Don't you dare buff sombra

No it is not, stop acting like it is. I am 100% serious, and provided my point of view. You disagree? Fine! But stop acting like diffrent opinions are trolls in your silent echochamber.

She’s only infuriating if she outsmarts you (which is a difficult thing to master). If she’s outsmarting you, then that’s your fault.

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Hero viability shouldn’t be based around what you like to play against. If there weren’t challenges, there’d be no point and we might as well all go back to Counter Strike or TF or whatever point and click shooter you came from.

CC has been around from beta, it’ll be around in a lot more forms in the future.

Get used to it, learn to play around it. Maybe if you did see it every day, you’d stop seeing it as a problem and just a part of the game and you’d learn to switch, learn to counter, and get better at it.

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Are you actually PRE-COMPLAINING?

These forums never cease to amaze me.

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I think sombra should be able to hack teammates to hasten their cooldowns and actually make her viable again

Oh, during the ARG and rumours of a stealth hero there was an absolute ton of pre-complaining. She’s never recovered since.

Sombra is currently very buggy and underpowered, are you asking them to not balance the game?

She does not need a rework. She needs to be fixed, to make her a viable hero again.


cries in Reinhardt

I want to agree but I can’t. What they have to do is make it actually be reliable.
But I guess I can’t really complain, pickrates and all.

When did community elect you as its voice? Or you were simply referring to yourself as a lowly nobody? Then I agree, only an insignificant nobody could come up with something like this thread.


Alright I will bite. You are the lone wolf on your opinion buddy. Sombra is a broken buggy mess who happens to still be fun for a few players. Just because you can’t handle her hack does not mean she is OP in any way shape or form. Nobody is asking for big buffs. EVERYONE is asking for her bugs to be fixed. All the way from the top ranked sombra on down. Could she use a slight buff to damage or stealth or something? Sure, imo all she needs is her bugs fixed and her speed to be on par with genji tracer. I guess to you this would just send her over the edge and become god tier though. Best of luck on your trolling.


Were you even around when she was buffed? There were like 7 stylosa videos talking about how everyone hated her.

Incoming Angry yells in spanish

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Unfortunately there are a lot who share their views, and they’ve complained about her before she was even announced or got as far as the PTR.

This forums in a nutshell


Please, stop calling me a trol. I never trolled in my life.
And of course small buffs and fixes wouldn’t hurt. But if it got to the point if she was good. It would be chenobyl again.

Look at what you just said…“if she got to the point where she was good”. Are you serious?

On the contrary, they should over-buff her, let people get used to her and realise she is a part of the game and not going to go away, then when they rein her back in, she shouldn’t feel like such a big deal.

Oh c’mon, poor sombra needs a buff, she needs something😂


It’s more CC in the meta.

If she had to be good? Yep.
If you wanted to make the comunity better? Nope.
If you wanted both? A rework.
This is just my view, please everyone, you can just stop, this is just my point of veiw, This is the point of the forums, to trade opinions. But this is just getting too big and ludicrous from me. Move on people