Doomfist is an OP hero with 0 bugs

Wall slide punches on a 4-second cooldown btw


I too can cherry pick bad luck in my abilities that happen once every 10 matches and create a montage saying the my character is ā€œbadā€.


why canā€™t this happen to meā€¦ i always get the doomfists that either ā€˜suckā€™ on my team or are owl pros perf-chaining their combos on the enemy teamā€¦

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A lot of them are your own mistakes or simply bad luck.

Some of them are actual bugs.


Pointing out issues with a product that weā€™ve payed ~$30 or more for
Goes beyond the pettiness of characters that you main or hate, i personally dont even play doomfist

but yes if you can make a montage of various bugs with your character then you should

if nothing else blizzard the small indie company who cant even afford Q&A testers will come out 4 months later as say ā€œwhat bugsā€?


I paid 60$ to be play an fps, not be juggled by an angry Nigerian man.


Well, nobody said doomfist doesnā€™t have bugs. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s clear in everyoneā€™s heads that heā€™s the most bugged hero in the gameā€¦

BUT that doesnā€™t make the hero less aggravating to play against.

Wanna know whats funny. these bugs also help him sometimes and make him get kills he shouldnt get. but hey guess what people do they cherry pick random things that happen 1 in 100 games and complain about them saying they happen to often how funny
also a hero having bugs does not excuse the hero for being op


Doomfist with Bugs:


Just because a hero has bugs doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t OP. Just means it needs more work.

Firstly nobody claims DF has 0 bugs.
Secondly tons of heroes have bugs. DF is not unique here.

Lastly DF isnā€™t OP, heā€™s just very very poorly designed.

Thanks dick. Now i have to listen to other music for an hour to scrub the most annoying song in the world from my brain.

Holy crap, this person and the people upvoting their comment honestly have no idea.

I too donā€™t like Doomfist and have no playtime on him, but I acknowledge heā€™s buggy as f. Those bugs are not rare at all.


I guess itā€™s a design issue when trying to make a character reliant on melee combos in a game that was probably not originally coded with that in mind.

HIs vertical hitbox on his Rocket Punch still needs to be fixed.

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I get the feeling its you who gets it wrong.

Have you watched the video? A lot of clips arenā€™t even bugs but more like bad luck or bad play.

Like, how is getting sleepdarted when Doomfist flying around a bug? :thinking:

ā€˜Once every 10 matchesā€™

Yeah you could have just admitted that youā€™ve never played the character and be done with it


No sympathy for the worst designed hero in the game occasionally getting screwed over.


Ah yes, typical df main. Ignoring all the bugs that benefit hem and exaggerate the rare ones that work against them.

Btw you forgot to mention that heā€™s not cheap and requires a lot of skill. Because that sure as hell ainā€™t a lie.

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He is buggy, yes, as a Doom main myself I can confirm every one of them.

But to be fair most of these clips are 1 year+ old - you can tell it by Slam and Uppercut 7 seconds cooldown. So the video is not really relevant, most of these bugs were fixed.