. Add in a one shot mechanic that scores a kill when used on the air between a heroes legs instead of a precise headshot and you have more than enough excuses for people to hate Doomfist.


It’s the combination of CC being incredibly strong and mobility being incredibly strong. Doomfist’s design gives him a massive amount of both. Add on his damage-generated shields and he is incredibly frustrating to play against.


Weird, it happens all the time.

Time played doesn’t equate to understanding and knowledge.

Tell that to everyone who complains about all of his abilities that you can literally dodge with no effort.

Please elaborate.

I can assure you I know quite alot about that hero. he doesnt one shot he does have one shot combos
lel what am i saying he one shots squishies easy xD
tanks doe his one shot combos are broken on them. and if you dont know what one shot combos are. go learn the game first please before talking.

ps: all his abilities are easy to hit therefor he has obnoxisous one shot combos that you dont need to put much effort in

nice try nitpicking you failed go agane

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