Doomfist is still abhorently overpowered and broken

If you tested it then youre test was wrong. Because it stays

Trust me, I know ana mains


Nano Boost doesn’t end when you use Meteor Strike.

Trust me, I’ve got 260 hours on Doomfist. Nano-Meteor is a semi-decent combo.

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Still, using meteor to damage is idiotic and a death wish.


Because we should balance around a hero being slightly annoying in diamond.

Also, he has an atrocious pickrate in that rank, meaning you basically only see doom specialists. Just git gud


Immortality for 10s? Thats broken

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Do you want me to flag you?
Because youre very close bub

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lmao doomfist ia hard counterd by the map geometry not wanting to work.

Oh no please, omegalul you think i actually care ?

Typical Doom main that trolls, how do you live with yourself

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I dont (20 charcters)


You can’t say a hero is broken and just list what they can do btw. Use stats or objective facts about how they perform with other characters, not literally “this is their kit, they’re busted”


Guys he’s being sarcastic how are you not picking up on this

Or am I?

Whenever I see these kind of Doom threads you can easily read how bad the guy is who created this post.

usually it’s silverish/bronzish

Look at my profile, I DARE YOU

Your plat, so dont rankshame dude. Because i wouldnt be that egocentric at that level of SR

so diamond is considered good?

and this is one of my 7 accounts i actually have

Spread love people!!

Above average I would say

believe it or not but you can counter doomfist if you use your ears and eyes, pretty op


So basically you want him to have longer cooldowns and be useless? That makes a LOT of sense

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