Doom in Tank took away every ult combo he had

Criticizing Doom and writing it off as “not being able to counter” is what someone in JR. High might think. As it happens most of my regular roster is a Doom counter… just the mere fact counters exist to a kit doesn’t mean its a healthy design for the game.

This is the kind of nonsense people throw out when they know they are riding on a bad kit to try to deflect; attack the person instead of address the question of the design.

It might surprise you I intend to take up Doom or at least give it a strong try in OW2 once the kit changes seem settled.


The average gold doom hating response

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Then that is your mistaken thinking, not mine. Why do you think he was moved to tank exactly?

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can you just argue normally, instead of resorting to rank shaming every time someone disagrees with you. it isn’t that hard

Oof I can finally use this again

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It would combo if teammates had something to show where Doomfist meteor strike is aiming. But NOPE so it rarely combos unless everyone is nearby and you press Q followed by instant left click.

You can ping where you are landing.

That’s what Doom players are doing now.

Everything you are talking about is essentially people just not knowing how to play with him, which is normal as he is new and OW2 is new but that will change.


but why? like a lot of the time you are right but then you make yourself look unreasonable by rank shaming when you could easily win the argument without it

Because nothing on the forums matters, it’s just a place to argue.
I could be arguing the right thing and some lower ranked players will straight up deny it because they’re playing a completely different game compared to the higher ranks. There’s no point.
Easier to just point out the rank and move on.

I think the ult should do simply a big AoE slow + a little damage. That would be a “Tank Style” ultimate and also help zoning the enemy.

mei wall slam, sleep slam, boop slam, whipshot slam. tp bomb slam blizzard slam

but other tank ults are just so much better…

Some are, some are not.
Making DF create a mass “cratered” zone that slows enemies, specially if he falls faster, would be better than many other ults. Even some DPS ones.

yeah that would be cool, It would be nice if it had more sustained area denial like that

LOL you don’t know what my rank is kiddo :wink: I also have multiple accounts, so there is that as well. Again- why was Doom moved to tank?

Issue is even when you communicate you don’t really know where DF is going to drop and when to follow up on the snare. If they let teammates see where DF was aiming it would work much more like its supposed to.

Again you’re gold.

LOL if you say so - show me the proof. Also, why was Doom move to tank? You still haven’t answered that. I mean, if you cannot I understand why… and also, even if my rank was Gold, you can’t refute my points.

Check. and. Mate.