Doom Fist is actually really bad

There are plenty of other characters that can do a much better job prioritising a single target.

yes … your right but he’s playing doomfist not an other character … and if you dont want die as doomfist you dont want to fight the whole team

Pro tip: spend an obscene amount of time playing doomfist to improve consistency to a point where you don’t miss as often as you hit. Also… try to improve your gamesense. A lot of Doomfist play orients completely around your ability to catch people off guard or to trick your opponent into walking right into your abilities.

As for changes to doom? There isn’t much needed to be changed actually.

Patch Notes

If he was given any more buffs than this he would be too good. Doom is not a bad hero, he really isn’t.

Realistically if you are struggling to get value out of doom, its either because you aren’t good enough at him or you are being counterpicked.

He’s talking about the viability of Doomfist in the grand scheme of things.
The fact Doomfist struggles in team fights is one of the reasons why he’s naff as a character, made a little more ironic that his passive is suppose to provide more shields the more enemies is struck in one go.

You forgot to mention how bad his Ult as an offensive tool. We rather use it as an escape tool to re-position ourselves to get the most out of it.

I find these aspects some of the most fun parts of his kit. I really hope they dont change RP jumps/slides

Don’t worry friend, his kit doesn’t need reworking at all. It’s fine as is, just needs the remaining bug fixes and what I said above in my changes for him.

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I dont really understand ho you people play doomfist but he is be no means weak in a team fight

you can pick off high heath targets
one shot low targets
save you team from ults with his rocket punch cc you boop riens and force people to panic with ult
you guys need to stop thinking that you can win just by picking doomfist
he can be a god but you need to play him smart

I guess that the diffrence in playing a doomfist that everywhere and killing everything or one that gets killed all the time

thats true but its like the hanzo ult you just avoid it if you can so it better to force people between a wall when you use it

You confuse me on the part of forcing people between walls because the Ult can’t do that and the direction where the target runs is their choice. Can you explain clearly?

Doomfist is actually decent in this meta. Just wait until the other team uses Zarya bubbles and you’re free to go ham.

But yeah, a 1 second CD reduction would go a long way.

I haven’t seen anyone dodge my Doomfist attacks. You got have to be sneaky and get these really weird angles on people. For example, on Blizzardworld 1st point, I like to flank around the enemy team onto that giant crane, punch through the left roof and slam down the roof and onto the point/back platform for an easy 1 - 2 picks.

Doomfist is actually pretty damn good against Genji. Wait until he double jumps and he’s dead.

Also, I feel like the combo DOES stun the other team. Slam => Shoot => Uppercut => Shoot and that Hanzo’s already dead in less than a second. I actually think that Doomfist’s BEST matchups are against Hanzo, S76 and Genji.

Likewise, I think that he’s fairly decent against Widowmaker, Ana (if you catch her by surprise), Roadhog (cancel his heal and hook) and Moira (you have 2 CD - you need 1 to kill her).

He’s also neutral against Reaper and Mei. You guys probably won’t kill each other.

But yeah, Doomfist has a lot of hard counters Mccree, Sombra, Orisa, Junkrat, Pharah, etc. Though, I usually have a lot of luck punching Pharah out of the sky, because she never expects you to hit her lol.


when you pop ult people are going to start running unless they have an movement ability they cant just change direction on the fly so if you land in front of them while their next to a wall they can only run back and theyll take fatal damage or die

yea lol these are all the points I was making. I don’t know why people don’t know this
watch bradito or chipsa to see what a good doomfist looks like it will help your playstyle a bit

So you are saying IF the target(s) runs near a wall.

Sadly, the Ult is so slow they can walk away from the kill zone and survive, especially when full health. Its simply not efficient offensively.

Even though your plan is good in reality pulling off the kill is not as simple as it sounds. Unless you catch the target(s) really unaware.

With the recent Hanzo rework he can Lunge also move out the way of Doomfist Ult. He is slowly but surely becoming more and more useless. The sheer amount of effort needed to kill someone is insane compared to characters like Reaper/Tracer/Genji. For the most part, I would totally be ok if they nerfed his damage to make him more of a bully type character.

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It is kind of like playing street fighter in an FPS game.

Only it’s like when you play 2D fighters and just randomly mash everything on the controller. It’s not really going to work.

On the flip side, he’s got combos. It’s the one reason that even with nerfs I was able to play him better than any other attack hero.

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its something you just have to see too understand and their are so many walls it generally easy after you learn how it works but just because your and offense charater doesnt mean you HAVE to kill something you can use it for so many different things and still be useful

Dude I’ve put in 80+ hours on Doomfist. I know what you are saying but I also know what I’m talking about. Edit: No one is in the wrong here btw.

His Ult is made to be an offensive tool not a run away tool. No matter how you/me cut it, it’s a bad Ult offensively. Which you said earlier is true.

You are merely giving an example on how you can use it, which I know but it doesn’t change the fact its bad and we both know this too.

Doomfist is fun but overall not very good. Personally I would like to see his playstyle changed from a flanking 1 shot assassin to a more front line fighter. To do this, lower his damage slightly, remove 1 shot capability, and shorten the cooldowns of all abilities. This way he can more reliability build a shield, and be highly mobile while uppercutting and slamming enemies.

This new playstyle would have him be a fast paced fighter who can disrupt enemies, be somewhat tanky, and put out a decent amount of damage. Now that Brigitte is in the game, this kit would absolutely seem balanced.

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For real. If you’re going to play Doomfist you need to learn to surf. I’ve put a lot of time on him (for someone only halfway through bronze border) and playing the off-angle thicc genji style is very good. You can mitigate all of his weaknesses by being clever

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