Doomfist Community Patch (Discontinued)

Guard would be a great ability but I kind of want them to fpcus on the reliability of Rocket punch as well as some of the stranger interactions that Rising Uppercut has

Glad I’m not the only one who hates his dinky little “boomfist”. Nothing in his reveal trailer gave the impression he would rely on such a lame weapon as his main method of damage. Everything about him screams “MELEE CHARACTER” but he isn’t one. I’m all for replacing Hand Cannon with a melee attack or a block. If it became a block a quick melee combo would be a must. He could do a regular 30 damage jab followed by a 50 damage right cross that would knock enemies back slightly.


I’d change the hand cannon into a close range Punch that explodes the area right infront of doomfist and proccs his passive


Heavy melee emphasis is what Doomfist really needs. Reinhardt and Brigitte prove that a character can be focused around melee fighting, I can’t believe they designed Doomfist as an ability reliant character instead.


That would be an improvement.

Even if you ignore his sustain problems, Doomfist doesn’t even HAVE a good and reliable method of repeatedly brawling with anyone 5 meters in front of him.

You’ve got the silly gun, which runs out after 4 shots. Rocket punch, which even if you tap goes on a 4s cooldown. Seismic Slam, which will do no damage even as it sends you through your target. Lastly, Uppercut, which 50% of the time doesn’t hit, and even if it does, will bounce you wildly off ceilings or suspend the two of you in the air, making you both easy targets.

Oh sorry, you can spam Quick Melee with his other hand for 30 damage a pop. Some master martial artist.


It aggravates me so much when an enemy is directly in front of me but I can’t do anything to attack them except for quick meleeing them. As Reinhardt you can always swing your hammer, but as Doomfist you can’t always punch which is lame as hell.


They really need to bring the original damage back to his hand cannon, it’s currently a pea shooter that does laughable damage unless every pellet hits.

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All of this, his kit is laughably uneven and lacks the sole thing he’s intended to do, damage. Doomfist has to be close to do anything yet has zero sustainability to do this job and more importantly, lacks the survivability to do it as well.


Dont forget how much damage DF primary does against armour now… His shotgun pellets got nerfed against armour, and its quite a strong one too…


I’m not going to disregard this–I stated above that if I could I would revert pellet count/damage changes and simply reduce the spread by 12.5% to alleviate the issues it had.

But they don’t revert changes because they “always go forward”.

What a stupid design philosophy.


As a doomfist main,I really want the devs to fix bugs
-slam not hitting at doorways
-slam not hitting when booped
-slam not hitting when tracer blinks even the animation clearly hits
-rp not gaining momentum when booped or uppercuted
buffs should come after that


Okay, No. I’m done with people saying he only needs bug fixes. I’ve since found that bug fixes will be largely irrelevant to making him viable. He simply has too many glaring issues, most of which have to be alleviated by abuse of bugs in order to make him even remotely viable.

There’s not a chance of playing it down; He’s simply underpowered and lacks the mobility without glitches he needs in order to be viable as a hero who acts as a projectile. I’d much prefer Doomfist to not rely on jump punches or the terrain’s edges to get around, and furthermore that his abilities might actually give him distinctive area denial, even if he can’t hit them into a wall.

100 damage at max charge on rocket punch for the punch itself? That’s such a bloody joke for putting yourself in the open at a major risk. Soldier 76’s helix rockets which are instant in making them begin to travel, do 120 damage without having to charge it. 125 max punch damage and 125 max wall damage, no more no less.

His downtime can be fixed through giving him a direct defensive option, instead of placing some sort of damage reduction in his current abilities as most seem to think would be balanced for some reason. That would be like genji taking 25% less damage with dragonblade out.

If the Doomfist we had initially–The one that could slam upwards, travel 30 meters with rocket punch and reload shots every 0.5 of a second, gain 50 barriers per enemy hit, have the old uppercut height, but without the massive rocket punch hitbox and any of his bugs (that means jump punching too), was the current Doomfist? He’d be viable, 100%. I’d prefer that Doomfist any day to the current bug-abuse-fist we have currently.


I might not be a doomfist main, but I have a soft spot for fighting games. Since he is supposed to be this games representative of that genre in the game, the fact that he does not have a block related move always bugged me. If a fighting game did not have a way to reliably block, it would not be a good fighting game. It feels off to me, so the option being somewhere would thematically make sense. Also when I first saw doomfist I thought of my guilty gear main, das big guy bazooka hands.


What he needs is a way to block damage, and an actual melee attack he can rely on. He does not need increased mobility. He shouldn’t have to run away from his foes he should make them run away from him.


Yeah Junkrat really shows the opposite side of this badside.

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What I would love to see:

Doomfists primary attack being worked into a melee combo system.

Primary attack now causes doomfist to perform a melee attack.

Landing a melee hit, gives doomfist a “combo point”

For each combo point doomfist has, his melee damage increases.

Doomfist can have a maximum of 3 combo points, landing additional melee hits when at maximum combo points, simply maintains his combo

If doomfist misses a melee- he loses his combo points.

If doomfist doesn’t make a melee attack within a time frame, he loses his combo points.

If doomfist tales HEALTH damage, he loses his combo points.

Landing a melee attack builds a SMALL amount of shields.

Landing an ability reduces the cooldown of abilities ON cooldown, by one second.

Doomfist can press “2”, where he’ll aim his left hand forward- giving him access to his shotgun for his primary attacks, pressing 1 returns him to his gauntlet.


A melee based doomfist.

Requiring him to LAND his attacks and losing no his combo points on misses gives him a degree of risk and reward, forcing him to be intelligent and precise with his melees.

The timer ensures he can’t mop someone up, then carry that damage over freely into the next fight.

And losing the points on HEALTH damage (ie not shields), allows direct counter play to doomfists damage by focusing him- and this mechanic along with the cooldown reduction (not reset), encourages the doomfist player to continually tie and combo his abilities into his play style.

Damage and values would need to be tweaked- but I feel this model could make doomfist a powerful bruiser tank, and effective brawler- instead of the hit and run scavenger he currently is.


Not to me it isn’t ._.


Its super annoying, that Blizzard hardly ever back track.

Idk how much longer I can wait for his changes.


These changes are really well thought out, I like how guard has counterplay and must be used intelligently, being able to reach higher locations with shift e would be so nice. Lower cooldowns on both lets him more consistently execute his combos while also increasing mobility. The redesign of his ults damage is perfect and the change to his punch damage and hitboxes are pretty interesting too. I would love if blizzard could respond to this thread!


After my notification exploded from your likes, i see that :laughing:

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