Don't play comp season 10 for couple of weeks

They only do that to dps heroes, like McCree/Sombra/Bastion.

Supports take 4 months at the absolute minimum.

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That’s how I feel also. I can’t express how much I hated Mercy meta, but I would take a Mercy meta game back over these Brigitte games. I understand the logic of ‘stay away from her’ or ‘switch’, but she still deals decent damage at range and she has an obscenely strong close-in ability in SB. I play support; she still dumps on support heros, except perhaps a Mercy flying around with Pharah. So what am I meant to swap to in that case then? Brigitte? I can’t stand playing her, and the problem there would be that, like in Mercy meta, you would need a Brigitte to counter a Brigitte, or at least nullify their pick, which is absurd.

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on the other hand i want to play on my alt… only bastion. come on girl…come to papa.

Dps heroes for sure get nerfed faster because there impact on ballence has a lot more power to make the game worse. Mercy meta was not bad as a tank main since it meant that I would get a main healer every game and it didn’t feel boring like ironclad bastion meta or as cancerous as prenerf sombra. But tbf most people think brig is a dps anyways

Baguette has absolutely no ranged capability. Expecting not to be punished when in range of a close quarter brawler is ridiculous.

Everything in DPS with the exception of Genji can deal with her 1v1.

There is no reason to bring into the argument generalised buff/nerfs of other unrelated heros.

The fact is Baguette is perfectly fine as she is. That is why nothing has changed since she went live arc/qp, and nothing will change in competitive.

The only thing she will mess up in competitive is her team synergy. There are going to be so many instalock mains on her, who won’t switch off, and when she is countered (which she is easily), her team will lose.

She is a deathball gimmic with no core meta play. Backline deterrent at best against Tracer/Genji for Support.

I would rather have a Hog or D.Va as off-tank any day of the week.


This is a team game not 1vs1 and in battles with a team that can protect her she doesn’t need a 5 second stun. I haven’t seen one credible argument on why she needs a 5 second stun to perform her role.

This is not a fact, it’s your opinion. First and foremost she has already received one change to the hitbox of her shield.

Wat? She’s not an off-tank, she’s a support. If this is the way you guys are thinking it’s not surprising that you don’t understand why she’s not fine.

Most of our metas have been defined heavily by supports. Ana and Mercy meta are the obvious ones. Reinhardt deathball powered by Lucio. Dive needs more working parts but still heavily centers around zen. I think they are just reluctant to nerf supports because there’s always such a huge backlash.


There are too many variables at play to generalise a nerf to her based on team play. It’s a part of her kit, whether you like it or not.

It was more than likely introduced as a viable deterrant to the flankers. Tracer and Genji. However the combo was nerfed on PTR when Tracer was being killed after a stun.

The stun needs adjustment on sizing hitbox, but that’s all. You can avoid it entirely by not getting within her range. There is no outcry about Roadhogs hook, yet it has a longer range and a much more deadly effect.

Oh good, so the hitbox has been fixed. I stand by my statement then. Nothing will need to change.

She isn’t a support, she is incapable of sustaining heals unless she is directly in contact with the enemy. So, how do you render her redundant do you think?

She is a brawler off-tank with a healing effect less potent than Lucio when engaged in combat. Perhaps you need to play her a bit more against effective synergies to realise she isn’t that good.

She doesn’t need a 5 second stun to deal with flankers. Tracer is dead if she gets stunned whether Brigitte’s cooldown is 5 seconds, 1 second or 10.

She is a support. Do you need help? Here you go

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Just as well we’re not balancing her around 1v1 with Tracer then, as you said.

Symettra is also a Support, one of the decent healers in the game, right? Oh yea, Blizzard pad the support category to make out there are more than are actually in the game.

Baguette is off-tank. Her heals are insufficient and inconsistent to be considered off-heal.

We’re not. We’re balancing her on her 5 second cooldown ability that majorly effects tanks, but has the added effect of being overtuned for any character that is in her range.

