Don't you dare buff sombra

Well, she was still good, and before anything, when she was released, she was in a meh-good spot, depending on ranks.
You could see her carry in !!!PRO TOURNAMENTS!!!

I can fight off sombra’s with mercy. It isn’t hard to do it.

Mybe when you have 400 Hp from baguette.

She was in a good place, during that period. She wasn’t a must pick though, but here we are now, she’s at where Doomfist used to be a few months ago.

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Or when you have 200 and sombra hacks you, because sombra does such bad damage.

And imagine this: You are playing rein, she flanks, hacks you and you put your sheild down for 6 seconds, killing your entire team…

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She out skilled your team then, as she managed to get into hack distance of reinhardt with 5 other people on the team able to stop the hack.


Outskilled your team = pressed shift and went behind you…
And if the sneak went wrong, BOOP and you are gone at your home, at your healthpack.
I don’t think you understand that an ability should never have a capability to destroy an entire team.

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Fair enough… I guess.
But even still, there really isn’t much to learn. Memorize all the interactions, and that’s it, you’re done. No more to learn. No more outplaying. It’s all in there. It stops being interesting.

If one is a really slow learner I can see it. But everyone’s different anyways and I’d gamble most would prefer to OP heroes to simply not exist and not deal with their stress rather than put forth tremendous effort to constantly deal with them.

Imagine this: You are playing Rein, Brigitte casually walks up to you, shield bashes you through your barrier, you put your barrier down and cant do anything for 1 second, killing your entire team.


Yeah, you are speaking my language! :3
Brigitte sucks .
I was forced to play her ;-;

weird I have same feeling about genji.


Sorry but thats simply how some heroes play. If you are at a disadvantage when playing Reinhardt youre free to switch.

Genji doesn’t make you not able to do anything for 6 seconds.
And you can feel whatever you want, i don’t care.

I cant shoot him for 2 second when he used deflect, that makes me not play the game.


The more you know, the more you can do. So yeah, just memorize cooldowns I guess.

You don’t have to be a slow learner either by slowly learning game senses. For the hero that is bothering you, go memorize their wiki page or make flashcards or something. You’ll surprise yourself with what you can do.

hack doesn’t kill the team, it’s the co-ordinated follow up by the sombra and her team that hacked at the right time that did(outskilled). Should lucio be able to boop people then? That can kill an entire team.

No you cannot switch from rein, You need a sheild tank, you aren’ going to win without it.
And you have to understand, i just don’t want to get into the horrible place that was the sombra meta, it was a horrible time for the comunity, everyone complained.

You have another chance to try again later.
Your team has 6 seconds to get onto the point, it’s not that big of an outplay.

There are other shield tanks.

You make it sound like you have access to another world where Sombra is doing well. When will you open the gate so we can go there?