Doom Fist is actually really bad

I picked up doomfist to try out after his recent adjustments, just for fun. He is super fun to play. However I have found him to be…pretty bad.

I’ve been weighing this out after putting about 10 hours in on him in FFA and a few in comp. I recognize that this doesn’t make me a pro or anything and i have seen him do work in OWL and in high level streams. Never the less his pickrate is very low and no one likes having one on their team. He very rarely does enough to be worth it.

Here are my thoughts on why, but I don’t have any real solutions.

1. Bugs. He still has quite a few and unfortunately the worst offenders are abilities not activating properly and people sliding off impacts without taking damage.

2. long cool downs. Depending on the situation it can be really nasty to be fighting with more than one hero as you can burn all your cooldowns and ammo supply and just be a useless sitting duck with no weapons or mobility. Despite being a hero who was ostensibly a brawler he can’t actually do this, he’s more of a flanking assassin.

3. Big hitbox, iffy HP pool. This makes him extremely weak to snipers, middle range heroes, tracer, whatever

4. Stuns that don’t stun. If you uppercut or slam your enemy, assuming they are looking at you, nothing at all stops them from just shooting you into pieces. You’re both at point blank range. Hanzo is especially nasty right now with his rapid arrow. And you’re huge, they’re not. Plus Hanzo can just leap right on out, tracer can recall

5. Highly telegraphed attacks. Punch forces you to just stand there and charge up, loudly, like a vacuum cleaner. Slam gets the most value out of longer strikes but allows enemies to move easily, even a McRee dodge roll is often enough to get away. Basically all of his abilities are so obviously telegraphed that anyone with mobility can just follow a nice flow chart of how to dodge until his cooldowns are spent and then he can be shot to pieces.

6. Dumb Fire. All his attacks are like dumb fire rockets. You fire them, and there is pretty much no adjustment that can be made after the fact. You either got it right or not. Slam can be rotated in mid flight but you’re landing where you aimed the first time. Dumb fire weapons with travel time are also very susceptible to high mobility heroes just dodging.

7. Highly susceptible to stuns. He’s huge, so its easy to hit him with skillshots (sleep/whipshot/Hook) and other things like flashbang etc.

8. Horizontal punches, allows heroes with vertical mobility to just leap over you.

9. Collisions often are surprising, like it looks like i should fit and I can run through it, but that archway just ate my punch.

This is my short list of heroes and explinations that are strong matchups against Doom Fist, and weak for him.

  1. Brigitte - Stuns, boops, shield
  2. Widowmaker - dares you to get close, stops you half way across the map.
  3. Hanzo - shoots you, cause you huge bro, dodges your punches (hits E, kills you, heh nothing personel kid)
  4. Gengi - more faster and jumpy than you
  5. Lucio - dodges all your stuff by being on a wall
  6. Sombra - Hacks you, guns you down
  7. Tracer - catch me if you can, lel recall. Even if slammed, i recall
  8. Phara - Above you except when you do funny tricks
  9. McRee - Flashbangs and fans that hams
  10. Ana - Sleeps you. Wombo combos or leaves
  11. Roadhog - Hooks you, oneshots
  12. Reaper - Shoots you in the face. Intangibles and chases you down
  13. Moira - Fades, out self-heals your middleish range left click, is stick thin
  14. Mei - Freezes you, becomes a block of ice, walls your punches, etc.

so of 27 heroes more than half of them are in an advantageous position against you. Most of these heroes are both popular and extremely meta.

Why? Either he doesn’t have the right kind of mobility, doesn’t have enough abilities to keep up with the faster heroes, or has to stick his stupid big hitbox into dangerous situations to do damage. He’s basically a shotgun character with hardly any shots in his gun.

I just thought I’d try to get a conversation going on what to do to fix him. One of the dangerous things about him is his 1HKO potential, it really makes him frustrating to play against when he is doing well but pointless when he is being countered. This kind of design, IMO, is bad. 1HKO’s are bad for MOBAs as they ruin the ability use experience for everyone and tend to lead to, what essentially is, dive comp. Where everyone just mobs the one guy with as much alpha strike as possible so they can’t use anything useful in their kit.

My first thought was maybe to give doomfist 3 shots of his RMB, but make them do a consistent range and damage, and knock back. This would be less than the 1HKO threshold but be able to be used in sequence with his other abilities.


The last good Doomfist game I had was a week ago. Enlisted a random Mei to literally tank for me. Doomfist is viable when the enemy is frozen and can’t move or shoot and has someone to make walls for him.

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I have over 80hrs on Doomfist and I can tell you that he can be frustrating to play at times if you don’t have team support.

I do believe I would like some tweaks to his Slam and Uppercut to make them more inline with his style. 1-2 sec cool down reduction on those would go a long way. His Rocket Punch is fine and works pretty consistently for me.

Out of the box ideas for slam would be rework the ability to be more reliable, right now I have to do some pretty wonky things to get full damage from it, and it feels really slow to reach my target.

As for Uppercut I do wish that they had collision damage, which would make him hell a dangerous in close quarters.

Other than that, I really enjoy playing him, and you do get focused a lot when you are good, which can benefit your team…since their whole team will be out to stop you, and your team can just swoop in and and clean them up while their backs are turned.

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Pro doomfist tip: be hydration


I personally want to see how he improves (or doesn’t) with some simple adjustments to his sound design, making the telegraph on Rocket Punch much quieter and similar adjustments to the other abilities.

Beyond that, making the charge time shorter and reducing the movement penalty a bit could work wonders.

I suggest these changes because they seem dead set against a major rework or turning him into a brawling tank. We’re stuck with Doomfist as a Value Menu Genji, so at the very least we can get them to slack up a bit on all the forced weaknesses and handicaps they’ve given him.

