Doomfist is still abhorently overpowered and broken

So did Brig and yet she still got a harsh nerf.

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you can make any hero sound op if you only list their benefits

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Itā€™s broken to you, because you arenā€™t good at the game.



Just flag this troll post.

Youre cute when youre petty

Love how this got flagged as ā€œupsettingā€ or ā€œInflammatoryā€.
Remember kids, donā€™t disagree with greater masses of people. Ever!

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Right, so any GM, or Masterā€™s player or OWL team who lost to a doomfist on the enemy team ā€œsucks at the game.ā€ Sensible, airtight argument.

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Annoying =/= Broken

People really need to stop confusing the two.

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Because itā€™s a troll post. The dude called a hero with a pickrate thatā€™s on the bottom half of the spectrum as OP and broken LMAO.

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So opinions are trolling now?


This community is a joke at times - who would flag this? I donā€™t agree with everything in it, but its at least logicalā€¦

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Then you play McCree and suddenly donā€™t have as many problems anymore

Thereā€™s opinions then thereā€™s you just listing ONLY a characterā€™s benefit and none of the plenty on top of plenty of downsides he has, then passing it off as him being OP.

So what? I can say the sky is red, what does that have anything to do with breaking the law or Code of Conduct?

Debating is fun, healthy when done in a civil manner and makes you better at negotiating. If you lack self-control and diplomatic skills, I see why youā€™d say itā€™s a waste of time, but still. Itā€™s ridiculous to flag something just because you disagree with it.


Ok. But i asked how this is balanced and i get attacked by doom players

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Do you want me to explain how itā€™s balanced?

Also your title calling him ā€œabhorently overpowered and brokenā€ says different.

At least youre honest and dont hide behind a false wall that is the flag


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Yes I know but you just said

And I asked you if you want me to explain why it is so I can hopefully educate you about the character.

well go on then, please educate me

Youre the first one thats going to on here so

  1. Heā€™s the size of the tank, bigger than zarya actually.
  2. Heā€™s a melee hero so heā€™s countered by stuns, baby CC, displacements, and ranged heroes.
  3. All of his abilities make him do a loud grunt and make high pitched noises basically alerting precisely what heā€™s doing at all times.
  4. Rocket punch is the most balanced one shot in this game. Thereā€™s risk to it (unlike hook and widow shots) and thereā€™s predictability and a clear charge up time (other than hook and widow shot) Yes I know widow shots charge up but she can hold it forever and shoots without warning, doom canā€™t.
  5. All his abilities move in a straight line and are extremely easy to deal with.
  6. He has 19 counters. ( I can list them if you want )
  7. A doom canā€™t dive in without full HP. So just landing shots on him before he goes in automatically forces him to wait til he gets healed. If he goes in without full HP heā€™ll get melted cause his shields wonā€™t even put him over 300 HP to SORTA deal with the damage he gets with his giant hitbox.
  8. He averages the most deaths in the game and is the only character to average 10+ deaths. So itā€™s not like his shields are even THAT good at making him tanky.
  9. Heā€™s been meta ONCE and that was during a tank meta that literally made every other DPS useless (double shield).
  10. Do you notice how the only people who can properly pull him off are practically doom one tricks.