Doomfist is a better Sym then Sym

What is the one thing that Sym is supposed to do? Her whole kit is area presence within a certain area. Her turrets and her weapon make her deadly within an area. Its what she is built around.

But if you look at Doomfist. A character thats is supposed to be a flanker has BETTER area presence then Sym does. His 2 one shots on cool down and extreme mobility give him better area presence then the hero who is supposed to deny area from the enemy.

His kit allows him to do things that heros specifically designed to better then they can AND have no downsides while preforming these taskā€¦Does Doomfist handicapped himself when preforming any of these rolls? Does a Tracer flank better then Doomfist? no. Does Genji confirm kills better then Doomfist? no. Does Sym deny area better then Doomfist? no. He doesnt pay a penalty for preforming any of these rolls and infact excells at them. Thats a bloated kit my friends.

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Love a flying doomfist whenever Iā€™m playing ana. Lol yeah I just hate his kit heā€™s doing a much better job at some aspects of the game like presence when heā€™s not specifically made for that as much as others are.




Half and half. But mostly yes.

Her turrets? Yes. Doomfist doesnā€™tā€¦ deny area. Thatā€™s not his job, kit, or function.


He does though.

Youā€™re complaining about a hero whoā€™s at the bottom for pick rates and calling him bloated. Not to mention youā€™re saying he does a better job than tracer and genjiā€¦ whileā€¦ tracer and genji have higher pick rates.

If youā€™re going to complain about a hero can you at least educate yourself on them?

You have 23 minutes on doomfist so I know you donā€™t know anything about the character.


Boy aint wrong 20 char


Iā€™m not wrong or they ainā€™t wrong? :sweat_smile:

you aint wrong, doom aint exactly in the best spot right now, trust me i started playing right as he stopped being meta during double shield, and I just wanna play him.

Im also stuck liking all the non OP heroes.

Gotta have fun on heroes like doom or genji. Had to force rein into double shield, and hog zarya.

Why cant i just like ashe or widow and be done with it.


Cause OP heroes are boring.


true, afk at back of map headshot simulator, afk bunker simulator for double shield, Afk brig simulator, Afk hook simulator, damn, im seeing a trend

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Itā€™s crazy how people act like doom is somehow meta lmao or has ever even been meta because of his own strength. When in reality?

it was double shield that made him meta because literally no other dps could be physically used :skull:


Doom only viable when everyone else is forced not too be. But he broken, easy 1 shot no risk while hes more balls deep in my team then a girl watching netflix


Doomā€™s been all over the viability spectrum, but heā€™s in a pretty okay spot right now. His kit is literally just melee. Of course a melee hero is going to be good at controlling immediate space. Does he do it better than Sym? In some ways yes, but she still has her place. Doom doesnā€™t have a teamwide tp & his ult is nowhere near as valuable as a map-wide shield.

Tracer is a better Zen than Zen


If your going to go digging through my profile to try and Gotcha, you should check your own, You have 15 minutes on Doomfist. If I dont know anything according to you, by your own standerds you know even less.

500 hours is my total play time of the hero.

This is my alt where i play random stuff.

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I have an alt with a 1000 hours on doomfist.


Block activated but not yet engaged ultimate with her wall.

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literally not


As a doomfist main with 400 hours playtime on this account, I have an easier time believing PĒrzonic than you. Also he isnt hardstuck gold on a gold border account, just saying.


Maybe golds shouldnā€™t discuss balance lol