It’s sad that you must exploit map roof slides/jumps to play him at most effective level. Blizz should rework him, he just doesnt work as glass cannon.

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if that was his intended design its a bad one. You should not design a hero to be a glass cannon that has to shove their entire giant hitbox’d body as close as possible to the nearest gun.

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His hitbox doesn’t need to be the same size as DVA…i was standing in my DVA’s
body getting hit by shots…and I am like how!!! I am insider her hitbox!!

The glass-cannon-flying-around-the-map-like-a-pit-bull-on-crack seems to have only come about near the very end of Doomfist’s development.

Footage of him before his art was even finished shows him with 300 base HP, a main gun that worked like a flak cannon instead of a terrible shotgun and decidedly fewer badly-working jump combos.


Fighting against Doomfist, he seems to present little challenge beyond being a large target with somewhat unpredictable movement.

Granted I don’t play competitive to any real extent anymore, so I don’t know how he fares at higher ranks.

Personally I imagined something a bit more in line with Thanos from Marvel Cinematic Universe - golden armoured behemoth smashing opponents with a powerfist. Had a vision of him being strong, fast and tough but with limited range and air game. To me he feels a bit like trying to play Street Fighter in an FPS and I was rubbish at the 2D ones!

oh my god dude effing PREACH :clap:

Don’t forget about Junkrat
He destroys Doom

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Doomfist is bad. And grass grows. Doomfist has been bad since the beginning. What I think should happen is that, if the Rocket Punch is canceled, it doesn’t go on cooldown, so you can work on fakeouts and bait out the problematic abilities. Also, CC immunity when charging Rocket Punch.


I honestly have seen some really good Doomfist players in Diamond. They wreck half the team in an instant if you don’t see him comming. Be careful of what you wish for guys. Buffing him could make him a brutal force you’d hate to the bone.

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There’s your problem.
One can’t be good at Doom in a day.

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Yea it’s been the doomfist thing, buff him. Because being trash tier is awful.

But before I stop posting I need a trust level 3’s attention.

Post the Pepe, jeff will literally dissimilate you, but it will Ben worth it.

He’s suppose to one-shot enemies. Guess who else does this from a much safer distance?
Felt like Doomfist was only included because fans wanted it, and the staff had to think up some sort of gameplay idea as a result — it kind of shows.

Some things to fix Doomfist:

  • Rocket Punch hitbox size increase.
  • Rocket Punch charge up time reduced.
  • Rocket Punch charge up grants damage resistance and cc immunity during the charge up only.
  • Doomfists’ overall hitbox reduced in size.
  • Rising Uppercut hitbox fixed.
  • Seismic Slam hitbox fixed.
  • All bugs fixed.
  • Uppercut and Slam cooldowns reduced by 1-2 seconds.
  • Hand Cannon reload speed increased.
  • Hand Cannon firing speed increased, and delay between shots reduced.
  • Overall shield gain increased, and added damage resistance.
  • Meteor Strike movement speed increased.
  • Meteor Strike telegraphing radius reduced for enemies.
  • Meteor Strike now reduces movement speed of anyone caught in the outer rings.
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Well, let me tell you something.

you’re not wrong

long cooldowns
he has the shortest cooldowns in the game what are you talking about.
you should always prioritize a SINGLE target but killing 2-3 more isn’t that hard as long manage your skills and have back up to cover your downtime.
don’t jump into a fight and blow your load then get mad because you limp now
*black guy orgasms noise * lol

big hitbox iffy hp pool
that’s what his passive is for you have to hit your abilities so that you can stay alive if you don’t hit any you will die but you can constantly hit them you will always have enough to run away I rather him be big he’s kit make him scary you don’t want a mercy hitbox doomfist that terrorizing

you have 2 sudo-stuns and a real stun you can link these abilities to kill anyone so if you hit the uppercut you can instantly punch after because unless they are mashing it you cant really use abilities in the first 2 secs so … that sounds like your problem

telegraphed attacks
point blank you need to get gud. you can use these abilities in such a way that no one can dodge you if you smart about it. and well if you miss… leave dont push the fact just reset and try again instead of dying. and you know you dont have to charge a full punch to run away right… just tap right click an and tap the space bar that should land you a tracer blink away.

dumb fire??
are you a hitscan main… just get gud I can hits shot easy just shoot where their running to not where they are … play more zen he’ll get you used to the leading time rotating the slam to where you need it will always land a hit . unless your fighting tracer you have no reason to complain about this less your leading sucks and you aimed at a spot that every on left

high susceptibility to stun
that’s part of his balance… he’d be so cheap if he was smaller. play him like hog stay out of sight unless you’re going to kill something.

horizontal punch
you know d@mn well there are only 2 ppl in this game that’s jumping over a doomfist everyone else has to juke you and if you aiming strat them … that’s your fault

adapt. learn. exercise

part 2 for match ups

  1. Brigitte - you can punch her through shield, or you can can cancel to make her waste bash
  2. Widowmaker - you can litrally dash away and use e to surprise her… love doing that
  3. Hanzo if you hit any abilit hes dead as long as you know how to animation cancel combo
  4. Gengi - if genji double jumps hes a free kill
  5. Lucio - shoot him 4 shot = dead (especially if their using new lucio
  6. Sombra - shoot her you or stay near your team if she better than you… or change
  7. Tracer - if you shoot her then slam and e you only have to shoot her once… she cant recall till she start to fall
  8. Phara - … you can shoot her… but thats not your job
  9. McRee - that your fault for getting so close… sneak around or trick him into using it
  10. Ana - same
  11. Roadhog - that a ult battery lol as long as you dont try to kill him hit him and leave
  12. Reaper - you can win… but its smarter to caught him off gaurd
  13. Moira - do you know how to rocket jump???
  14. Mei - yes, but you can runaway though