Doomfist is so strong because of double shield, and double shield is so strong because of power creep

As the title says.

Stop blaming Doomfist for his prevalence right now. I definitely think he’s the most unfun and frustrating hero to play against for me personally, and I’m a Moira main, so I can’t imagine what Zen mains feel about him, however he’s only played because he’s literally the only DPS hero who can currently ignore the double shields completely to deal most of his damage.

Stop blaming Orisa for her prevalence in the double shield meta. What do shields do? They block damage. So why do we need so many of them? Because there’s way, way, way too much damage to block. If you are not behind a shield, you’re deleted before you can say “nerf Doomfist”.

The power creep in this game is so insane that we literally have to have two main tanks with the best shields in the game, not to mention their abilities that further increase their survivability – the only true anti-CC ability and personal Matrix stolen from D.Va, in order to be able to survive and therefore win. Winston or Rein or D.Va don’t have a chance because they get melted way too fast, and what can squishes do without a shield? Pray for a Mccree to not double tap you in 0,8 second? Pray for Hanzo not deleting you from across the map with an arrow not even aimed at you? Hugging corners and covers simply isn’t enough with the amount of CC we also got together with the damage buffs.

IMO the balance changes over the year of GOATS meta that were aimed to kill it are what actually caused all this. Doom and Orisa being so prevalent is just a byproduct of those, not them being OP in their kits.

Blizzard really needs to tone down the overall damage (and healing to make up for it). If they nerf Doomfist to the ground, sure I’ll have more fun because I won’t get smashed into a wall, but it won’t change anything about this meta.


let me ask you this:
if we nerf damage who cant destroy shields, what will stop shields from making team unkillable? a nerfed df?

I wouldn’t nerf each and every DPS hero, plus there are other that can bypass it too. If there was less damage and CC, for example Genji would have an easier time getting behind the shield. The best counter to Orisa is simply running past her shield (that’s why she was unplayable during GOATS). Pair that with a buff to speedboost and she’s done for without ever nerfing her.

Actually it’s so strong because you can’t go triple dps anymore.

But hey.

i suggest reverting orisa lucio and mccree
nerfing sigma’s shield to 1000 and giving him less windups on his other abilities to balance him better.
this will make the shield tanks slower and the bypass deathball faster, nerfing mccree would be mendatory ofc (the revert).
reaper needs his lifesteal reverted and maybe a new ability and mei reworked to a tank so that her wall doesnt become the niche subtripple tank comp she is used it now.
symmetra needs her tp cooldowns changed back to 6 when destroyed.
moira needs her power to be redistributed into her orbs, and her orbs tweaked to be less random

The problem isn´t any creep at all, it is the fundamental idea behind a barrier tank being shifted. Rein has always had ups and downs, but never been “OP”, he has been the best tank before yes, but not winning games to the extent that Orisa and now Sigma does. One of the core issues is, that what he fundamentally lacked was range and utility, that he traded for a huge barrier a good ult and great damage withing melee range.

Sigma and Orisa are both ranged, both have great damage at range and have huge utility as well, why would you ever pick an off tank over sigma, when he offers close to the same damage, close to the same utility (in some cases way better), an insanely strong ult (Even orisas is terrible compared to his) and a slightly less beefy Rein shield, but far more usefull and situational beneficial (That can easily outweigh the 500 hp loss).

The fundamental problem still lies in, what a tank (Now barrier tanks) can get of damage, value, utility and range of effectiveness. Both Orisa and Sigma has so much damage within a the most needed range commonly fought in the game combined with all the utility any Off tank would provide and massive teamfight ults and just double up the shields so nothing can do anything againts them.

It started with Orisa/Hog, that was already too easy and effective at getting value with halt combos and damage + defense, but then it changed with Sigmas introduction, that just adds way more than Hog in defense, at the cost of nearly nothing in terms of damage really.