Doomfist feels fine to me

you heard it here first: this single low plat-qp game accurately reflects doomfist’s viability at the highest levels of regular competitive

SS is bugged someone posted a vid where it boops the target all over the place and the not registering bug is back too.

I’ve encountered the latter a couple of times where a Doomie SS me but nothing happened.

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But you said it

Like here

So you dont have 1 but two counterplays you DONT want to use because is unfair?. So his ult should be trash and kill no one because hasnt a counterplay that it has (two in fact) but is a wast to use them instead of using them in others ults that really have counter plays… That’s SOOO logic my dear.

So you are saying you can stop a dragon or a blade but has sense to use zen or lucio’s ult there but has NO sens to use thoose ults whem is doom the one is ulting. YEAHHH TOTALLY LOGIC!!! LOL

You CAN use it in thandem and instakill 2 or 3 for sure. You kill someone with RP then uppercut somebody near, two ammos and you got 2 kills there and then get out with the E. In fact, this is the way it’s been used now.

Pre nerf and post nerf can avoid that and both can be killed in the same way. Both have ways to counterplay the combos. Nothing stop a zen of killing doom after the uppercut and nothing stop him now.

The hero doesn’t lost that ability to kill several targets. The hero lost his consistency and fun in play him. He is also now too vulnerable to anything, even more for a melee hero

Counterplays are the same.

  • Mccree could kill him easy pizi before and now
  • Hog could him him ezy pizi before and now
  • Bastion before and now
  • Sombra before and now
  • Ana’s dart before and now (hardest but he is death when she darts him, sooo)

I will come to ana’s counterplay a little down here…

From like 100 of dragons played in OWL 1 is eaten or deflected. And you ARE considering this a counterplay. 1% of probability is a valid and strong argument to say it has counterplay for YOU.

Hero’s can kill doom way up than that 1% you consider a valid counterplay:

  • Ana has way more options to sleep doom
  • Pharah has way more options to kill
  • Orisa obviously!!!
  • sombra, mccree, bastion, hog as they are his counters have WAY better numbers.
  • Tracer & genji has way more oportunities than a 1%

And I will stop here but you can follow the idea. Half of the roster can counterplay doom in this terms. So you basically are saying he didnt need a nerf because you could always counterplay him.

Doomfist has clearly way more counters than tracer and genji and nobody is nerfing them.

The only presence of zen will give with +30 of damage that can’t be counterplay.

Zen will also give you FREE invulnerability with 0 risk. Talking about powerfull abilities with no risk… (and the same apply to lucio now)

Of course there are heros very vulnerable to doomfist but he was lot of counters to balance him that can oneshot him without a problem. That’s why he was never an issue until GOATS. The issue with doomfist is the meta and not him.

The uppercut nerf is correct. His ult was trash and I really preffer a rework of it anyway. The E is now absolutely trash. You can do nothing with it.

They could nerf the oneshoot of the RP to make him more hard to use. That’s why some nerfs was correct and lot of nerfs are wrong or in the wrong place. You can’t see that because what you are telling about him is not real, like considering 1% of counterplay in hanso’s ult is not a valid counterplay.

I played yesterday ten games as zen. Doom killed me 2 times and I killed doom every single time but thoose 2. VERY easy. I forced him to switch in every game and I was the ZEN!!! I wasnt mccree or Hog!!! The only way he killed me was the RP because I was distracted and not looking for him. There is no way that was fair.

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Counter play to doomfist was never the problem. He’s easy to counter. The problem is not one of his counters can prevent him from getting a pick before they can counter him due to his then insane range, burst and tankyness. So yes, by all accounts once doom kills your main healer, you can destroy him easy, but if he’s taken out your main healer, your team has already lost the team fight, it doesn’t matter if he lives or dies. That was broken.

Now Doom has to initiate from closer giving his counters time to actually counter him before he gets a free pick if they catch him in time. While also upping his skill cap enough that great players actually have to aim to finish off their targets rather than relying on forgiving hurt box’s to set them up for a free kill.

Well to be fair, using Trans when being solo Ulted by Meteor Strike feels kinda a waste hahaha.

That’s why Blizz should have reworked the Ult instead.

I mean, no one wants to use an offensive Ult that can barely secure a kill on its own and no one likes to be targetted by a satellite cannon where you can’t fight back either.

