Doomfist is a better Sym then Sym

No u don’t lol otherwise u wouldn’t be hard stuck if doom was so op

Then play doom. I have 2 hours on him and I’m climbing with him.

OP, respectfully, you dont know anything about Doom. He’s NOT in a good spot and is not bloated lmao.


Why are we even comparing Doomfist and Sym? They’re two completely different heroes with completely different playstyles and comparing both makes you seem really dumb and petty.

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He doesn’t have two one shots. Uppercut and slam don’t deal enough damage to 1 hit kill a full health target, even tracer, even on max bonus damage distance from slam. Punch isn’t one shot either, you have to also hit the wall, and won’t kill tanks if you hit wall regardless. Doomfist killing tank with combo usually has to dump every ability and his primary, leaving him literally defenseless (no way of dealing damage OR escaping) and half the time the tank doesn’t die either


It’s three abilities, one goes forward a lot, one goes up a medium distance, once goes forward a little bit. He’s a mobility based hero, but it’s not ‘extreme’, ‘extreme’ is like echo or pharah. His abilities aren’t just mobility either, they’re also the only ways he can reliably secure kills AND escape from battle

no it doesn’t

Literally yes for things I already mentioned
Doomfist NEEDS his abilities to secure eliminations
Doomfist NEEDS his abilities to escape from battle afterwards
Every ability you use when your trying to kill someone is one less chance you have at escaping
This is definitely just my personal bias but I think that’s some of the best mechanic design in the game. Everything he does has dual purpose.

Oh no, dude…


You have CC. Doomfist getting CC’d ruins his playloop/cycle and destroys him. I’m not saying you should be soloing him but you should be doing better

i’ve got more, don’t pretend 23 minutes is a lot

Oh no…


You know that Doomfist only appears in fights for 2 seconds and then disappears? Syms turret stay forever, Doomfist for 2 seconds

Yeah doomfist is garbage right now but I just can’t believe his flying mechanic it seriously tilts me when he literally just comes out of the sky and insta-kills me. But that’s just the higher ranks tbh (and I suck at sleep darts)

If you ignore him entirely and let him escape, sure, and if he manages his abilities well.

Sym turrets are disposable… sym turrets aren’t Symmetra herself.

It’s not really a mechanic, its just a super situational thing you can do on SOME maps, and only in SOME places. People apparently think he can just do that everywhere, which is silly, but they only think that because again, they don’t play Doomfist.

Listen i hate doomfist… but this it the weirdest comparison you could’ve made

there are so many other heroes that this thread couldve been about-