Doomfist mains we gotta stick together

I mean. You can control your character much faster now, allowing you to throw off his aim. Any hero with their mobility ability can also escape ezpz


Don’t expect to get much of an answer outside of a extended “gitgud” message.

Ha, yes you can control your character faster now instead of getting locked down completely, not like it matters for squisheys who get deleted very quickly.

Are you a troll¿ actual question. You are literally acting like a troll.

wel maybe you have bad internet m8?

so let me get this straight putting time and effort into learning a hero doesnt equate to knowledge? what does? being a potato?

I dont see that everyoneyou are talking about m8?

reported for trolling dont reply if you cant reply back with a well stated comment

“One shot combos.”
One Shot

Please learn the oxymoron within your statement first before talking.

You can press ‘A’ and dodge Rocket Punch. Press S and dodge Slam. Uppercut can be hit, but you can easily be healed and be at no risk.


Combo’s that cannot be avoided once they start and happen in a stupidly short amount of time, are essentially one shots depending on how you look at it. What else would you called it? 3 Tap Combo Shot?
(avoided by squishy that is, think Zen)


you seem to not know what one shot even means, if he has to use a full combo to kill, how is that a ONE shot??? you legit sound like a 12 year old


Dude. Sliding off the wall has NOTHING to do with internet. What are you on?

All I said was time does not equate to knowledge or understanding. A bronze Tracer is bronze for a reason. A Bronze Reinhardt is bronze for a reason. Not saying you are bronze, but you get the idea. You can put hundreds of hours into someone but not actually understand them.

Maybe this is why you think he’s overpowered? You don’t bother learning anything about him.

Try playing him for a few hours (or any other hero), you’ll quickly learn their counters and weaknesses.


False reporting. Nice one, Lethal. You’re doing great.

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This post is a great example of “Forum Doomfist” Forum Doomfist is coming back for us on the forums, and he wants revenge! 😱 - #63 by Gamma-12669


:man_facepalming: I guess I am gonna teach you what one shot combos are
they are combos that essentially eliminate the enemy in less than 3 seconds

doomfist isnt the only one who has them. other heroes have them BUT HIS IS ESSENTAILLY THE EASIEST TO HIT

do you even know what hero we are talking about? Do you know that you (wait for it) ANIMATION CANCEL AND GET A COMBO OFF REAL QUICK?
Wow you literally dont even know the hero or you are just trolling me by trying to prove something thats false

You would call it a combo. Using all of your abilities to get one kill is not a one shot. It leads to the misconception that you are easily getting free kills rapidly with to risk. But in reality, you’re using your whole kit to put yourself into the heart of a fight in hopes of securing the kill. Once you’re done, you have to wait for everything to come off cooldown. In comparison, Widowmaker can one tap almost every hero very rapidly. That’s a oneshot.


Well, you still have Rocket Punch to get out when you assassinate squisheys, as you don’t need to use RP unless you miss for some reason.
There isn’t much risk in it (in most ranks)

you obviously dont know what game we are playing.

one shot combos are essentially combos that kill someone once performed correctly in less than 2 seconds

hook into shot is called a one shot combo all has been
genji’s dash triple headshot is a one shot

Well he is a damage hero, his abilities are supposed to kill people, bud. Do you think genji is OP because his combo can kill people? What about orisa? her pull can kill an entire team! Your logic is flawed. Also linking a two year old video doesnt help your case


Nah that can’t be it, going through the roster he seems like a rather fair character

Ana can sleep him (he still counters her fairly well as he should though).

Ashe can get away with her coach gun and use her burst damage at long range.

Baptiste is ehh, he doesn’t counter him but he’s not completely countered by him.

Bastion has the overall advantage in a fight against him.

Brigitte can hold him off directly with shield bash but doesn’t necessarily counter him. doesn’t have much of a problem against him from my time playing her.

Genji can easily dodge and keep up with all of his kit.

Hanzo is a pretty fair matchup against him, he probably has the upper hand.

Junkrat is a counter against him, can’t really see a junkrat dying against him if played right.

Lucio can easily escape him without a sweat but can’t really shut him down.

Mccree is probably weaker against doomfist but does have flashbang.

Mei is pretty good against doomfist and has multiple advantages over him.

Mercy can’t really defend against him but does have guardian angel.

Moira has fade, won’t be enough if she’s not with her team but she is a healer.

Orisa has fortify which can shut down his whole kit if timed right.

Pharah has a advantage over him since she can fly and can be considered a counter.

Reaper can dodge with wraith form but i’d say doomfist has the advantage unless i’m wrong.

Reinhardt is overall weak against doomfist.

Roadhog is decent against him.

Soldier 76 is on the weaker side when battling him, doomfist has the overall advantage.

Sombra is a pretty good counter to him.

Symmetra is like doomfist food but can usually beat him if near a turret nest.

Torbjorn is probably countered by him, can’t really say those since i don’t play him much.

Tracer is what i described genji as in regards to doomfist.

Widowmaker is obviously weak if he gets close and is strong against him if he’s far away.

Winston isn’t strong against him at all so doomfist most likely had the advantage.

Hammond doesn’t counter him and is probably countered due to his CC.

Zarya stands a pretty good chance against him with her generally defensive kit.

And zenyatta is basically doomfist food, discord can be useful again him though.


Puts entire body behind the enemy team to get 1 kill yeah nothing risky about that.

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sure I am. I am doing a favor because you are being hypocrite and cant form well stated arguments to support yourself.