Don't play comp season 10 for couple of weeks

Sadly blizzard needs couple of weeks before nerfing brigitte so i suggest people wait until they nerf her which would roughly take 2-3 weeks. then you can just play with ease without her Op ultimate and free i win card shield bash.

Meanwhile there are really good game modes in game browser that people either remove brigitte from hero rooster or give her 8 secs cd on her shield bash and disable her ultimate try those.

Cheers and have fun.


Who says she’s getting nerfed? I honestly think she’s fine.


Me. I do. I have no power or anything I just am calling it now.

I think I will not avoid comp for a couple weeks and take advantage of brig being very strong.


I’ll just stand 20 feet away from her thanks.


If do you think she will be nerfed than you’re wrong


So you treat her like the payload?


What’s a payload???


Couple weeks? You’re a bit optimistic.

Try six months.

I don’t think Blizzard make absurd balance changes like they did when they made Ana and Mercy, they just wanted to shift high skill players temporarily from gravitating to the high skill dive. If Brigitte breaks the game’s balance too, it’ll be a long while before Blizzard decides a certain meta is unhealthy.


They have done hotfixes on broken heroes. Look at bastion rework

A few weeks ago everyone was crying because we had to wait until season 10 to play her in comp. Everyone was so angry at the devs.
And now this. People don’t want to play comp because of Brigitte. Crazy times indeed.


You people who want her nerfed are crazy.

She literally cannot do a single useful thing to help her team unless you get within her range.

Switch off and stop facing.


To be fair, what’s the point of holding her from comp if we’re not gonna ballence her with qp data?


Maybe the devs did and they saw that she is fine the way she is?

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I’m probably going to watch a lot of streams around my rank before I jump into competitive.
Probably tank mains too so I get a clearer understand of what I’m going to deal with. I suspect I’m going to be stuck playing a whole lotta Orisa this next season.

If they genuinely thought that they should have put her into comp. since qp data is worthless and data from scrims is very limited

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That’s my plan, bud. It’s annoying that almost every season for the past few seasons there has been some overpowered monster tearing up the competitive scene until the obvious and impending nerf that should have happened before they hit the comp scene. I guess it is what it is, and I’m used to it to a degree. We’re still stuck in a meta where possibly Moira and Mercy are deemed slightly overpowered -Moira was top pick last season across all forms of ladder play for obvious reasons -and her healing through barriers bug has still not been fixed-, and Mercy has just surpassed her in play for top spot again. And Dva is still running amok, but she’s been toned down a bit at least.

Within a month the PTR changes will go live, and hopefully they tone down Brigitte. Then the game will feel less tedious again.


ill wait mostly because i hate playing against any broken character that has offensive abilities. mercy meta was bad but mercy itself wan’t a killing machine.


She’s the first “heal” spec’d Hero that I have been interested in. Being a Vanguard / Flanker playstyle I am very much looking forward to using her in S10. Imo shes not op, she is just the fotm for complaints. Just wait until the next hero gets released.


Or we can actually see a problem when plat chat and support mains continually insist things like Mercy 2.0, Sombra hack, Junkrat no falloff damage(and now mines!), etc are just fine.

Every time one of these nerfs happens you guys erupt with “Who thought this was a problem, why aren’t you nerfing Genji and Tracer!1!!” even though the problems are fairly obvious to anyone who knows anything about this game. I’ve come to realize that you guys are just blind to it, so just sit back and enjoy the ride. Don’t complain too much when the obvious happens.


As a rein main I don’t think shield bash should go through shields since comboing shield bash and shatter lacks counter play. At least with flash bang higher elo reins can flick shield up to block it