Doomfist & his 50+ bugs that's been plaguing him for years. When will his bugs get looked into?🥺

f i x d o o m bcs playing doom is not enjoyable (bugfist btw)


Doom is unplayable please help us get it fxed


Please fix Doomfist, it is very annoying and not fun when you get bugs every match, easily the most inconsistent hero in the game because of them.


Please fix doom fist he has a ton of hard counters a giant hit box and is a melee hero and the bugs make him 100x harder to play


My point is, you’re still likely misconstruing some things. Do some actual research on how client-server interactions work for online games. Not some high level five minute youtube guide, actually learn some of the behind the scenes on netcode and how the server works.

You’ll see that a lot of these you linked pertain to what I’m talking about. Sometimes you honor the client, sometimes you honor the server. Doomfist is a “pusher,” as in physically, so I’d bet money that most of his abilities are going to honor the server. However, your client still needs to start displaying something to give the feedback that something happened when you hit a button, so your client starts to do what it thinks the server will honor. Sometimes, by the time the server gets to process the information and send it back to you, your client finds out it was wrong because where your client thought people were, wasn’t actually the case on the server.

Within the server’s internal tick, not everything is going to get ticked every frame. Let’s say OW is running at 64tick on the servers. Some expensive traces might only have a 32tick to them or even lower, or maybe low priority abilities like a Moira orb might be lazily calculated where they can fluctuate between 4-32tick depending on what’s going on. Maybe it only pops new trace spheres out every fixed number of units like every 50cm, who knows. The goal is to balance CPU load of the server. Things like processing your character transform are going to get the full tick rate though.

Again, look into how interpolation works and how client-server interactions actually work in netcode. People can speculate all they want, myself included, all day about how OW handles it all and obviously, only the devs can tell us how it truly works. I’m just saying, I know a decent amount more than most of the average tip of the ice berg speculators that you’re going to find around on the internet. However, I am in no way an expert in netcode. My focuses are in other areas of development.

3.8k views, someone has seen this at this point, honestly i’m assuming its been straight up ignored, the fact that they didnt try to iron out these bugs instantly is so poor, but people hate Doom and this wouldnt directly make them money, but it would cost money and take time this is why blizz are likely to never address all this, money hungry, they have no real drive to improve the quality, this is why the only decent content the game has is skins, heros are buggy, a ton of heros are just awfully designed, maps suck, events suck, balance sucks.


Honestly… They should stop working on content and fix the bugs and in game bugs and other hero bugs as well. It’s insane on how buggy this game actually is


please Overwatch developers take a look at this


help doomfist please Overwatch Devs :frowning:

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PLEASE NO BUFFS(small buffs are ok tho…), just fix the bugs. thanks

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Maybe in OW2, criesindoomfist

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These bugs are literally making the character totally unfair compared to a hitscan with maybe 1 bug


He needs his uppercut nerf reverted too.


Like all that typing and you didnt deliver any proper arguments.

Mind actual giving examples on any of the videos in that list? Because no one needs an explanation on how server/client side works if you dont make a point which relates to any of the posted bugs.

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Bugfist, fix that please


If you practiced reading comprehension, you’d know that, yes, I did deliver proper arguments and did provide some insight on how/why some of the bugs might appear as bugs, when they really aren’t. I said that most of these issues are due to how client-server interactions work, interpolation and how the server processes various sources of information (varying tick rates for different things in a match). There isn’t a huge need to pull out dozens of super specific videos.

Stuff that I talked about applies to:

  • Multi-punch
  • Sliders and sliders 2.0
  • Rocket punch v rocket punch
  • Rocket punch stall
  • Seismic slam no-reg
  • Seismic slam.exe
  • Seismic slam.exe 2
  • Seismic slam view lock
  • Uppercut no-reg
  • Rising uppercut’s lingering hitbox
  • Meteor Strike UI Issues is a mix of client/server lagging and not double checking
    *Probably more, but it’s 7am and I don’t really care to dig deeper

Most of the other stuff is collision model and trace related. Some are code bugs that are just failures to periodically double check things take make sure you’re allowed to do something or handle select cases. Like the client might think you’re allowed to do X, it starts it on your client, then the server says no, you don’t have authority on this and cancels it, but either fails to send a push back telling the client, or the client fails to read the push, to reset some UI element.

Thats what i been saying for a year. The uppercut nerf was good when orisa were meta, but now they need to revert it like many other things they revert AKA reaper hp steal, cree kit, brig hp, bap fire rate and many more. JUST REVERT UPPERCUT STUN FROM 0.35 to 0.2 back!!! IF ITS TOO OP REVERT IT BACK!!! BLIZZARD FIX DOOM OR WE QUIT, THATS YOUR FINAL CHANCE , WE HAD ENOUGH.

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Blizzard fix these it’s ambarassing that people are doing your job


No way I started with doomfist 12.0 and saw what he can do I was also a reaper man but got sick of people just picking and killing me but there are to many bugs the one I hate the most is when so sides of a object that should of kill them

he has so many unnecessary, easy fix bugs I main doom and it’s just painful it makes me want to quit the game for ever they’re so easy to fix and blizzard have basically just ignored them for the past few years fix doom it’s been too long