Don't you dare buff sombra

That thing that never existed? Yeah, he doesn’t want to go there.


You compared her performance to heroes in “this world”. Implying she can do better in another world/dimension. Jokes are ruined when explained :sweat_smile:

Well, i remember it, it just lasted too shortly. But when sombra, in her current state, was actually good, and slightly meta, the game’s comunity was basically chernobyl.

No, the vocal minority were.

I was just trying to say compared to the actual meta heroes at the time many people claimed to be balanced.

Vocal majority. Basically anyone who didn’t play or main Sombra .


The game has too much CC already and a whole of negativity at the moment without Sombra being as viable as the rest of heroes are. Actually, the ‘pick to win’ heroes are just less than half of the roster at the moment.

Imagine the situation if she was actually as much viable as Brigitte is.

Sometimes we need to think outside our favorite roles and how it feels to be on the other end.

Also, armor. Eventually people will realize that armor is what kills a lot of things in this game right now. A lot of heroes didn’t become suddenly ‘weak’ because of their kit but because there is armor e v e r y w h e r e. What can Sombra do versus armor while only burst heroes can do something about it ?


Sombras bad state is not directly tied to the current meta. Sure armor makes it even worse, but Sombra was already terrible in season 9. In fact she was terrible in every season.

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What can anyone do against our favourite level 78 vs 72 raidboss ulting brigitte?
She is basically boost and healianth the invincible in one.

Than let’s rework her somehow :smiley:
And not mess around with how even when she was in her ‘‘Meh-good’’ state, (S9)
The game turned into toxic and basically Chernobyl.

No rework is not needed, she just needs buffs and bug fixes. There is no issue with the base design of her kit.


“If sombra is good, the game is in it’s most toxic and hatefull state ever.
There is no feeling more infuriating than getting your control taken away from you, and we made a hero based of that, and than we acted surprised when blizzard wants NOTHING to do with her when she is F–, to not send this game into a downwards spiral.”

umm, what do you think Briggitte does when she stuns you, she takes your control away. Game is already the most toxic and hateful state ever, lay off the drugs buddy.

I really don´t get that. I don´t get These People write that they “can´t Play the game anymore” or the “Control getting taken from you” if they get hacked or that it´s anti fun.
Do you have the Control when you are stunned?
Do you have the Control if you are into Graviton Surge?
Do you have the Control if you get sleep darted by Ana?

People are more toxic because of the hack because it´s “unfun” (someone said that some days ago)
Is it fun to get hooked and killed by a Roadhog?
Is it fun to get Headshotted by a Widow from 44234562 miles away?
Is it fun to get freezed by the Devil?

Every Single Ability of that is totally fine. They all have a reason to exist in this game. Ofc it can get annoying, i know that. But this is a Ability Shooter - you have to react, Counter and make strategies to win. And Someone with your rank should know how to Counter a Sombra.

I´m so sick and tired of all These People complain about every single Thing they don´t like.


I feel like a broken recorder at this point.

And turn the game into chernobyl

Thats only your opinion.

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And the rest of the comunity that blew up so the devs made sure to make her terrible as fast as they could.

I’m wondering where guys like this sprout up from. There was one yesterday too, talking about Sombra being the most OP hero in the game or some such nonsense.

The fact is that Lich is wrong, and there’s statistical proof that shows that he is wrong, and any argument he has is purely anecdotal and not worth the time we are giving him.

Lich, you are wrong, and I wash my hands of you.


The issue is the Base design of her kit

this is obviously a troll post.

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You see, everyone who has this, doesn’t have the ability to flank with invisibility, and the outright best GOOJFC in the game, or in any game.

If there wasn’t so much negativity around the ladder because of how frequent the CC is, I am positive that Sombra would get more chances to do what she does. I won’t cross out the posibility that Sombra is not getting attention to not spread further rage into the community, as if that hasn’t been done already with the release of the recent hero.

The true problem right now needs to be tuned down somehow and that doesn’t come from Sombra’s kit at the moment. It comes from how casually armor and stun exists right now. This wasn’t a problem before simply because Torbjorn never had this power.

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