So I hope Blizz does us all a solid and rework Doomie’s Ult in the near future.

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This is a valid argument and its realistic as much as it’s recognizing his weakness to be countered by many counters. It’s true that lot of time doom trade with zen or ana and that’s a problem. That’s a real balance problem in the whole game, not only of doomfist but all the flankers in fact.

But the thing is if you want to do that is way better pick tracer than doom anyway. I dont know how to balance that but he now can’t do his job, its even weaker to his old counters (that also have been buffed) and also weaker to thoose healers that can actually kill dom now too easy.

I played yesterday ten games as zen. I owned each Doom. They could kill me just two times and only with the RP. Was so easy to kill him as zen I force them to switch. And im not a main zen, not really bad with him at all tho, but im better with other heros.

Yeahh I know it’s kind of waste. But its really sad as doom to hear that you know. I dont like his ult at all. Playing doom I use his ult most of the time just to escape. Now I had been using it 100% of the time to escape and just that. And that’s kind of sad.

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I don’t think you know doomfist players very well. Majority are reluctant to let him go a week later of playing him in games and hard inting. BRANDITO has given up on the hero almost entirely.

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Fun fact, it’s a common misconception that free kills exist in overwatch.

Overall i respect your opinion but even i can carry as sym at times and she’s weak.


How about you actually read my response and answer it:

Okay, so then what are you complaining about?

No, he gained more counterplay and now requires more effort.

I like how every time you say this, the number goes down a little. It’s almost like you realize what I said is true but don’t want to fully admit it.

Yes, that literally is counterplay. A with good gamesense, reaction time, and prediction can eat a dragonstrike pretty easily. Deflecting it is rarer as you have to be closer, but it’s still possible. These kind of counterplays aren’t even available against Doomfist’s ult.

Yes, they can now, now that he needs to be vulnerable to them for more than half a second before instakilling them. Before he was too safe and killed too quickly.

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As you avoided all my arguments I will not answer you anymore. It hasnt any sense. I give you a list of counters dooms already had that can assure a death of him. You just want every single hero to delete doomfist easily.

Ana HAD more than 1% of counterplay of old doom
zen HAD more than 1% of counterplay of old doom
soldier HAD more than 1% of counterplay of old doom
Dva HAD more than 1% of counterplay of old doom
Zarya HAD more than 1% of counterplay of old doom
Junkrat HAD more than 1% of counterplay of old doom
even mercy HAD more than 1% of counterplay of old doom hahahaha

So as you said as he has counterplays he ddidnt need any nerf as that is balanced! LOL

hahaha you are not discussing nothing here.

I literally didn’t avoid any of your arguments. You’re the one avoiding my arguments, as you still have yet to answer my question. His “counters” meant nothing before, because he could get in, get a pick, and get out before you could “counter” him.

No he couldn’t because he COULD be countered as you said it before! As much as he CAN be counter that give you a fair trait. That all can be done against old doomfist.

I think people are just over reacting because some pro players said they nerfs were going to ruin the hero while playing on PTR. Doomfist can still be viable if played WELL. He does not get free kills and survive hundreds of damage just from looking at people. He is the high skill, close range duelist he was designed to be now.

No, he really couldn’t. Not enough to justify him being able to dive into a team and get picks without dying.

Always better than a 1% for sure!

This, I started to learn doom pre shield buff and it was rewarding and fun, the difficulty of his kit was getting creative picks and getting out alive, after the buff it just felt a lot more “free” the staying power as long as I was landing abilities, which really wasn’t the difficult part of his kit, was just too much. I stopped playing him after that hoping you’re right and he feels better to play again so I can go back.

Except that’s a made up number with nothing backing it. You don’t have a 1% chance to block dragonstrike, it depends on your ability to do so. And it has way more counterplay than eating it anyways. Meteor strike has 0 risk whatsoever.

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hahahahah yeah like eat a dragon has more probability than win a 1vs1 to doomfist. LOL

Everyone I’ve spoken with in-game that plays Doomfist has said he still feels fine to them. They’ve said it was a tiny adjustment, and one said it feels a little more challenging to land a nice ult, but that the hero overall feels the same. From what I can tell, Doomfist is still a threat and is useful.

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