They’ve changed the game so much that it becomes much more similar to other FPS games (of which there are plenty that come and go) and not really what I play Overwatch for.
OW2 is clearly made for people who are not a fan of what made OW1 special.
So having it completely replace OW1 on launch feels like a massive betrayal to OW1 fans.
I don’t want the free game if it means I lose OW1. If it’s so bad that people won’t pay for it as a separate release… dump the project.
It makes no sense to force players onto a completely different game that wouldn’t stand a chance without doing it. They made the decision not to make OW2’s PVP F2P but a free “upgrade” because? Even as a f2p game they risk not getting the playerbase on board - that should tell you how bad this polls with OW1 players.
- Blizzard, I’ll pay you to NOT give me the upgrade.
True, I can understand the thought process. Now, if only there was a way to get the best of both worlds? A middle ground. An “Overwatch 1.5,” if you will.
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They can’t afford to split the playerbase - they just can’t.
Hell no I hope they convert OW1 to 5v5 as soon as possible. I know it probably won’t happen until OW2 launch but the sooner the better.
Same can be said about the few remaining players on OW1. Game hasn’t been fun since RQ was introduced. Most players were smart and moved on. The few players left are the dog sitting in the burning kitchen meme saying this is fine.
Don’t derail the thread. OW1 has open queue. Role queue improved the majority of competitive games.
Except it didn’t. It turned the game into double shield/soldier/cree vs double shield/soldier/cree. 90% of matches play out the same now.
Don’t de-reail the thread! That has nothing to do with anything. OW2 has role queue. That’s not what makes it different to OW1. Go play open queue.
It’s still going to be very much like OW1 in terms of mechanics and teamwork, it’s just going to be faster paced with less required team work
It should be more fun for more people in theory
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Is stability necessarily a bad thing? I mean chaos is more interesting to watch, but chaos does not necessarily tell anything about player skills, just that you happened to choose a better combination by accident.
Winning even team comps tell more about brute technical skills.
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There’s nothing to derail. This thread is pure fantasy land. OW1 is 100% being replaced when OW2 releases. The community is too small to split. DPS queue times would go from 20 minutes to an hour.
If the game is so bad that it wouldn’t get fans switching over to it or new people playing it, then it doesn’t deserve to be released.
Not buying into their concern for OW1 playerbase. Clearly they’re not interested in those fans that stuck around and enjoy OW1.
I’ve stuck around, I love OW1. After playing beta I love OW2. I can’t wait to play it live. So speak for yourself as you do not represent all the fans of this game. Are there pros and cons to both? yup. Are they fun as F? yup. Chances are they release OW classic in a few years anyway so I suggest adopt an open mind and enjoy the ride.
And you’re welcome to play OW2. Why can’t I play OW1. The game I’ve been playing for years (even with slight changes).
If OW2 is such a massive improvement, why is it necessary to do a hostile takeover of OW1?
They could make 6v6 vanilla mode with current design as a arcade mode
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ow2 shouldve drastically changed the game permanently, no OW1 aint going away this is merley a pathetic update to a garbage game that stokholmed syndromed fanboys continue to pretend is a new game
What are you even talking about. Why are you on Overwatch forums if you think it’s a garbage game?
OW1 is being replaced by OW2.
OW2 is made for people who didn’t enjoy OW1… but they’re forcing OW1 players to play it or have no game at all.
They could have made OW2’s PVP F2P instead of a free “upgrade” … but no one would play it, so they’re forcing OW1 players to. What a boneheaded move.
But…couldn’t you just play 5v5 and let those who want to play OW1? In the hypothetical scenario that they keep it.
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5v5 really isn’t that different and it’s definitely not in generic shooter territory. It honestly basically just feels like Year 1 Overwatch or any of the times non-super heavy sustain comps were meta.
Supports still heal tons, Tanks feel like real Tanks for the first time in years, 100% still a holy trinity based shooter.
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It’s no different than heroes being reworked forcibly. Do you realize how many Sym players quit the game after her rework?
Blizzard has shown time and time again that they don’t care what their players want. They don’t have any clue what they are doing. They are as dumb as DICE and 343 Industries.
People who hate this game now continue to talk about it because old habits die hard.