Except Brigitte can heal in not one but two different ways(Inspire and repair kit) and they’re planning on giving Sym heals or moving her to defense.

She’s a support. You can live in your fantasty land but from the way she is officially described and her healing abilities she is a support. No support heals exactly like the other in this game. Ana is projectile and hitscan based, Moira is AOE spray with a resource meter, Zen is a single target orb, Lucio is a small AOE.

Brigitte has a much larger AOE but needs to land a hit with her melee or abilities(one of which has a long range and is shorter than the uptime of her passive) and she also has a single target heal on a low cooldown. Just because you would run her in an off-tank slot(which says a lot) doesn’t change the fact that she is a support. Have fun in la la land.

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An ability which you in your bias disagree with, you’ve said that. So I will simply state I’m yet to see a reasonable argument why she shouldn’t have it.

Her main form of heals is from her mace, which she must be in direct contact with the enemy, and recipient be within her aura.

Symmetra is being re-worked, so anything at this stage is hearsay. The point is this isn’t the first time a hero has been miss-classed.

Just as you can have fun in your lala land of opinion. If you put as much effort into avoiding her in-game making her redundant, as you did trying to defend your opinion that she needs to be nerfed on these forums, you wouldn’t have the opinion you do.

Do you know what hearsay means? The developers have flat out stated that they want to give Symettra heals or move her out of the support class altogether. That’s not hearsay that is their plan of action. Either make her a traditional support with heals like every other support, or move her out.

Mercy, Sombra, Junkrat, Zen, Dva, Tracer, Genji. You can play around all of these characters in game, that doesn’t change that they had things that were overtuned and changed. Sadly you will not understand that though, see ya on the flipside.

Sorry. I didn’t realise you worked directly in the development team on Symmetra and know what they’re planning for her minute by minute.

I honestly hope you have this much arrogance and bias in agreement with the needed Tracer nerf.

Alas, people only focus on what they don’t like, then claim others don’t understand.

I’ll wait for you to show me your argument as to why her stun is an issue, just as you’ll wait for others to show you an argument for it.

In reality though. She isn’t going to change because she is a gimmic on the same tier level as Zarya for certain synergies in comp.

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Geoff Goodman: We’re looking at reworking Symmetra in the short term and then Torbjorn down the line a bit more. It’s not an explicit goal to be constantly reworking older heroes to keep up with the current game, but sometimes when we look at these heroes we can see that they would fit much better into the current game with more significant gameplay changes, rather than just balance tweaks. For example, Symmetra is our only non-healing Support. She feels difficult to fit onto a team of 6, especially when you’re typically building around a 2 damage, 2 tank, and 2 healer team. I don’t have a ton of details for what we’re doing with her yet (as we’re still iterating on her heavily internally), but we started looking at her with the base idea that she should either be able to heal and stay in the Support role, or be given more damage viability and moved to the Defense role.

Again, I know you may have trouble with words seeing as how you call Brigitte an off tank when she is by all definitions a support… However the lead designer of Overwatch saying that they want Symettra to be able to heal and stay in the support role or be moved to defense isn’t hearsay. It’s not a rumor, it’s not second hand info, it was said(with proof) by the lead designer.

Good luck and keep a dictionary handy.

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Right so an article like that means you know to the minute the changes they’re intending to do to her. My mistake, it’s not like things could change.

No? Not going to make your argument for why the stun is bad and should be nerfed? I’ll wait. But go ahead, claim I won’t understand, blah blah blah.

Breaking info, hot off the presses.

So yes, they want characters to heal or not be in the support category.

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They change Tracer or Genji after 2 years.
Moira hit comp (still) unchanged.
Brigitte will hit comp with no shield bash nerf CD or take months after 2-3 seasons stats.

Right well based on that we know exactly how she is going to play on PTR. Thanks!

yo, just admit you got outplayed

except shes gonna hit comp with precisely ONE (1) already existant nerf to her shield bash. Try better next time