Don't you dare buff sombra

What’s wrong with infuriating the enemy?

your right he dosent take 6 seconds more like 10 - 30 seconds when he kills you

And it’s practically the same as dying

Where did i say she was doing well??

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Blowing up the comunity into a toxic landscape like chernobyl

You know what actually takes control away? Any other form of cc in this game. I much rather get hacked, because i can still move and shoot, thank you very much.

Btw, Sombra has more counterplay than any other hero in the game, and is currently the most unreliable hero in the game. If Sombra hacks me, i always feel Sombra deserved that hack.


He does. For 8 Sec. With his BS one shot combos and insane mobility. Not even to mention his ult that guaranties kills.

I am talking about your team to get on the point, the sombra isn’ going to be killing anyone solo, she is going to delete the chances of a rein or orisa, and initiating a push you are bound to win.

so you mean to tell me you dont like her for doing her job? thats like saying i dont like healers because they heal the team


You can prevent that with good play.

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she is just designed so badly you cant balance her without making her either useless or overpowered


Click on her head !!!
And also she has a translocator!!!
she can just try again.

No one does, even now.

They (Hopefully) won’t just pull a brigitte and introduce more CC, and make it meta.

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You’ll still have wolves running around.

Great analogy, btw. I actually like it.

With that said, you really should try and play Sombra. She’s not “easy” to be annoying with. That and she has plenty of bugs that make her super “annoying” to play at times.

Its not more CC, they would just make a her viable which happens to have CC which is already in the game.

Thank you :smiley:

I do know she isn’t easy, but i think it would be better for everyone if she just got reworked.

No, don’t be ridiculous. There’s a huge amount of space between where she is now, and Hanzo.

It’s not binary maths.

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You know damage (the most basic aspect of this game) cancel’s the hack. You just have to hit her with 1 damage for the hack to get interrupted. In this case, just shooting her is the legitimate counter. That should be easy for a diamond.

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Thats a straight up lie. They have yet to give her even a chance to be viable.


Yeah, when she is actually played there is a ginormous amout of CC that cannot be output by brigitte herself.